Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1521: Conquering the enemy without fighting! (2 updates)

"Brother Feng, let's go back to the camp and talk about it!"

Mo Feng took a deep look at Ling Feng, and immediately asked people to pass the news of Ling Feng's return back to the previous levels, so that they could rest assured and continue to guard the passes and not relax their guard.

Then, he ordered people to summon the generals of the elite troops in the fortress and go to the commander's tent to participate in a strategic meeting.

After doing all this, Mo Feng took Ling Feng and his party back to the commander's tent.

It has to be said that today's Mo Feng is indeed very capable, has his own opinions, and is becoming more and more kingly.

Not long after, everyone gathered in the handsome tent.

In front of the commander's throne, there is a huge map with dozens of counties and cities in the Tianbai Empire marked on it. Most of them have surrendered to the Yan family and become Yan Jinghong's minions.

Only the Commander-in-Chief of the Northwest Army, Han Li, had an army of millions because he guarded the Northwest Pass and resisted the Tianyang Empire and the Northern Monster Clan. He also had this confidence and had not yet surrendered to Yan Jinghong.

However, Han Li's attitude was also very wavering. He neither raised troops to resist nor surrendered to Yan Jinghong, but continued to guard the northwest and be his northwest king.

As the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, and there is Tianmang Fortress to deal with in the south, Yan Jinghong did not want to make too many enemies. He did not urge Han Li to express his stance for the time being, but instead acquiesced in Han Li's attitude.

Anyway, he was holding the emperor hostage to command the princes. In his hands, there was also a puppet emperor Mo Yan. In addition, the Yan family was originally a noble family of the royal family. The Yan family controlled the government and it was not his turn to be the leader of the Northwest Army. The governor rebelled.

After briefly introducing the overall situation in the empire, Mo Feng frowned deeply and said in a deep voice: "Now, all the counties in the empire have basically been subordinated to the rule of the Yan family. Even though our southern army has strong troops and horses, it will not be able to compete head-on with the defenders of each county. Firstly, the people of Tianbai are fighting against each other, and I really can't bear it. Secondly, even if our army sweeps all the way and reaches the imperial capital, we will probably lose our troops. How can we face the elite troops of the imperial capital?"

"As far as I know, the Divine Guard Camp, which has been commanded by the Cangqiong Sect since the Cangqiong Sect Master was captured, has completely fallen into the control of the Yan family. In addition, there are also black men who serve the royal family. The Jia Zhan Cavalry Army, because of the Fourth Emperor Brother, is also working with the tiger. If we fight with these elites, our army will not get any favors! "

"What worries me the most is Yan Jinghong's strength! Even if he is not good at dispatching troops, on the frontal battlefield, relying on the command of Governor Yuan and the generals, he can have a slight advantage, but With the power of one person, Yan Jinghong can withstand thousands of troops! The defeat of Sect Master Yue has already proved this!"

Speaking of this, all the generals in the camp sighed.

Indeed, if there was no Yan Jinghong and it was just the fourth prince, they might not be so helpless, but Yan Jinghong's power was too much to break the balance.

"Yan Jinghong, leave it to me to deal with him!"

At this moment, Ling Feng stood up, looked around, saw the dejected soldiers, and raised his voice: "If Yan Jinghong is not included, what are the chances of winning?"


All the soldiers looked at Ling Feng. They were stunned at first, and then someone smiled bitterly and said: "General Ling, it's not that we don't believe in your strength, but that Yan Jinghong, it is said that that day, the Yue Sect Master of the Cangqiong Sect united. Several ancestors of the Mo family royal family and experts at the peak of the human emperor level have also been defeated by Yan Jinghong. You are afraid..."

Ling Feng looked calm. The ancestors of the Mo family royal family were said to be peak human emperors, but in fact, they might not be as good as those junior human emperors in the Dongling Immortal Pond.

Not to mention, after the peak human emperor, there are three levels of extremes. Yan Jinghong's strength is probably the ultimate human emperor, and he has combat power comparable to the ten most powerful ones in the world!

"I said, I will deal with Yan Jinghong!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the majestic power of Qi and blood was released without any restraint.

For a moment, the faces of the heroes in the handsome tent changed.

The force of that energy and blood is so overwhelming that one can almost be completely breathless!

"Oh my god, what kind of strength is this?"

"I feel like there is an ancient giant beast entrenched in front of me. It's so powerful!"

"Is this the strength of General Ling? The Dongling Immortal Pond is so amazing. In just half a year, General Ling has been completely transformed!"

All the soldiers were shocked.

At this moment, only Jiang Xiaofan, who possesses Xuanwu precious blood, can resist this aura. Even Li Bufan frowned slightly. When it comes to body training, there is still a certain gap between him and Jiang Xiaofan.

"This boy!"

Yuan Tiangang narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath. Sure enough, Ling Feng's level of cultivation was of no reference at all. His true strength definitely exceeded that of the Peak Human Emperor!

"Alright! Boy Ling Feng, hurry up and collect your magical powers. Now, everyone should know your strength!"

Yuan Tiangang shook his head, smiled, and said lightly: "With General Ling's current strength, he can indeed stop Yan Jinghong!"

"If Yan Jinghong is not considered, fighting all the way back to the imperial capital from the southern border will not only take a long time, but also the chances of winning..."

Mo Feng clenched his fist and said slowly: "Less than 50%!"

It is indeed somewhat reluctant to use the southern army alone to fight against all the soldiers and horses in the country.

"Isn't it less than 50%?"

Ling Feng shook his head, "I don't have much time to spend with Yan Jinghong, so my strategy is to defeat others without fighting!"

"No fight?"

The eyelids of all the soldiers jumped, and Mo Feng stared at Ling Feng and asked in a deep voice: "Brother Feng, why don't you fight?"

"Yan Jinghong used force to intimidate the city lords from all the counties, so they surrendered one after another. But if Yan Jinghong was defeated and Prince Jing held high the banner of the Tianbai royal family, those city lords would naturally not dare to lead their troops to resist again, and the southern army could march straight in. , approaching the imperial capital!"

Ling Feng's eyes were like a falcon, his words were sonorous, and everyone took a breath.

Ling Feng actually wanted to use his own strength to go deep alone and defeat Yan Jinghong!

"No, this is too risky!"

Mo Feng shook his head repeatedly, "Yan Jinghong alone is already difficult to deal with. What's more, the imperial city is heavily guarded and there are many human emperors who are Yan Jinghong's minions. Even Brother Feng..."

"That doesn't matter. I have my own way of sneaking in without anyone noticing."

Ling Feng pursed his lips. An ordinary human emperor was no threat to him at all, but he just didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"in addition."

Ling Feng turned back and glanced at Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan, and said calmly: "Bufan, Xiaofan, please go to the Northwest Qingtian Fortress for me. Captain (Gu Tengfeng) has a high status in the Northwest Army. You can find them first." Captain Gu, let him take you to see the Commander-in-Chief of the Northwest Army!"

"Are you going to see Governor Han?" Jiang Xiaofan blinked. They had gone to Qingtian Fortress with Ling Feng before, and were familiar with the situation of the Northwest Army.

"Well, just tell Commander Han that I, Ling Feng, am back! I hope Commander Han will hold high the banner of the Mo family and be loyal to Prince Jing! With just one word from Commander Han, he can reach an army of millions!"


Inside the camp, all the soldiers looked at each other. Indeed, the Northwest Army and the Southern Army were the two largest fortresses in the empire. If the two armies were united, they would indeed be able to withstand all the troops of the empire.

However, the two armies were far apart and could not truly unite. Han Li had some concerns. Would he really agree easily?

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