Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1519 Tianfeng Camp, General Ling! (4 more updates)

About three days later, Ling Feng bypassed the Imperial Capital and headed directly to Tianmang Fortress in Southern Xinjiang.

Now that the situation was unclear, Ling Feng did not act rashly, but went to southern Xinjiang first to meet up with King Jing Mo Feng and others.

After all, most of the soldiers in the Tianbai Imperial Capital had been bewitched by Yan Jinghong, so they couldn't massacre the entire imperial city.

No matter what, this is a battle for imperial power. If you want to regain the support of the ministers in the imperial capital, you can only rely on force. It is not much different from Yan Jinghong, but if you help Prince Jing Mo Feng regain control of the Mo family, Imperial power is the only way to become famous.

In the past three days, from the imperial capital to the south, the city lords of major counties and cities have surrendered to Yan Jinghong one after another, expressing their willingness to be loyal to the new regime and avoid the destruction of their lives.

It wasn't until Iron Wolf City on the southern border that the situation began to change. The current owner of Iron Wolf City is Long Xiao, the former black-armored cavalry general. He has a pretty good relationship with Ling Feng, and he once helped Mo Feng. Mang Fortress was recognized by Yuan Tiangang, the Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Army.

If not, Yuan Tiangang might not be willing to hand over military power to Prince Jing due to the turmoil in the court and the struggle for imperial power, and Mo Feng would have no capital to raise an army.

However, although Tianmang Fortress has strong troops and horses, it may be a little reluctant in the face of the situation where the entire empire is almost one-sided towards the Yan Jinghong regime.

What's more, they were all originally subjects of the Tianbai Empire, and Mo Feng didn't want to start a war. If this happened, the Tianbai Empire would be severely damaged.

However, the previous king died in an unknown manner, and the Mo family's imperial power fell away. As a descendant of the Mo family, Mo Feng had to fight again.

Around sunset, Ling Feng came to a tower garrisoned by Tianmang Fortress. Now that the situation in the empire was turbulent, Tianmang Fortress was naturally heavily guarded.


From a distance, I saw Ling Feng approaching. On top of the city tower, rows of archers were lining up their bows and strings. Their arrows were pointed at Ling Feng. As long as Ling Feng made the slightest move, thousands of arrows would be fired.

These arrows are all so-called broken army crossbows. Even if the emperor's strong men come, they may not be able to get good results when faced with the rain of arrows formed by the broken army crossbows.


Ling Feng rose directly into the sky and said loudly: "I am Ling Feng, and I came here specifically to find Prince Jing Mo Feng!"

"You bastard, can you call Prince Jing by his name? Why don't you get out of here quickly?"

The guard of the city tower obviously did not know Ling Feng. Although Ling Feng was well-known in Tianmang Fortress, he left the fortress after not staying long.

After that, Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan and others killed enemies and broke formations, repeatedly performed extraordinary feats, and their reputations had already surpassed Ling Feng's. Therefore, there are fewer and fewer people who still remember Ling Feng's name. In other words, in their opinion, since Ling Feng has left, it is naturally impossible for him to return suddenly.

"It's only been half a year and you already don't remember me? It's really a reality!"

Ling Feng shook his head and said calmly: "That's fine, I won't waste my time with you!"

The next moment, Ling Feng's whole body burst into flames, and the fourth level of swallowing flames enveloped his whole body. He actually wanted to force his way through the city tower!

"You bastard little thief, you didn't listen to the advice. All the soldiers obeyed the order and shot arrows!"

The guard on the city tower was furious. This was a special period. He would rather kill by mistake than let go. As he gave the order, in an instant, thousands of arrows were fired, and the arrows rained like a waterfall, flying towards Lingfeng. Shoot away.

However, before those broken crossbows could hit Ling Feng, they were wrapped around him and burned to ashes.

"My fellow soldiers, I'm sorry that I'm offended. I'm in a hurry to find His Highness Prince Jing! I'll take the first step!"

