Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1510 Holy Emperor Yantian! (2 updates)

After being reminded by Song Feilian, Ling Feng naturally no longer foolishly used the power of his spiritual consciousness to perceive the stone tablets that contained divine will, but began to pick them up at a glance.

In fact, every stone tablet is basically made by a strong man above the peak of the Great Emperor. Although the divine will left behind is different from each other, there will not be much difference, unless it is a semi-holy divine will, or a more advanced one. The will of the great sage.

Of course, it does not mean that the higher the grade, the better the divine will. This kind of thing is naturally the most suitable for you and has the best effect.

For example, if a monk specializes in fire-based magical powers, even if he comprehends the divine will of a water-based magician, not only will it be of no benefit, but it will also affect his own progress in cultivation.

Of course, Ling Feng doesn't have this problem. The body of chaos is so domineering!

Ling Feng casually went deep into the stone forest in front of him as he pleased. Chance, the word "fate", is quite important. It would undoubtedly be too time-consuming to observe such a large stone forest one by one before making a decision. Ling Feng's usual style is to just follow the fate. .

Soon, Ling Feng stopped in front of a decent stone tablet.

"Holy Emperor Yantian, Ye Xuange..."

On the stone tablet, Ling Feng could vaguely make out these words and murmured to himself: "Holy Emperor Yantian? Could he be the former supreme master of Donglingxianchi?"

In the Holy Land, although there are many powerful emperors, the only ones who can be called "Holy Emperors" are those who have served as masters.

"This is the divine will of the previous headmaster, which is quite consistent with me. Moreover, the insights of the great path contained in it can help me break through to the realm of the Human Emperor!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was secretly calculating in his heart. Should he directly choose the divine will of Holy Emperor Yantian, or should he continue to observe the so-called divine will of the Great Sage?

This Holy Emperor Yantian is also a powerful semi-saint, and his divine will is already of a high level.

After careful consideration for a moment, Ling Feng finally decided to directly comprehend the divine will of Holy Emperor Yantian.

His purpose in entering the Temple of War was to find an opportunity for a breakthrough. Although the Great Sage's will was good, it might not give him the opportunity to be promoted to the Human Emperor.

Moreover, the divine will of Holy Emperor Yan Tian seemed to have a special attraction for him, like a quagmire from which he could not extricate himself.

"Perhaps, this is the will of God that suits me best!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng didn't hesitate anymore, slowly released the power of his consciousness, integrated into the stone tablet in front of him, and sat cross-legged.

At the same time, Song Feilian and others also gradually found suitable divine will and began to enter into enlightenment.


When Ling Feng integrated his mind into the stone tablet, in an instant, indescribable perceptions of heaven and earth emerged in Ling Feng's mind.

That was the remaining Taoist insights left by the former Holy Emperor Yantian when he was constantly exploring the pinnacle of martial arts.

Like a landslide and tsunami, like an eruption of earthly fire, or like a falling meteorite, Lingfeng seemed to merge into nature and become one with the heaven and earth.

The path of martial arts starts from the outside in, from the realm of the human emperor, the realm of creation, and the path of practice begins to be different from the early stage of martial arts.

After becoming the Human Emperor, the cultivation of warriors is to form a complete inner world, a universe of their own, imitating the changes of heaven and earth, thereby cultivating the gods of the inner world and ascending to become immortals!

The creation realm is to absorb the power of creation between heaven and earth, and begin to contain your own small world, turning it into the Dantian world.

Later on, in the Destiny Realm, when people seek their lives from the sky, the Human Emperor only has a lifespan of a few hundred years. After being promoted to the Great Emperor, his lifespan is doubled in an instant, reaching a thousand years, and the peak Emperor's lifespan is close to two thousand years.

This is the benefit of cultivating one's own way of heaven and earth, and the powerful emperor's actions are the power of rules, not the prototype of rules like the powerful human emperor.

Therefore, generally speaking, no matter how powerful the Human Emperor is, it is almost impossible to compete with the powerful Emperor. Ling Feng, on the other hand, is actually an anomaly.

When you reach the realm of the Great Emperor, every level of improvement can be said to be a qualitative change. Don't look at Song Feilian and others, who claim to be one of the top ten in the world, and are tied with the previous ones. In fact, they are only among the first-level Great Emperors. The tyranny is almost incomparable with those mid-level emperors who have reached the fifth level of destiny realm or above.

Therefore, there are many first-level emperors in the Dongling Immortal Pond, but there are very few emperors who have reached the fifth level of the Destiny Realm or above.

For example, the Holy Princess Huiyue sneaked into the Barbarian Temple and killed more than ten powerful emperors who were above the fifth level of the Destiny Realm. That's why the Barbarian clan leaders were so angry that they even sent out the Supreme Elder to capture and kill them.

It is because those who are at the fifth level of the Destiny Realm are the real backbone for any force.

Of course, this realm is still a bit too far away for Ling Feng.

At this moment, Ling Feng comprehends the evolution of heaven and earth, the vicissitudes of the sea, and the infinite way of evolution. It is a precious understanding for any monk!

Gradually, a hint of enlightenment emerged in Ling Feng's mind, and cracks began to appear in the barriers to the realm of creation.

Ling Feng knows that he can already begin to initially build his own Dantian world. Once this inner world is successfully opened, then everything will fall into place and he will eventually become a human emperor!


Ling Feng's accumulation was so profound. What he lacked was the realization of the realm. With his final enlightenment, his aura surged instantly, and the energy in his body began to rise crazily. In the sea of ​​​​Qi in Dantian, Madness swept through him, like great dragons of energy, almost breaking through Ling Feng's body.

And this is a process of breaking and building again!

The world of his Dantian is undergoing some earth-shaking changes!

Ling Feng's body trembled slightly, and the world of Dantian opened up. Roaring sounds continued to emit from his body, and the surface of his body continued to surge with golden light, and then turned into raging flames and flickering thunder.

He could feel that the space in his Dantian was constantly expanding, like a prehistoric world being born.

However, as soon as this world was born, it began to expand continuously, and the speed of expansion was extremely astonishing.

If any other Human Emperor could sense Ling Feng's Dantian world, they would probably faint on the spot.

This is not the Dantian world that has just been opened up. When the Dantian world for normal people was opened, it was only a few dozen feet in radius. For those with extraordinary talents, it was only a few tens of miles in radius.

And Ling Feng has simply opened up a huge kingdom!

This is because Ling Feng's body contains the power of the origin of chaos.

The power of chaos is the original power of the world. The Dantian world created by ordinary people is just a way to learn from the great ways of heaven and earth, but Ling Feng can really evolve a brand new world with the power of chaos.

And he is the master of that world!

In this regard, there is absolutely an essential difference between him and ordinary monks, and it is also the essential difference between the Son of Heaven and any other divine race.

Ling Feng's journey against heaven will truly begin from this moment on.

(PS: I remember that I introduced some of it when I wrote about Ling Feng's "Egg of Chaos" Wen Yao. After being baptized by the three-color thunder tribulation, the egg of chaos turned into the origin of chaos. This is the origin of chaos in Ling Feng's body. For details, see "Chapter 950 Ling Feng's Pattern Yao!" ~ "Chapter 956 Chaos Begins")

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