Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1516 Major Incident! (4 more)


The young man gritted his teeth, stared at the mean-faced boy, and said bitterly: "Don't bully me too much!"

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if I bully you too much. Don't think that just because you have a little bit of cultivation, you are something great. You don't even look at where this place is! In front of the Xianyao Pavilion, how can a cripple like you get in the way here? Hurry up. Get out of here!”

As he said that, he gave the boy with a broken arm a hard push. The boy seemed to be injured. He took several steps back after being pushed by the boy and almost fell to the ground.

Witnessing this scene, Ling Feng and others frowned. As the saying goes, "The King of Hell is easy to mess with, but the devil is difficult to deal with." This boy does not have any real power or much ability, but he can enjoy the shade with a big tree at his back. As long as he moves out of Dongling With the name of Immortal Pond, how can ordinary people dare to be so presumptuous here?

"That's not Agui, the young man from Xianyao Pavilion. He acts like a pug on weekdays. I never expected that he can be so arrogant in private!"

Lin Mu often likes to travel, so he is quite familiar with Xianyao Pavilion, so he naturally knows the boy blocking the way.

There is indeed nothing wrong with him following the rules and preventing people from entering Xianyao Pavilion easily, but it is really too much to insult others like this.

"This kind of thing is not uncommon anywhere."

Ling Feng shook his head. The first time he came, he was stopped like this.

However, looking at his back, the one-armed boy seemed vaguely familiar, and his voice seemed to have been heard somewhere before.

However, in his memory, there should be no old acquaintance who had his right arm broken.

At this moment, Lin Mu strode forward and said to the boy: "Agui, I haven't seen you for a few days, you have a good temper!"


The boy who was still looking arrogant at first was startled when he heard Lin Mu's voice and immediately put on an extremely flattering smile, "Hey, isn't this Mr. Lin! Hahaha, little one. What kind of temper do you have, Mr. Lin, you are joking!"

This guy can change his face faster than turning the pages of a book!

Lin Mu is the younger brother of Biluo Shengji, the master of the Earth Spirit Hall. His status is so lofty that ordinary inner disciples cannot compare to it. The boy who works for Dongling Immortal Pond is also equivalent to an outer disciple. Naturally, he knows that Lin Mu is His identity was extraordinary, and it was Master Lin who opened his mouth. His attitude was completely different from before.


Lin Mu glanced at Agui, looked at the one-armed boy, and said calmly: "This brother is my friend. I want to take him in. What do you think?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Agui swallowed hard, sweating slightly on his forehead. If he offended Lin Mu, he would not be able to survive in Xianyao Pavilion.

"I told you, you kid, you should also work on your moral integrity. If I find out about it in the future, I will reap the rewards!"

After scolding that Agui, Lin Mu didn't bother to argue with such a little guy. When the one-armed boy heard someone coming to rescue him, he quickly turned around and bowed to Lin Mu, "Thank you so much, my dear friend."

However, when his eyes saw Ling Feng, his expression suddenly changed, he stepped out with a lunge and exclaimed: "You...Brother Ling! You are really here!"

When Ling Feng saw the appearance of the one-armed boy, his eyelids jumped suddenly, "Feng...Brother Feng!"

It turned out that this person was Feng Yan, the young head of the Feng family of the Holy Empire that day!

That day, Ling Feng sought a blood jade Yangquan flower to heal Lin Xian'er's injuries, so he headed north and arrived at the Tiansheng Empire. After many twists and turns, he finally rescued Feng Yan on Tianluo Island.

Afterwards, he entrusted Feng Yan to deliver the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower to the Ling Shenzong of the Tianbai Empire for him, and handed it over to his master Duanmu Qingshan.

At that time, Feng Yan had turned into a fat man because he had accumulated too much medicinal power in his body. In just a few months, Feng Yan's body shape returned to normal, but why did his right arm suddenly break?

"Brother Ling, I finally found you!"

Seeing each other again, Feng Yan was extremely excited. In addition, there seemed to be hidden wounds in his body, so he rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Brother Feng!"

Ling Feng hurriedly stepped forward to help Feng Yan. He thought that Feng Yan must have encountered a major accident and was seriously injured, even losing an arm. Then he traveled thousands of miles to the foot of the Donglingxian Pond to look for himself.

"I'll go, Brother Ling, do you know this person?"

Lin Mu watched Feng Yan faint and quickly stepped forward to help him.

"Well, he is a friend of mine in the Tiansheng Empire. He was supposed to go to the Tianbai Empire for training..."

Ling Feng frowned slightly. Sure enough, his whim the past few days was not accidental. Perhaps, something huge had happened in the Tianbai Empire.

Li Fei, Feng Ling and the other girls looked at each other in shock. Unexpectedly, they had already reached the foot of the Dongling Fairy Pond and met with another accident.

"Don't think so much about it yet."

Lin Mu quickly ordered Agui to open a guest room. After he and Ling Feng sent Feng Yan to the guest room, Ling Feng took Feng Yan's pulse again. What exactly happened, he still had to wait for Feng Yan to wake up. To know.

Feng Yan's pulse was very weak, and there seemed to be a vague demonic energy that was destroying Feng Yan's body.

"Is it demonic..."

Ling Feng frowned and quickly took out the golden needle. Using the ethereal acupuncture technique, he quickly completely dispelled the demonic energy in Feng Yan's body.

Then, Ling Feng fed Feng Yan two more pills to restore his energy and blood. About half a quarter of an hour later, Feng Yan finally woke up leisurely, but his breath was still very weak.

It was not easy for Feng Yan to insist on getting here.

"Brother Feng, what happened? Didn't you go deliver the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower for me? Could it be that something happened to the Ling Shen Sect?"

Ling Feng helped Feng Yan sit up, with a look of anxiety on his face.

"No, not Ling Shenzong."

Feng Yan shook his head and said solemnly: "On that day, I was entrusted by Brother Ling to take Fatty Huang and Yingying to the Tianbai Empire, and I successfully arrived at the Ling Shen Sect you mentioned."

"Then, what happened?" Ling Feng asked anxiously.

"Then, I gave the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower to Mr. Duanmu. The girl named Lin Xian'er gradually recovered after swallowing the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower. Then, I simply decided to have some experience in the Tianbai Empire. So I said goodbye to Mr. Duanmu and headed south, only to find that a major change had occurred in the Tianbai Empire! "

"What happened?"

"It's a coup!"

Feng Yan took a deep breath and said slowly: "About two months ago, the king of the Tianbai Empire died suddenly. Then, an interest group headed by the Queen Mother elected the fourth prince Mo Yan as the new Tianbai King. On the other side, the group headed by the Cangqiong Sect of the Protector of the Country elected King Jing Mo Feng as his successor."

"The king died violently, and there was a struggle for imperial power!"

Ling Feng frowned. On that day, King Bai was free of illness and disease. Logically speaking, it would not be a problem for him to live for another hundred or two hundred years due to his cultivation level. Naturally, it was impossible for him to make a will. Therefore, he fought for power. Naturally inevitable. Although Mo Feng has never been interested in royal power, when things got to this point, he couldn't help but stop fighting.

But no matter what, this is also a matter for the royal family of the Tianbai Empire, so how could an outsider like Feng be involved?

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