Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1522 In my name, Ling Feng! (3 updates)

"Ling Feng, the northwest army is indeed strong and strong, but it is separated from the southern army by thousands of mountains and rivers, and the two armies cannot gather together. I'm afraid that old boy Han Li will not agree to hold up the flag of Prince Jing so easily, right?"

Yuan Tiangang shook his head. He knew very well that the situation was still unclear and it would not be easy for him, Han Li, to express his position directly.

Now Han Li is asked to declare his allegiance to Prince Jing. In fact, water far away cannot quench his thirst nearby.

"Based on my name, Ling Feng, I think the weight is enough!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Besides, I don't want the two armies to merge into one. As long as Governor Han says a word, the other county guards will not dare to act rashly, and I will have more time to sneak into the imperial capital and capture Yan first." Jinghong is dead! In this way, this empire crisis can be solved without a single soldier!"


Yuan Tiangang's eyelids twitched, "Good boy, you actually came up with this idea! Indeed, if it were my southern army plus Han Li's northwest army, how could the city lords of the major counties and cities still have the courage? Dare to send troops?"

"But..." Yuan Tiangang paused and glanced at me, "Are you too confident that you can convince Han Li with just your word Ling Feng?"


Ling Feng pursed his lips and was noncommittal. The reason why he asked Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan to go to Qingtian Fortress together had his own purpose.

Nothing is more convincing than the strength of the two of them, and Ling Feng can only be stronger than this!

"Okay, boy Ling Feng, you actually want to turn the tide on your own. I'm afraid there is no other hero who can compare with you throughout the ages!"

Yuan Tiangang took a deep look at Ling Feng and was completely convinced.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. The purpose of his coming to Tianmang Fortress this time was just to inform Prince Jing and the others to cooperate with his actions. If slowly Tuntun led the southern army to fight back to the imperial capital, he could afford to wait. I am afraid that those in the imperial capital who were attacked by Yan Our companions imprisoned by Jinghong can’t afford to wait either!

What's more, half of the reason why Yan Jinghong did this was to lure him out.

"In that case, I'm waiting for your good news!"

As long as Ling Feng kills Yan Jinghong in one fell swoop, everything will be solved naturally.

"Brother Feng, I didn't expect that the internal strife in our Mo family's royal family would have to be resolved by you alone. If we can successfully regain the Mo family's imperial power this time, I am willing to respect you as my brother, and you and I will share the kingdom!"

Mo Feng looked at Ling Feng and said sincerely.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in the country or anything like that!"

Ling Feng patted Mo Feng on the shoulder, "Besides, aren't we brothers?"

"Yes! Yes! It was already true when I was in Tianwei Academy!"

Mo Fenghong looked at Ling Feng with eyes, feeling moved in her heart. Being able to become a brother with Ling Feng when she was in Tianwei Academy was perhaps the greatest luck in her life.

Jiang Xiaofan looked at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said, "Brother! I also want to go to the Imperial Capital with you... together!"

"Xiaofan, this time you and Bufan go to Qingtian Fortress and do as I say!"

Ling Feng knew that Jiang Xiaofan was worried about his safety, but with his current strength, going with Jiang Xiaofan would become a burden.

"Don't worry, who am I, Ling Feng? What can a mere Yan Jinghong do to me?"

Ling Feng smiled casually, full of pride.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaofan nodded, "Brother, I will definitely convince Governor Han!"

"That's good!"

Ling Feng was calm for a moment, then turned to look at Li Bufan, and said slowly: "Don't worry Bufan, after returning to the imperial capital, I will find a way to rescue Taiwei Li and the others."

Although Li Bufan didn't mention it, Ling Feng knew that Li Bufan valued his relatives very much, especially his grandfather, Lieutenant Li.

"Thank you!"

Li Bufan nodded, still cherishing words like gold, but he knew that Ling Feng's words were always worth spending a fortune.

Since you promised, you will definitely do it.

Finally, after the discussion was over, King Jing asked the generals of each battalion to go back temporarily and wait for the news from Ling Feng.

At the end of the meeting, all the soldiers dispersed, leaving only the Ling Feng brothers.

"Brother Feng, how did you arrive in time? Didn't you go to the Dongling Fairy Pond? Could it be that you were able to calculate and figure out the crisis of our Tianbai Empire?"

After the soldiers left, Mo Feng obviously relaxed a lot. Only in front of these former classmates, Mo Feng would change back to the Feng Mo he was before.

"I don't have that kind of ability." Ling Feng shook his head, "Do you still remember Feng Yan?"

"Brother Feng?"

Jiang Xiaofan's eyelids twitched, "Brother, Brother Feng did stay in Tianmang Fortress for a while. Later, he led many brothers in the fortress to sneak into the imperial capital and secretly united with some human emperors in the imperial capital to fight against Yan Jinghong, but there After that, he never came back, and we thought he had..."

"Although Brother Feng is not in fear of his life, he also lost an arm. It was Yan Jinghong's hand. Yan Jinghong seemed to want to force me to come back, so he let him go and asked him to go to Donglingxian Pond to inform Me." Ling Feng said with a frown.

"What a Yan Jinghong, so arrogant!"

Jiang Xiaofan clenched his fists, wishing he could go straight to the imperial capital and fight Yan Jinghong.

"Judging from Brother Feng's injuries, Yan Jinghong's strength is indeed very strong, and it seems that instead of his previous ice magical power, he is exuding a disgusting demonic aura. He must have practiced some Demonic ways and evil skills!”

"It's magic again!"

Jiang Xiaofan gritted his teeth. In the beginning, it was Lin Canglang who practiced magic skills, which resulted in the death of many blind dates in his village, and even his father died.

Therefore, in Jiang Xiaofan's heart, he hated the demonic monks deeply.

"Only by practicing those magic skills can one suddenly make such rapid progress."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "It doesn't matter if I don't mention it, now I owe Brother Feng a huge favor. When this happens, no matter what, I will find a way to restore his right arm!"

"If you need any heavenly material or earthly treasure, I will use all my strength to find it for you!"

Mo Feng said in a deep voice, this is the promise of being a king.

"Haha, of course I won't be polite to you."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and continued: "Okay, let's not waste time. Feng Mo, please stay at Tianmang Fortress. And Xiaofan, don't be careless when you go to Qingtian Fortress."


Mo Feng, Jiang Xiaofan, and Li Bufan all nodded heavily. Sure enough, as soon as Ling Feng came back, everyone was at a loss what to do before. Now, everyone has begun to do their own thing, and the entire situation will start to turn around from this moment on.

Afterwards, Ling Feng found Fatty Huang and Lan Yingying in the fortress. After informing the two of Feng Yan's situation, they were worried about Feng Yan's situation, so they said goodbye to Ling Feng and others, and headed north to meet Feng Yan in Tiebing City.

Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan also set off for Qingtian Fortress not long after.

At their speed, if Xingye traveled on the road, it would probably only take four or five days to reach Tianmang Fortress.

As for the final choice of Northwest Governor Han Li, in addition to Ling Feng's name, it also depends on the performance of the two of them.

Ling Feng still has considerable confidence in his two good brothers, believing that they will eventually be able to bring back good news.

And Ling Feng, alone, once again embarked on the journey to the imperial capital!

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