Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1520 I’m back! (1 update)

"Yes, if eldest brother comes back, everything will definitely turn around, because he is that kind of person, no matter what, nothing can stop him!"

Jiang Xiaofan clenched his fists and stared forward.

In the distance, the red figure was getting closer.

It was a shadow wrapped in flames. From a distance, a searing wave of air swept over, giving people an extremely nervous feeling.

"This person is very strong! Even stronger than me!"

There was a slight sweat on Yuan Tiangang's forehead, and he said solemnly: "This person probably can't be Ling Feng, but he can't be so powerful in just half a year! Prince Jing, make preparations in advance!"

With that said, Yuan Tiangang raised his hand and ordered people to start preparing the crystal energy cannon.

If such a strong man were to get close, he would probably suffer hundreds of casualties with just one attack.

And these high-level generals, even if they all take action, may not be able to stop this person.

"Just wait a little longer."

Mo Feng shook his head, "If this person really has any malicious intentions, it is impossible for no one to be injured in the previous eight levels!"

"That being said, it's not unreasonable."

Yuan Tiangang nodded slightly, "However, this person is probably not Ling Feng. Your Highness, please don't have too high hopes."

Even being thousands of feet away can make a high-level human emperor like him feel such pressure. This person's cultivation level is probably that of a peak human emperor.

And when Ling Feng left, he was only in the Divine Yuan realm. How could he be so strong in half a year!

Finally, Ling Feng flew closer, released the flames all over his body, revealed his true appearance, and said loudly: "Grand Governor, when I, Ling Feng, come back, I don't need such a big gift. Let's welcome the whole army! Hahaha!"

"It's really him!"

Yuan Tiangang's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing an incredible look. It's only been half a year. How did this guy practice?


Jiang Xiaofan couldn't hold it in any longer and flew out in an instant, rushing towards Ling Feng, "Brother, you are really back!"

"Well, I'm back!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and pressed Jiang Xiaofan's shoulder, looked him over and saw that Xiaofan had made great progress, nodded and said with a smile: "Good boy, you finally didn't let me down!"

Although Jiang Xiaofan has not yet been able to break through to the Human Emperor, at his age and reaching the peak of the Divine Sea Realm, he can be regarded as a genius second to none.

Of course, he possesses Xuanwu precious blood, which is not something ordinary people can compare with.

"Xiaofan is where he is today thanks to big brother! Big brother, you don't know that something big has happened in the Tianbai Empire!"

Jiang Xiaofan's eyes filled with tears. Looking at Ling Feng, he looked like a child and couldn't hold back his tears.

In his heart, Ling Feng is his brother, a brother who is closer than flesh and blood!

"You are already a general, crying and crying, what do you look like!"

Ling Feng patted Jiang Xiaofan on the shoulder and said slowly: "I also understand some of the specific situation. Let's go, there are other brothers!"

Ling Feng looked at Feng Mo, no, it should be Prince Jing Mo Feng.

Now he is no longer weak and looks like a king. This makes Ling Feng very happy.

There is also Li Bufan, he looks a lot more mature and stable, but the circles under his eyes are a little dark, presumably because he knows the situation in the imperial capital and cannot rest well at all.

"Everyone, I'm back!"

Ling Feng flew down onto the city tower and stood firmly amidst the surprised, shocked, and even astonished eyes.

Yes, he is back, as a strong man, the king is back!


Mo Feng stepped forward excitedly and grabbed Ling Feng's arm, "I'll feel relieved when you come back!"

"I'm very happy to see you grow."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. If it were the "Feng Mo" from before, he would not have the courage to command the three armies, let alone the courage to fight against Yan Jinghong!

"People are forced out, Brother Feng, without you, I will always be just Feng Mo."

Mo Feng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "But this time, I really don't know what to do. Brother Feng, fortunately you are back!"

"all will be good."

Ling Feng said calmly: "No matter what the problem is, there is always a solution!"

"Yes!" Mo Feng nodded heavily. When Ling Feng came back, he felt that he had found his backbone and became more confident.

Li Bufan on the side, after the initial excitement, couldn't help but stepped forward and asked: "Ling Feng, what level has your cultivation level reached?"

"Yes, General Ling, your aura is simply too powerful!"

Wang Meng, Li Qing and other generals of Tianmang Fortress couldn't help but look at Ling Feng. Even Yuan Tiangang, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, couldn't help but stretch his ears.

Ling Feng's cultivation seemed to be at the elementary level of the Human Emperor, which would not exceed the fourth level of creation, but the power of Qi and blood exuding from his body was simply terrifying!

"Haha, after half a year of experience, I finally became a disciple of Dongling Immortal Pond, and my cultivation is slightly ahead of you and Xiaofan, reaching the third level of Creation Realm."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said casually, as if he was just talking about an insignificant thing.

"The third level of creation..."

Li Bufan took a deep look at Ling Feng, nodded and said, "Finally, I haven't been left too far behind by you."

His cultivation level is also at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm, but in terms of strength, many junior human emperors in the fortress are no match for him and Li Bufan.

After all, they all have the treasure of heaven and earth given by Ling Feng, and they also have the Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill, which has changed their physiques.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Well, your progress is also very fast!"

It is true that he is only a junior human emperor, but he has already become an emperor in the flesh. Moreover, he is a fellow practitioner of Qi refining, body refining, and god refining. Ordinary junior emperors are no match for him.

However, there is no need to explain these things too clearly, lest they dampen the enthusiasm of these brothers for cultivation.

"Is this the third level of Creation Realm?"

Yuan Tiangang secretly sweated and muttered in his heart: I believe you, you idiot. This kid's cultivation is all used to confuse people. If you really think that he only has the combat power of the third level of Creation Realm, you will probably die miserably!

After all, when he was only in the Shenyuan realm, this guy could defeat king-level experts, and even ordinary junior human emperors couldn't do anything to him. Now, his cultivation level has reached the third level of Creation Realm. I am afraid that no one can be his opponent at the level of Human Emperor.

I have to say, the old fox is an old fox, and he really guessed it right!

"Let's stop talking about old times here."

Ling Feng turned back to look at Yuan Tiangang and said calmly: "When I returned from Donglingxian Pond, I also got a lot of news along the way. Grand Governor, I want to hear about the strength of the enemy and ourselves, as well as , your next plan.”

Yuan Tiangang shook his head and said slowly: "Boy Ling Feng, you should ask His Highness Prince Jing about these matters. Now I am just an old man who is dying, and His Highness Prince Jing has the final say in everything."

"Oh?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he was quite surprised. Unexpectedly, this old fox was actually willing to completely delegate his power.

It seemed that after he left, it was not just Mo Feng and the others who had changed, but even the mood of Yuan Tiangang, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, had also changed a lot.

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