In an instant, Ling Feng's figure disappeared from the sky and continued to fly towards Tianmang Fortress.

The face of the tower guard changed drastically. This broken crossbow and arrow formation was enough to make the emperor retreat, but this young man actually ignored the arrow formation at all and could come and go freely without hurting any enemy.

Who is this person? How could something like this happen at such a young age?

"He said his name is Ling Feng?"

Suddenly, the eyelids of a commander beside the guard twitched slightly, and he whispered: "General He, my subordinates seem to remember that the general of Tianfeng Camp is called Ling Feng. The current generals Li Bufan, Li, and Jiang Xiaofan Jiang The generals are all under the command of General Ling.”

"Tianfeng Camp? General Ling?"

Then General He blinked, "Could it be that it's really him? It's scary. The broken army's crossbow array can no longer hurt him. How far has his current strength reached?"

Taking a deep breath, General He looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "No matter what, if someone breaks through, Commander Wu, please quickly send someone to the fortress to send a message. Regardless of whether it is General Ling or not, we must pass the message on!"


It was obviously unnecessary for General He to send someone to summon him. Ling Feng's speed in breaking through the barrier was already extremely fast.

After Tianmang Fortress, there were eight levels of checkpoints in total. Ling Feng did not want to waste time and cleared all the levels without hurting anyone and remaining unscathed. In just half an hour, he passed through eight levels and finally arrived outside Tianmang Fortress.

After revisiting his old place, Ling Feng's mood was slightly complicated.

He never thought that the one-year appointment with Xiaofan and the others would come so early.

At this moment, the fortress walls were also heavily guarded. Even the rarely used crystal energy cannons were all mounted on the walls, in a completely prepared posture.

The defenders of the previous checkpoints sent messages one after another about mysterious strong men invading the fortress, and they were unscathed in the face of the crossbow and arrow array. As a general of the fortress, he naturally had to be on guard.

However, some guards also reported back that the mysterious strong man was probably Ling Feng, which made the generals somewhat uneasy.

If it is Ling Feng, it would be great, but if it is just an imposter, for Tianmang Fortress, such a strong man may be enough to cause them to lose their troops.

On top of the city wall.

King Jing Mo Feng stood with his hands behind his back, his cloak making a rustling sound. Mo Feng stared ahead, with a faint expectation in his heart. If Ling Feng really came back, everything would be at ease.

Even though he was already the king commanding the three armies, in his heart, Ling Feng was the only person he could trust unconditionally.

Because Ling Feng is a miracle!

Beside him were the Commander-in-Chief of the Northwest Army, Yuan Tiangang, and the Military Advisor, Sun Boce. In addition, Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan were also dressed in military uniforms, and their faces showed some iron-blooded looks.

During the six months in Tianmang Fortress, they have obviously grown a lot.

"Bufan, could it be that the eldest brother is back?"

Jiang Xiaofan clenched his fists. His figure was much burlier, and he carried two long swords behind his back, one light and one heavy, one thin and one thick.

His swordsmanship has been honed to the point where he has returned to his original nature and is completely integrated. Because of Ling Feng's Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill (PS: Ling Feng himself did not swallow the peerless divine pill in the battlefield of gods and demons), plus his own Xuanwu Precious Blood, within half a year, his cultivation has reached the peak of the Divine Sea Realm, and he is not far away from the Human Emperor.

"Maybe. If he comes back, maybe he can change the current situation!"

Li Bufan clenched his fists, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

The foundation of the Li family is in the imperial capital. Nowadays, the situation in the imperial capital is turbulent. The head of the Li family is a Taiwei and is in charge of military power. Naturally, he cannot be alone. Now, I am afraid that everyone in the Li family has become a prisoner.

If his character hadn't grown a lot during the six months he spent in Tianmang Fortress, he might have been unable to hold himself back any longer and returned to the imperial capital to save people.

However, even though he didn't mention it, he was always worried about the condition of his people in his heart. Every minute and every second was torture for him.

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