Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1528 I will solve everything! (1 update)

" this?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Tong Chengtai's eyes, and he looked up at Ling Feng. In the secret room, the instructors and students also quickly gathered around him.

They are in this secret room, not to mention such a pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and even food is very scarce. With their cultivation, they can survive in the short term, but after a long time, they will naturally not be able to bear it.

"This is one of my magic weapons. It has its own space inside, called the Five Elements Heavenly Palace."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said, "I would also like to ask you all, mentors, to take a jade step and take refuge in my Five Elements Heavenly Palace. This Five Elements Heavenly Palace is full of spiritual energy and is very suitable for cultivation and recovery. Please follow me."

After saying that, Ling Feng opened the light door to the extreme and brought everyone into the Yuan Realm of Wood one by one.

After a while, everyone entered the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. In an instant, they felt the rich spiritual energy of wood and the strong breath of life, making everyone feel as if they had been reborn.

"It's... it's incredible!"

Tong Chengtai took a deep breath, felt the vitality flowing in his body, and exclaimed: "It is a magic weapon of its own world, and it actually contains such pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth. I'm afraid it will have to be the pinnacle holy weapon at last, and it is that A pinnacle holy weapon that almost reaches the threshold of an immortal weapon, right?”

"I guess so."

Ling Feng pursed his lips. He didn't know much about the origin of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. He initially thought it was a sacred weapon. However, after getting an immortal weapon-level Yi Divine Bow, Ling Feng vaguely felt that the level of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace was , I'm afraid it's not under Yi's bow.

"Wow, this palace is so luxurious!"

"Oh my god, one day of practicing here is comparable to ten days outside!"

"Wait, I think I saw a donkey!"

At this moment, someone discovered Donkey taking a nap in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. They all surrounded him as if they had discovered a new world.

"This donkey has scales on his body. He's probably a hybrid!"

"I feel like this donkey still has the aura of a monster. It should be a monster donkey! But it's really rare for a black donkey to become a spirit!"

When Ling Feng heard those guys actually discussing the origin of Hei Lv, a row of black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead.

These guys are probably going to suffer.

Sure enough, the next moment, the bitch couldn't help but explode. This guy finally took a nap and heard someone say "black donkey becomes a spirit" one by one. That's okay. The demon king's aura suddenly swept across, scaring those people. The pointing guys were all trembling and lying on the ground.

"Demon...Demon Emperor!"

"Hmph, how dare you disrespect your grandpa?"

The bitch was arrogant, wagging his tail, and glanced in Ling Feng's direction with an unkind expression, "You brat, why did you suddenly let so many people in?"

"It's temporary. Others will probably come in later. Don't bully them, otherwise I will only ask you!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. This bitch wouldn't do anything outrageous, but according to its temperament, it would inevitably tease these people.

Especially the guy who said he was a "black donkey turned into a spirit" must have been grudged by the cheap donkey.

This bitch, besides being mean, is also extremely petty and very vindictive.

Ling Feng could only observe three minutes of silence for that dear man.


Hearing Ling Feng's words, the bitchy donkey flicked his tail and walked aside far away. He just glared at the group of guys just now with a pair of donkey eyes. The meaning was very obvious. As soon as Ling Feng left, he would let these people know about Grandpa Donkey. sharp.

Ling Feng smiled. As long as the bitch didn't go too far, he would just turn a blind eye. Anyway, with such pure spiritual energy in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, he could chase those guys away. , they may not be willing to leave yet.

"Vice President Tong, you can rest here and recover."

Ling Feng thought for a while, took out another bottle of eighth-level elixir, handed it over casually, and said calmly: "These elixirs are very beneficial to your injury. If you combine these elixirs to heal your injuries, I believe you will be able to recover soon, or even Take it one step further.”

Tong Chengtai's strength has been at the half-step Human Emperor level for many years. Ling Feng's pills are much more precious than the Tianxin Nine Turns Pill that was used for Yan Cangtian's breakthrough that day. I believe that after Tong Chengtai recovers this time, he will not only be able to Even if something unexpected happens, he can still take that final step and become a human emperor.

"Ling Feng, I can't see through your current strength. However, if you are dealing with Yan Jinghong, you must not be careless."

Tong Chengtai took a deep look at Ling Feng and warned in a deep voice.

"I will!"

Ling Feng nodded, glanced at Su Qingxuan again, and said with a slight nod to her: "Teacher Su, then you can have a good rest here. I think it won't be long before I can solve everything!"

Su Qingxuan took a deep look at Ling Feng. Two years ago, Ling Feng came to Tianwei Academy for the first time. He was still a slightly young boy, but now he has grown into a man who is upright and upright.

She believed that there was nothing that Ling Feng couldn't do now!

"Ling Feng, I...we are waiting for your good news!"

Su Qingxuan looked deeply at Ling Feng. This man finally seemed to be getting farther and farther away from her.

Ling Feng smiled casually and disappeared into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

There were still many things waiting for him to do this night.

Soon, Ling Feng left Tianwei Academy and headed to the Alchemist Guild nearby.

In the Alchemist Guild, he found some ordinary disciples and got news from them. It turned out that all the elders in the guild were imprisoned. As for the president, Hong Haotian, his cultivation was abolished, his limbs were broken, and he was thrown into On death row, he lived a life without seeing the light of day.

"Hey, it was me who got you into trouble after all!"

Ling Feng sighed softly and secretly vowed to rescue Hong Haotian and others.

After leaving the Alchemist Guild, Ling Feng took action again and flew to General Yingyang's Mansion.

General Yingyang Deng Xian was one of the three great generals of the Tianbai Empire. He worked hard and had a distinguished status. It's a pity that now, not only has the title of general been revoked, but the entire general's mansion has also been completely sealed.

There was no one in the entire General's Mansion. Ling Feng sighed softly, knowing that the treatment of Old General Deng was probably not much different from Chairman Hong. As for the other members of the Deng family, they were probably also arrested, and some had even been arrested. He might have been killed.

I don't know what is going on with my cheap student Deng Yongshi now.

"It seems that we have to find a way to find out where Yan Jinghong keeps the prisoners."

Ling Feng frowned. He searched in two consecutive places with no results. He felt somewhat anxious in his heart, but he also knew that at this time, he should calm down.

"Finally, let's go to General Weiyuan's Mansion again. Ouyang Jing said that General Weiyuan's Mansion has been turned into a prison. I think it was a trap set by Yan Jinghong for me, but no matter what, Regardless of whether it’s a trap or not, I have to break into it!”

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and his figure flashed. With his perfect body skills and the black clothes, he seemed to be completely integrated into the night, like a ghost, coming and going without a trace.

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