Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1518 Return to Tianbai! (2,3 are more integrated into one)

(PS: Because I feel it’s not easy to divide it into chapters, this chapter is a super big chapter with nearly 4,000 words. One chapter covers the previous two chapters, so it is equivalent to updating three chapters, and there are no fewer updates.)

"Hey, Brother Ling, I can only rely on you for everything!"

Feng Yan sighed softly. He was originally high-spirited when he broke through to the Human Emperor, but he suffered such a blow and even lost one of his arms. It was quite miserable to say the least.

"Brother Feng, right?"

Seeing that Ling Feng was unwilling to take him with him, Lin Mu couldn't force him. Moreover, with Ling Feng's strength, he would defeat all the Heavenly Killers. It would only take a matter of minutes to deal with a rebel from the Tianbai Empire, right?

Lin Mu strode to Feng Yan's bedside and introduced himself: "My name is Lin Mu. I am Brother Ling's companion in Donglingxian Pond. I am quite interested in Brother Ling's past. If Brother Feng is willing, I might as well Tell me, who is Yan Jinghong?"

Upon hearing Lin Mu's question, Li Fei and the other girls couldn't help but stretch their ears.

They were obviously very curious about what the "monster" Ling Feng was like in the past.

"I haven't had time to thank Brother Lin for speaking out on behalf of me."

Feng Yan glanced at Lin Mu and nodded slightly, "Okay, actually I don't know much about Brother Ling, but he is the great benefactor of my Feng family and the only person I admire in my life. We got to know each other, so let’s start from the battlefield of gods and demons..."

the other side.

Ling Feng was worried that his companions and elders in the Tianbai Empire would have the energy to waste time. As soon as they left Tie Bing City, they headed south all the way under the starry night.

Three days later, Ling Feng arrived at a county in the southern part of the Tiansheng Empire. He took out the token given to him by Emperor Tianbai and teleported it directly to the Misty Ghost Forest.

In this way, at least seven or eight days of travel can be saved. (PS: The token has a distance limit and cannot cross the barrier.)

Although his strength has greatly increased and he has reached the realm of the Human Emperor, Ling Feng did not rush to find Tianbai Emperor Dharma to receive other Hunyuan Locks. He just used the Misty Ghost Forest as a transit point to arrive faster. It’s just the Tianbai Empire.

After all, every time after planting the Hunyuan Lock, there will be a period of adaptation. How can Ling Feng take care of this? He can only wait until he resolves the affairs of the Tianbai Empire and returns to the Dongling Fairy Pond before coming back to accept it. Several other Forging Qi Hunyuan Locks.

After returning to the Misty Ghost Forest, Ling Feng immediately set off again to Cambrian County.

Cambrian County is the capital of the seven northern counties. If you want to go to the Xianzong Mountains, you must pass through this city.

After entering the city, Ling Feng made some inquiries at the wine shop and tea house, and he got the news. The current Tianbai Empire has basically changed its surname to Yan. Fortunately, the Cambrian County is far away from the imperial capital, so the impact is not too great.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Ling Feng went around to the Ouyang Family Treasure Pavilion, hoping to find Ouyang Jing and ask how the students at Tianwei Academy were doing.

After the four major universities in the imperial capital, Tianwei Academy can be said to be Lingfeng's alma mater, and Tianwei Academy has a close relationship with the Cangqiong Sect. If the Cangqiong Sect is greatly impacted, the situation for Tianwei Academy may not be optimistic either.

After a while, Ling Feng came to a rather luxurious shop, where the Zhenbao Pavilion was located.

As soon as he entered the door, a maid immediately came forward and said with a smile: "Master, do you want to buy or sell treasures?"

Now that the empire is in civil strife, it is naturally becoming more and more difficult to do business. There are very few customers in places like Zhenbao Pavilion.

If ordinary people have spare money, they would buy elixirs or weapons, but who would buy antiques and jades?

"I'm here to find someone."

Ling Feng casually took out a treasure token, which was given by Ouyang Rui, the second elder of the Ouyang family that day. Those who hold this token can enjoy VIP treatment in treasure pavilions across the country.

However, Ling Feng has the Supreme Black Diamond Card of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, so he generally does not need this treasure order.

"you are?"

The maid glanced at Ling Feng in surprise. The person who could get the treasure order was definitely not an ordinary person.

"My name is Ling Feng. Is Ouyang Jing back home?"

Ling Feng asked in a deep voice.

"You're talking about the Second Young Master." The maid nodded repeatedly, "The Second Young Master is back, and he brought several classmates from the academy with him. It is said that the situation in the Imperial Capital is too chaotic, and even Tianwei Academy has been greatly affected. "

"As expected."

Ling Feng frowned. Tianwei Academy was affected, so what happened to Mr. Yan?

Clenching her fists, a suffocating momentum suddenly swept over her, startling the maid.

"Feel sorry!"

Ling Feng restrained his breath, calmed down a little, and then said: "Take me to see Ouyang Jing quickly."


Feeling Ling Feng's terrifying aura, which even the head of the family and the elders could never compare to, the maid dared not be negligent and quickly led Ling Feng into the back hall.

Not long after, under the leadership of the maid, they arrived outside a courtyard.

"Here are the second young master and his classmates..."

Just as the maid was about to introduce her, Ling Feng had already entered the inner courtyard in a flash.

At this time, Ouyang Jing was in the courtyard, sighing with several other students from Tianwei Academy. They had been staying well at Tianwei Academy, but who knew that the old emperor suddenly died suddenly, and then the whole country was in chaos.

As the imperial capital, it is the first to bear the brunt.

The first batch of ministers who came forward to resist the rule of the Yan family, such as Yue Zhonglian, the leader of the Cangqiong Sect, have been hung on the city tower, exposed to the sun and whipped every day, and their end can only be described as miserable.

