Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1529 The fragrance disappears and the jade dies! (2 updates)

The night was like ink, and the imperial capital, which had always been a city that never slept, was no longer as bustling and lively as it had been in the past. The whole city was filled with a sense of depression and desolation.

Faintly, you can see a little bit of firelight, which is the soldiers patrolling the city, still arresting the rebels day and night.

After a while, Ling Feng arrived at his General Weiyuan Mansion, which had developed into a branch of the Ling Shen Sect. His original purpose was to let the disciples of the Ling Shen Sect go out from the Xianzong Mountains and join the imperial capital. Only in this way can the entire Ling Shen Sect get on the right track and become the first-class sect in the empire.

However, for this reason, when the coup was launched, the elite sects who stayed in the imperial capital, such as Luo Jianying, Jiang Wanqing and others, were imprisoned here. Of course, including those who had served with Ling Feng Su Hongxiu.

Not only that, many of the new generation elites of Ling Shen Sect were also imprisoned, and their cultivation base was completely lost.


A scream resounded through the night sky, and a disciple of the Ling Shen Sect suddenly began to tremble violently, with black energy surging on his face, as if he was suffering from extremely great pain.

"No... I don't want to die yet, senior brother, save me, save me quickly!"

The disciple stared in the direction of Luo Jianying, and his whole body began to ignite with a black flame. No, it was not a flame, but a black granular mist, which decomposed his body bit by bit. It spread from his calves little by little, and then his entire body turned into a layer of fine black sand, which dissipated without a trace when the breeze blew.

In fact, these days, this is not the first disciple to die so tragically in front of everyone.

"Junior Brother Sun!"

Luo Jianying clenched her fists tightly, but could do nothing. She could only watch her brothers and sisters die one after another.

Without warning, die!

Before they were imprisoned here, they were all forced to take an elixir. Obviously, it was that elixir that sealed their cultivation, and it was like a time bomb in their bodies. At some point, it will mercilessly devour their lives.

"We...we will die like this too!"

"Oh my god, I don't want to die yet!"

Almost every day, one or two disciples would die. No one knew whose turn it would be next. Everyone was undoubtedly living in a state of extreme panic.

"Everyone should be shocked, don't panic!"

Jiang Wanqing took a deep breath and loudly asked everyone to stay calm. However, in this atmosphere, no one could calm down.

"Junior Brother Luo, please say something!"

Jiang Wanqing turned to look at Luo Jianying. Over the past year or so, Luo Jianying had come from behind and became the most outstanding disciple of Ling Shen Sect, and her cultivation level was even higher than hers.

Now Luo Jianying can be said to be the spiritual leader of all disciples.

"What are you talking about? Senior Sister Jiang, forget it, all we can do now is wait for death! You can feel it too, right? That weird pill constantly transforms the energy in our bodies into a very unstable form. Power, perhaps, the moment when all the energy is transformed, it will be the moment when we die. At this speed, even I may not survive more than a month!"

"With how powerless we are now, not to mention those powerful people from the Human Emperor, even the guards guarding here can easily slaughter us! What else can we do? Who else comes back? Us?"

Luo Jianying sighed softly. In the past, he would always be full of confidence and hope, but this time, he only felt that he had fallen into a hell of despair.

No hope, no glimmer of hope!

"But...but I think..."

At this time, a weak voice came, "I believe that the leader... the leader will be able to rescue everyone."

Luo Jianying looked intently and saw Su Hongxiu sitting weakly against the wall.

Her cultivation level was relatively weak, and she did not have much Yuan Power to resist the elixir. Over the past few days, her body had become weaker and weaker, just like the previous disciples who were about to spontaneously burn to death.


Luo Jianying gritted his teeth. He knew that Su Hongxiu might be about to die. It would be good to leave a little hope for her before she died.

But if he had a choice, he would rather Ling Feng not come back, because the current imperial capital is already a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. If Ling Feng comes back, it will undoubtedly be like throwing himself into a trap.

"Red sleeves..."

Jiang Wanqing stood up with difficulty, walked slowly towards Su Hongxiu, gritted her teeth and said: "Hang on, Hongxiu, you must not give up. When the leader comes back, you must wait until he comes back!"


Su Hongxiu's eyes were slightly red. She shook her head feebly and said with a bitter smile: "Sister Qing, I... I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for him..."

After the words fell, Su Hongxiu's body began to gradually emit a cloud of black smoke. All the disciples felt depressed and extremely heavy.

Everyone knew that Su Hongxiu was about to die, but she couldn't resist after all.

"Cheer up, Hong Xiu! Don't die, don't die!"

Jiang Wanqing burst into tears, hugging Su Hongxiu's body tightly and shaking constantly, but she could do nothing. She could not even inject the energy in her body into Su Hongxiu's body to resist the effects of the elixir on her behalf. Potency.

"Huh? This sound!"

At the same time, Ling Feng finally arrived at General Weiyuan's Mansion. Hearing the heart-rending cry, he quickly used his infinite vision and locked his eyes on Jiang Wanqing's direction.

"No, something happened to Hongxiu!"

Ling Feng frowned, dodged, passed the layers of guards outside the general's mansion, and sneaked into the mansion without anyone noticing.

With his speed and the cover of night, no one noticed anything unusual. Even the guards laughed mercilessly when they heard the cries inside.

These days, they have long been accustomed to such scenes.

The next moment, Ling Feng appeared outside the main hall where Ling Shen Sect disciples were imprisoned. Several guards suddenly noticed a black shadow in front of their eyes, and then their eyes suddenly blurred, and then they fell into an illusion, unable to extricate themselves.

He flew into the main hall and in a flash, Ling Feng appeared beside Jiang Wanqing and said in a deep voice: "Wanqing, let me take a look!"


It was only at this moment that Jiang Wanqing suddenly discovered that there was a man in black standing beside her, and all the disciples in the hall were also startled.

They had not noticed anyone appearing before!

"it's me!"

Ling Feng took off his mask, made a silent gesture towards everyone, and said calmly: "Don't worry, everyone, I will rescue everyone when I come!"


Luo Jianying's eyes were moist, Ling Feng was really back!

He was like a god who came out to save everyone when they were most desperate!

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