Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1525 Don’t you remember me? (2 updates)

On the way to the Lin family, Ling Feng found out that the boy from the Lin family was named Lin Feng, which sounded quite similar to his own name, so he suffered this unreasonable disaster.

Speaking of which, the reason why the Lin family in Xicheng is in such a miserable state has something to do with Ling Feng, because Lin Mochen is a student of Tianwei Academy and has a close relationship with Ling Feng, so the Lin family is also implicated. , not only the casino was seized, but even the family property was occupied, leaving only an ancestral house, and maybe someone would confiscate it soon.

By then, all the people in the Lin family may be so depressed that they live on the streets.

"Hmph, I originally thought that the good relationship between the third young master and that General Ling Feng would bring great luck to our Lin family. But it turned out to be a good thing. As an emperor and a court official, General Weiyuan became a wanted criminal. But if there is anything like him Anyone who has anything to do with it will be in trouble!"

Lin Feng sighed softly and cursed: "To be honest, that Ling Feng is really harmful to people!"


Several black lines rose up on Ling Feng's forehead, and he felt helpless. Indeed, there were many people in the imperial capital who were implicated by him. However, since he was back, he would definitely change this situation.

Not long after, Lin Feng took Ling Feng back to the Lin family. The Lin family, which was originally quite grand, now looked particularly cold and depressed.

The huge Lin family didn't even have a few basic bodyguards, only a few loyal old servants and maids. Otherwise, they wouldn't have sent the pitifully weak Lin Feng even when they went out to hire a doctor.

"Hero, we are here. A few nights ago, Miss Ling'er may have been frightened and suddenly started to have a fever. Originally, the conditions of our Lin family were not bad, but now, we only have a little money left. I’m afraid I can’t even afford a doctor.”

Lin Feng sighed softly, looked up at Ling Feng, and said solemnly: "By the way, I still don't know what your name is?"

"I'm just an ordinary hunter, my name is not worth mentioning."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. If he said his name, he might scare this kid.

"Without further ado, take me to see Xiao Ling'er's condition."

Ling Feng thought of that innocent little girl and really didn't want to see that little girl continue to suffer.


Lin Feng slapped his forehead and quickly led Ling Feng into the inner hall. After a while, he came to a quiet courtyard, which was Ling'er's residence.

At this moment, Lin Moyun and Lin Moyao were both waiting in front of the bed, worried and anxious. Especially Lin Moyao, who was so anxious that he wandered back and forth, mumbling: Why hasn't the doctor come yet?

Outside the door, there was an old housekeeper guarding the door. When he saw Lin Feng coming in with a hunter, he immediately frowned, "You brat, I asked you to find a doctor, but you find a hunter? You... …Are you going to piss me off to death?”

When Lin Feng saw that the old housekeeper was about to get angry, he quickly said: "Butler, don't worry, this brother Orion is a doctor, he can also do medicine!"

"A hunter? A veterinarian at most, right? What do you think Miss Ling'er is? A wild beast? What a nonsense! What a nonsense!"

The old housekeeper started chattering endlessly. Ling Feng shook his head, stepped forward, and said slowly: "Let me try it before talking."


The old housekeeper's eyes were dazzled, as the hunter had already passed by, and then he strode into the room.

"Who are you?"

Lin Moyao looked up and saw a middle-aged hunter walking in. She frowned and immediately stopped in front of Ling Feng.

"Captain Mo Yao, why, don't you remember me?"

Lin Moyao was slightly startled. This voice seemed a bit familiar. Moreover, Captain Mo Yao?

It has been a while since he left the hunting team. This hunter actually knows that he once served as the captain of the hunting team in the name of Mo Yao. Is he probably an old acquaintance of his?

Ling Feng smiled faintly and ducked around Lin Moyao.

"Hey you……"

When Lin Moyao reacted, she found that the hunter was already sitting by the bed politely, and put his hand on Ling'er's wrist. Immediately, the old god said: "Mrs. Lin, don't worry, this little girl is just suffering from pain." She was a little frightened, and she happened to catch a cold the night before, so she had a high fever. It’s obvious that this girl is in pretty good health and is not seriously ill.”

Lin Moyun was about to stop her, but when she heard Ling Feng's words, she calmed down, gritted her silver teeth, and said in a deep voice: "What about this gentleman, Ling'er's illness?"

"Don't worry, I'll keep it with you."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Madam, please pick up Ling'er, and I will give her the acupuncture. It only takes a moment, and this little girl will be fine."

His Taixuan acupuncture technique can be used to treat such minor illnesses, which is rare.

"Can you also... perform acupuncture?"

Lin Moyun pursed her delicate lips and saw Ling Feng carrying a big bow and a rough look on his face. He didn't look like he knew how to do acupuncture.


Ling Feng sighed softly, leaned close to Lin Moyun's ear, and lowered his voice: "Mrs. Lin, I am Ling Feng."


Lin Moyun's pupils shrank slightly, her beautiful eyes flickered, and she stared at Ling Feng for a long time, with a look of disbelief on her face.

However, if you look carefully, you can indeed find that although this Orion looks quite rough, his eyes and voice are exactly the same as Ling Feng.

"Now, madam, are you relieved?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and immediately picked up Ling'er and asked Lin Moyun to hug her. He then took out a row of golden needles and lightly inserted a few needles into Ling'er's back.

Sure enough, after hearing a low moan, Ling'er woke up leisurely.


The little girl opened her eyes and found herself in her mother's arms. She actually whispered, "I'm sorry, mother, for making you worry."

"You girl, aren't your aunt worried?"

Lin Moyao also walked over quickly, pretending to be angry, Ling'er stuck out her tongue and said with a smile: "Auntie, you love me the most!"

Seeing that Ling'er could talk and laugh, the two girls felt relieved. The old housekeeper outside the door was even more impressed.

Ling Feng's medical skills are simply amazing!

"Little Ling'er, do you still remember me?"

Ling Feng pointed at himself and greeted the girl with a smile.


Ling'er turned around suddenly and was shocked when she saw a big man with muscles all over his body, "What a big wild bear!"


When the two girls Lin Moyao heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

"Sir, children's words are innocent, please don't take them to heart."

Lin Moyun raised her beautiful eyes and glanced at Ling Feng. Since Ling Feng concealed his identity, she would naturally not tell the truth.

At present, the empire is searching for Ling Feng everywhere. Naturally, the fewer people who know Ling Feng's identity, the better.

Ling Feng's forehead went dark. Is his current appearance so tragic?

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng said lightly: "It doesn't matter, just a kid. But Mrs. Lin, I may have to bother you for a few days."

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