Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1526: Du Kang is the only one who can relieve worries! (3 updates)

"Mrs. Lin, I may have to bother you for a few days."

Ling Feng glanced at Lin Moyun. At the moment, he had no place to stay anyway. If he stayed in the Lin family, he could take care of the Lin family sisters and Xiao Ling'er. Secondly, he would have a place to stay in the imperial capital and make things easier.

"Of course it's no problem. Sir, feel free to stay here. Ling'er... Ling'er's illness still requires Sir's care."

Knowing that the hunter in front of her was Ling Feng, Lin Moyun naturally wanted Ling Feng to live there, so that her family would not be bullied by those dog officials.

"Thank you ma'am."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled. This Lin Moyun was actually Hui Zhi Lan Xin. No wonder she could give birth to a clever daughter like Ling'er.

"Lin Feng, go to Yunzhi Pavilion, clean up a room, and take this gentleman to rest."

Lin Moyun gave Ling Feng a slight nod, and immediately ordered her servants to prepare a room and food for Ling Feng.

After Ling Feng left, Lin Moyao looked at Ling Feng's back, couldn't help but walked to sit down next to her sister, and whispered: "Sister, who is the Orion? Why do I think this guy is very familiar with us? ? I haven’t seen him before!”


Lin Moyun pursed her lips and smiled, "Actually, if he hadn't said it himself, I wouldn't have been able to believe it. But in the current situation, it is reasonable for him to disguise himself."

As she spoke, Lin Moyun lowered her voice, leaned into Lin Moyao's ear, and slowly said: Because, he is Ling Feng!


Lin Moyao's eyelids twitched suddenly, "Ling..."

"Uh-huh!" Lin Moyun glared at her, and then she swallowed back the word "feng", "So it's him!"

As he said this, Lin Moyao recalled that Ling Feng came to the rescue in the God Burying Swamp. Later, when the Lin Family Casino was suppressed by Sun Tianba, it was Ling Feng who stepped in to resolve a crisis.

Perhaps, this is probably the so-called fate.

Thinking of this, Lin Moyao's pretty face turned red, she pursed her delicate lips and said, "It's actually him..."

As the saying goes, there is no girl who is not pregnant, not to mention that Lin Moyao has already had a special feeling for Ling Feng.

On the other side, after Lin Feng arranged for Ling Feng to stay at Yunzhi Pavilion, he quickly brought some simple food. With the current situation of the Lin family, there really was nothing good to entertain Ling Feng.

However, Ling Feng was not picky. After filling his stomach for a while, he began to think about his next plan.

First of all, Tianwei Academy must investigate, as well as the Deng family. Back then, General Deng was quite good to me, and he even stepped forward to help him stop Yan Jinghong. If this old debt is settled, Old General Deng may also will be implicated. I don't know what the current situation of the Deng family is like. That woman Deng Yongshi is still my student in name anyway. As a teacher, I can't just sit back and watch.

In addition, there is the Alchemist Guild. He is the chief honorary elder of the Alchemist Guild. This status is enough to make the entire Alchemist Guild a thorn in Yan Jinghong's side.

There is also the Cang Qiong Sect. Yue Zhonglian was captured. What is the situation of the other Cang Qiong Sect members?

Miss Yue, Brother Wen, the current situation of these people made him very worried.

Of course, his General Weiyuan Mansion probably has many people imprisoned now.

If he wanted to fight Yan Jinghong to the death, he would first have to rescue the hostages in his hands. Otherwise, he would not be able to ignore the lives of these companions even if he was to throw a trap.

The night was getting darker, Ling Feng put on a black night clothes and prepared to set off.

Rescue operation starts now!


In the Lin family mansion, a black shadow swept out thousands of feet away in an instant.

There are many guards patrolling the streets and alleys, but to Ling Feng, these patrolling guards are naturally useless.

Not long after, Ling Feng arrived at Tianwei Academy.

This former No. 1 academy in the imperial capital has become dilapidated. Even the plaque hanging in front of the gate was split in half and fell to the ground on both sides.

Throughout the school, large areas of collapsed buildings showed that an extremely brutal battle had been staged here.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he quickly rushed towards Yan Cangtian's spiritual medicine garden. Unfortunately, this medicine garden, which was originally filled with various spiritual plants, had now become ruins.

Around the medicine garden, you can see blood stains everywhere, as well as deep fist prints, footprints, and traces of people's bodies being heavily stepped into the ground.

"Old Yan!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and clenched his fists. It is conceivable that Mr. Yan must have been captured here that day by that bastard Yan Jinghong, and he was severely injured using extremely cruel methods.

"Yan Jinghong, I will make you pay back a hundred times!"

Anger surged in Ling Feng's eyes. Now, Tianwei Academy has almost become a dilapidated ruins, and there is no value in searching.

Just as Ling Feng was about to leave and go to the next location, he suddenly noticed several familiar figures in the infinite field of vision.

"Leng teaches them!"

With a flash of figure, Ling Feng flew straight towards the dilapidated building.

At this moment, Leng Jianfeng was sitting on a piece of gravel, holding a wine jar in his hand, cursing: "Damn it, Du Kang is the only one who can relieve my worries! Damn it, damn it!"

"Okay, Professor Leng, I know you're unhappy, but there's no need for you to scold me like this all day long, right? No matter how much you scold me, can you still scold the dean back?"

A fat middle-aged man next to him also sighed. He was also a teacher at Tianwei Academy. After the dean Mu Yunsang was arrested, most of the teachers and tutors dispersed, leaving only some tutors who had deep feelings for Tianwei Academy.

"I just want to scold!"

After drinking a jar of wine again, Leng Jianfeng threw the jar to the ground fiercely, "Hateful, hateful! Why am I so weak and can't do anything! Drink, drink! How to relieve worries, only Du Kang!"

After two howls, Leng Jianfeng grabbed another jar of old wine, raised his head and "gulp gulp", and drank wildly.

"Teacher Leng, wine, this is not how you drink it!"

At this moment, a strong hand pressed the jar tightly. Leng Jianfeng couldn't drink the wine, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. He slapped his hand and slapped forward angrily, "No one can stop me!"


With a crisp sound, Ling Feng stood still and let Leng Jianfeng slap him with hatred. However, Ling Feng was unharmed, but Leng Jianfeng, as if he had hit a copper wall, his palm turned red and he screamed in pain.

"Fuck, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts me to death!"

In a daze, Leng Jianfeng saw a man in black standing in front of him, staring at him with a smile, and suddenly he was furious, "A gentleman can be killed, but not humiliated! Damn it, kill him if you want to!"

"Master Leng, why should I kill you?"

Ling Feng took off the mask on his face and said lightly: "Master Leng, who do you think I am?"

"Ling... Ling... Ling..."

When Leng Jianfeng saw Ling Feng's face, he was sobered up by the alcohol, "You kid, you don't want to die, and you dare to come back?"

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