The civil servants and generals who resisted Yan Jinghong with Yue Zhonglian were killed and imprisoned. It is said that for several days, the blood of those ministers almost stained the palace walls red!

Mu Yunsang, the dean of Tianwei Academy, was naturally unable to be alone. He followed in the footsteps of Yue Zhonglian and was also imprisoned on death row.

You must know that Mu Yunsang was the former emperor's master. With his status, he was imprisoned. Since then, almost no one in the court dared to resist the rule of the Yan family.

The fourth prince, Mo Yan, is just a puppet emperor with no real power.

"Second brother!"

At this moment, a familiar voice came. Ouyang Jing's eyelids twitched, and when he looked back, he couldn't help but jump up!


Ouyang Jing could hardly believe his eyes.

There has been no news since Ling Feng left for Tianmang Fortress. It has been more than half a year since we last said goodbye!

"Boss Ling!"


Hearing Ouyang Jing's shout, several students from the Tianwei Academy nearby also quickly looked back, showing extremely excited expressions.

Ling Feng is finally back!

"It's you!"

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's face. In this courtyard, besides Ouyang Jing, there were several familiar faces, such as He Yiming, Wang Yishan, Yang Jun, Zhou Kai, his sister Zhou Yun, and even Ye Nanfeng, Lin Mochen and several other members of the Tianfeng Sword Team were also among them.

After the battle with the Royal Sword Team, Gu Tengfeng and Miyagi graduated from Tianwei Academy and chose to join the Northwest Army. The remaining team members, who had not yet graduated, naturally stayed at Tianwei Academy. middle.

During this turmoil in the Imperial Capital, the students who had taken root in the Imperial Capital were left homeless. They happened to know that the seven northern counties were relatively stable, so they followed Ouyang Jing to Cambrian County.

"Brother Feng, I didn't expect that I would still be alive to see you in my lifetime. I was not dreaming!"

Wang Yishan's guy rushed forward with snot and tears. Ling Feng rolled his eyes, raised his hand to hold his shoulders, shook his head and said, "Calm down."

"I can't calm down!"

Wang Yishan raised his voice and said: "Brother Feng, you don't know what happened in the imperial capital! Good guy, if we hadn't escaped early, we would have been trapped in the city. By then, you might not be able to see us. A few of us are here.”

"I also know a bit about the general situation."

Ling Feng sighed softly, looked at Ouyang Jing and the others, and said slowly: "Second brother, apart from you, is anyone else able to escape?"

"I don't know this either."

Ouyang Jing shook his head, "After the dean was captured and imprisoned that day, Tianwei Academy basically existed in name only. Originally, I wanted to ask Teacher Leng and Teacher Su to leave together, but they both said they wanted to go with the academy. We will live or die together, and we won’t leave no matter what!”

"Teach them coldly..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists. If it was the Yan Jinghong before, he might not bother to threaten him with hostages, but the Yan Jinghong now is probably not the Yan Jinghong he knew.

Anyone who has anything to do with him, even Leng Jianfeng and Su Qingxuan, may not be able to escape his clutches.

"What about Hong Xiu? Where are the people in my general's mansion?"

Ling Feng was anxious. If the empire was in chaos, his own Weiyuan General's Mansion might not be able to sit back and relax.

"General's Mansion..."

Ouyang Jing sighed, "Now the General's Mansion has become a prison. I think Hongxiu and the others should be locked in it. Brother, please don't act impulsively. Yan Jinghong has made it clear that he wants to lead You took the bait!"

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. The entire imperial capital had actually been completely purged. Those who were related to him probably would not end well.

However, since Yan Jinghong wants to use these hostages to force himself to show up, in the short term, these people's lives should not be in danger.

I just don’t know, how is Mr. Yan’s situation?

There is also Yue Yunlan. Her father was captured. I am afraid that the rest of the Yue family is in dire straits.

"It's all my fault. I was merciful for a moment and gave Yan Jinghong a chance to make a comeback!" (PS: I need to emphasize here the reason why Yan Jinghong completely turned dark. Some people may have forgotten it. You can review "Chapter 1114 Weirdness" "Young Man" ~ "Chapter 1116 I Became a Devil!" This is related to Yan Jinghong's future ending.)

Ling Feng's brows were furrowed and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Brother Feng, don't underestimate that Yan Jinghong!"

Lin Mochen saw the hatred on Ling Feng's face and quickly reminded him, "You don't know. Back then, masters like Cangqiong Sect Master and several human emperors in the palace worked together, but they couldn't take down Yan Jing." Instead, Yan Jinghong was seriously injured by him compared to when he was fighting against the Royal Sword Team!"

"Well, I'll be careful."

Ling Feng nodded, took a deep look at his former companions and friends, and said slowly: "Second brother, this Cambrian County is still safe now. You can stay here for the time being. I have to go to other places." I want to find out some information, so I won’t leave you any more.”

"Well! Then brother, you have to be more careful and be sure to rescue others!"

Ouyang Jing said with a solemn expression.


Ling Feng nodded heavily. He did not expect that after half a year, the Tianbai Empire had undergone such earth-shaking changes. If he guessed correctly, the sudden death of the previous king was probably inseparable from Yan Jinghong.

Yan Jinghong went from a simple domineering martial arts fanatic to a scheming and power-playing tycoon. What exactly did he go through during this process?

Ling Feng shook his head, said goodbye to Ouyang Jing and others, and headed south.

Originally, he was a little worried about the situation on the Lingshen Sect's side, but since even the Cambrian County has not been greatly affected, the Lingshen Sect within the Xianzong Mountains should be safe for the time being.

Don't disturb Duanmu Qingshan and Lin Xian'er for the time being, let them take a good rest.

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