Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1523 Be sure, don’t come back! (4 more updates)

Tianbai Imperial Capital, within the imperial city.

Deep in the inner city and to the west is the residence of the Queen Mother, and among this palace complex, there is a relatively secluded and quiet place. At this moment, it has become a "prison".

There is one person imprisoned in this prison, none other than Ling Feng's teacher, Yan Cangtian.

As Ling Feng's teacher, Yan Cangtian was naturally not spared. After Yue Zhonglian was captured, it was his turn.

Not only Yan Cangtian, but also Deng Xian, the old general who had stopped Yan Jinghong from dealing with Ling Feng before Ling Feng grew up, and Hong Haotian, the president of the alchemist union, were also approached by Yan Jinghong. Once his cultivation was abolished, he was imprisoned. (PS: For details, see "Chapter 460 Challenge! Half-Year Appointment!")

The reason why he didn't kill these people was not out of mercy, but because he wanted to kill them one by one in front of Ling Feng!

He wanted Ling Feng to taste the pain and powerlessness!

And perhaps because of the gratitude for Yan Cangtian's old friendship, and because the Queen Mother came forward to plead, Yan Jinghong agreed to imprison Yan Cangtian in the imperial city. Anyway, Yan Cangtian's cultivation level has been sealed, and all the tendons and hamstrings of his hands and feet have been picked. Interrupted and unable to pose any threat at all.

They are all being detained anyway, and it doesn’t make much difference where they are detained.

What's more, if Yan Jinghong wants to firmly grasp the power, he needs the Queen Mother to come forward. Therefore, he still has to give the Queen Mother a little less favor.

At this moment, Yan Cangtian was slumped on a reclining chair, as if he were a disabled person, unable to move his hands or feet at all, and completely unable to take care of himself.


At this moment, the door opened, and first two maids walked in, and then a dignified and elegant woman walked in slowly.

This woman is naturally the Queen Mother Yan Ning.

Because of the Zhuyan Pill, although she is similar in age to Yan Cangtian, Yan Cangtian is already gray-haired, but she looks like a twenty-year-old girl, youthful, graceful, and charming.

Next to the Queen Mother, there was also a girl who was 30 to 40% similar to her, Yan Shuying.

At this moment, the Yan family has exclusive power, and the entire Yan family has already taken control of the imperial city. On the surface, King Tianbai is the fourth prince Mo Yan. In fact, he is just a puppet. To him, this imperial city is just a huge 's cage.

But the real owner of this imperial city is the Yan family.

However, even though she was watching the Yan family encroaching on the power of the Tianbai royal family, the Queen Mother did not seem very happy.

After all, the Tianbai King who died suddenly was her own son.

She also knew that her son's death may be inextricably linked to Yan Jinghong, the man who made the Yan family prosperous.

However, now Yan Jinghong has lost control. As a woman, she can only choose to surrender because she knows how to protect herself.

Yan Ning walked slowly to the opposite side of Yan Cangtian, took a deep look at the man in front of her, sighed softly, and lightly opened her red lips: "I heard that you don't want to eat?"

Yan Cangtian closed his eyes slightly.

Even though this face was once the person he thought about day and night, but from the moment Yan Ning plotted against him to threaten Ling Feng, he swore to forget everything about his past.

"Your cultivation has been destroyed by Jinghong. Now you are not a human emperor, you are not even as good as an ordinary person. If you don't eat, you will die. Do you know?"

Yan Ning gritted her teeth. Her feelings for Yan Cangtian could be said to be very complicated.

When she was young, Yan Cangtian had been infatuated with her. As such an outstanding genius in Tianwei University, he would pursue her at all costs. Once upon a time, Yan Ning was also attracted by her, and even wanted to stay with him for the rest of his life.

Now, seeing Yan Cangtian end up like this, all she can do is to be a little nicer to him, which can be regarded as a little compensation.

"Death? What does that have to do with you?"

Yan Cangtian smiled solemnly, "What's the difference between me now and a dead person? Rather than being used by that little beast and becoming a hostage in his hands, it would be better to die."

"I will not allow you to die in front of me."

Yan Ning raised her eyes and glanced at the palace lady next to her, "You two, whether it's stuffing or feeding him, make sure he eats the food sent by me every day! Otherwise, if he dies, you Buried with him too!"

"Yes! Queen Mother!"

The two palace ladies were so frightened that they quickly picked up the food and stuffed it into Yan Cangtian's mouth.

"Yan Ning, do you think I will accept your love like this? Do you think that relying on Yan Jinghong, you will end up well? He is just a devil, and now he can only compete with each other day by day. Being ruthless, evil and ruthless, the Yan family? To him, you are just a tool to achieve his goal!"

Yan Cangtian became a little excited, struggled and cursed with a smile: "Yan Ning, I'm waiting to see your fate, you will be even more miserable than me!"

"You're talking nonsense! No matter what, Jinghong is a descendant of the Yan family, he won't..."

"Nothing? If you think that by following him, you can protect yourself wisely, then I'm afraid you are totally wrong!"

Yan Cangtian laughed loudly, and Yan Shuying frowned and gritted his teeth and said: "You old guy, you are so ignorant that you are still here to scaremongering?"

"Stop talking!" Yan Ning bit her lip, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Hey! Keep feeding me!"

After watching Yan Cangtian swallow all the food, Yan Ning flicked his sleeves and left the side hall with Yan Shuying and other maids.

Yan Cangtian slumped down on the chair, sighed softly, and murmured to himself: "Ning'er, leave! Before that lunatic kills everyone..."

In his heart, after all, he still couldn't be truly cruel to Yan Ning, couldn't truly hate this woman.

"Also, that brat, don't come back! Don't come back!" Yan Cangtian prayed silently in his heart. Even though he knew very well how evil Ling Feng was, Yan Jinghong had become too strong. Well, with his strength, he couldn't resist Yan Jinghong's move at all!

If Ling Feng comes back, I'm afraid, not only will he not be able to save others, but he will also be involved in it, which is something Yan Cangtian doesn't want to see anyway.

However, it was naturally impossible for Ling Feng not to come back.

After leaving Tianmang Fortress, Ling Feng didn't stop for a moment, hurried on the starry night, and finally arrived at Tianbai Imperial Capital two days later.

On top of the city tower, almost every distance, a wanted notice was posted with Ling Feng's portrait on it. Anyone who discovered Ling Feng's whereabouts could receive a high reward.

In addition, everyone in the imperial capital who was slightly similar to Ling Feng also suffered.

Even all the people named Ling were regarded as Ling Feng's accomplices and were arrested, tortured and flogged. For a time, it could be said that everyone in the entire imperial capital was in danger. Ordinary people did not even dare to leave their homes. If someone thinks of him as "Ling Feng", he will be in trouble for eight lifetimes.

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