Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1517 Tianbai Crisis! (1 update)

"Brother Feng, even if the imperial power changes, as an outsider, how could you be involved in this matter? How could you be so seriously injured?"

Ling Feng stared at Feng Yan and said in confusion.

"Hey, it's just a simple change of imperial power, but do you know that behind the sudden death of the previous generation of King Tianbai, there was a huge conspiracy, and the person who caused this situation is very familiar to you and me. of a person.”

Feng Yan clenched his left fist and said bitterly: "This is the same person, destroy my right arm!"

"Who?" Ling Feng took a deep breath and had a bad feeling.

"It's Yan Jinghong! That devil!"

Feng Yan sighed softly, seeming to be grieving for his lost arm.

"Yan Jinghong? How could it be him?"

There was an incredible look in Ling Feng's eyes. Yan Jinghong did have some talent, but on Tianluo Island, Feng Yan devoured a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. As long as he was refining them normally, I believe he would be able to break through in no time. To the realm of human emperor.

And now, although Feng Yan is weak, he is already a junior human emperor. He has reached a state of cultivation and cannot lie to others.

With Yan Jinghong's strength, how could he defeat Feng Yan, who had already reached the level of the Human Emperor?

Not to mention, from the very beginning, Feng Yan's strength was firmly ahead of Yan Jinghong's.

"It's that Yan Jinghong!"

Feng Yan took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Compared to the time when we met on the battlefield of gods and demons, Yan Jinghong seems to have completely changed, becoming colder, more brutal, and extremely powerful! "

"Do you know that in less than a month, he easily completely cleansed the entire imperial capital. First, the Cangqiong Sect of the Protector of the Country, and the Cangqiong Sect's leader, Yue Zhonglian, were defeated by him with one palm, and now I'm afraid they are still hanging in the sky. On the tower in the palace, he was exposed to the sun and whipped, but he was not killed to frighten the courtiers!"

"Then, he appointed the fourth prince as the king. In fact, the so-called king was just his puppet. The power of the Tianbai Empire has fallen into the hands of the Yan family!"

"How could it become like this!"

Ling Feng frowned. No matter what, the original King Tianbai was the biological son of the Queen Mother. No matter how obsessed with power the Queen Mother was, she couldn't possibly condone Yan Jinghong and do such a thing, right?

Simple and crude, Yan Jinghong's approach was no different from that of the Demon King.

What worried him even more was that Yue Zhonglian was hung in the palace for public display. What about the other members of the Cang Qiong Sect? Where is Yue Yunlan? And where is that old man Wenting Guangwen?

Thinking of this, Ling Feng's brows furrowed even more deeply.

"Then, what happened next?" Ling Feng asked anxiously, with an anxious look on his face.

Lin Mu, Li Fei and others looked at each other. Although they were just outsiders, they could tell that the situation in the Tianbai Empire seemed to be very bad.

"Now, in the entire Tianbai Imperial City, no one dares to criticize him. Yan Jinghong has completely controlled most of the empire, and the only one who is still resisting is probably the Tianmang Fortress in the south."

Feng Yan sighed softly and said slowly: "At that time, I was training in southern Xinjiang. By chance, I met a few of your friends, Brother Li Bufan, Brother Li, and Brother Jiang Xiaofan. Oh, and Prince Jing. , Mo Feng.”

"It's them! How are they doing now?"

Ling Feng's heart tightened, these people were all companions he valued very much.

"After King Jing learned that the old monarch died violently, and then the government was controlled by the Yan family, he used Tianmang Fortress as the foundation and raised his troops to resist. And I too underestimated Yan Jinghong, thinking that he had been His subordinates were defeated, so he sneaked into the Tianbai Imperial Capital with several masters from the fortress, hoping to contact some of the Imperial Capital's Human Emperors to fight against Yan Jinghong together..."

Feng Yan sighed softly and said with hatred: "It is precisely because of this that I met Yan Jinghong in the imperial capital. He crippled me, but did not kill me. Instead, he asked me to come to you. He said, he I want to challenge you. If you don’t want to watch your companions and teachers die one by one, return to the Tianbai Empire immediately and fight him!"

"Yan Jinghong!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. If he had known this, he should have killed him completely that day!

However, how could Yan Jinghong suddenly become so powerful? There are many strong men at the peak human emperor level in the Tianbai Empire. Could it be that Yan Jinghong still can't be stopped?

"By the way, Brother Feng, my teacher Yan Cangtian, how is he? Is there any news about him?"

For Ling Feng, Mr. Yan undoubtedly has a very special status, which is a kind of feeling like a teacher and a father.

"I don't know, but since I have a relationship with you, nothing will happen for the time being, but as time goes by, it may not happen."

Feng Yan sighed softly: "That Yan Jinghong is too strong. At that time, I thought I had broken through the Human Emperor and was so high-spirited, but under his hands, I couldn't even catch a single move. If he wasn't prepared to kill me, I'm afraid I'm dead! He seems to know that you have gone to Donglingxian Pond, so he asked me to come back and fight with him."

"I'm sorry Brother Feng, it's my fault that I'm dragging you down!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Feng Yan and said solemnly: "Don't worry, no matter how much it costs, I, Ling Feng, swear that I will help you recover your right arm!"

"An arm, what's the big deal? If it weren't for Brother Ling, our Feng family would have been wiped out." Feng Yan looked at his arm and his expression darkened slightly. It is true that the broken arm can be reattached, but his amputated arm has been completely reduced to ashes, so how can it be reattached?

"It's just Brother Ling, what are you going to do next?"

"What to do? Of course it's a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and said in a cold voice: "No matter who it is, if you hurt the companions around me, Ling Feng, you must pay the price!"

"Junior Brother Ling, although it is not the right time, I still want to remind you." Li Fei gritted her silver teeth and said in a deep voice: "Don't forget, the Sunset Chosen One is coming soon. If you return to the Tianbai Empire, it is very likely that you will This opportunity will be missed.”

"If I can even abandon my companions, even if I become the strongest person, what can I protect?"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "Besides, I may not miss it! Huh, Yan Jinghong, last time, I let you go out of kindness, but this time, you won't have another chance!"

"Brother Ling, Yan Jinghong has indeed become very scary, don't be careless!"

Feng Yan reminded in a deep voice.

"He is getting stronger, so why am I not?"

Ling Feng stood up and said slowly: "Since he has been defeated by me once, he will never step on my head again! This time, I will let him remember this with his life. !”

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng glanced at Feng Yan and said slowly: "Brother Feng, you can rest here and recuperate!"


Feng Yan sighed softly. Although he wanted to return with Ling Feng, in his current state, going back would only hinder Ling Feng.

"Brother Ling, if you encounter Fatty Huang and the others at Tianmang Fortress, remember to tell them that I'm fine!"

"If we meet, I will." Ling Feng nodded, worried about the situation of his companions in the Tianbai Empire, and would set off immediately without further delay.

"Brother Ling, how could you not bring me with you for such an interesting thing?"

Lin Mu took a quick step and got in front of Ling Feng.

"Next time!"

Ling Feng was not in the mood to joke with Lin Mu, so he turned into a bolt of thunder and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

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