Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1531 Late night rescue! (4 more updates)

At the same time, in the deep palace of the imperial city, Yan Jinghong sat cross-legged in a secret room and suddenly opened his eyes.

What a pair of eyes those are!

It was like being stained with blood, full of evil and strange feeling, like an Asura crawling out of the abyss, giving people a creepy feeling.

Around him, black mist entwined, forming extremely ferocious faces, either crying, laughing, or furious...

These grimaces contain the seven emotions and six desires of human beings, including greed, anger, ignorance, hatred, love, evil and desire.

His magic skills are all derived from the "Heavenly Demon's Forgetting Love Art". After practicing it to a great extent, he can condense the Seven Emotions Demonic Wheel and control supreme magic. (PS: For details, see "Chapter 380 The Seven Emotions Magic Wheel!")

Once upon a time, Lin Canglang tried his best to practice the "Devil's Forgetting Love Art", but he still couldn't condense one of the Seven Emotions Demonic Wheels.

And Yan Jinghong's talent is far beyond the comparison of a small Lin Canglang. In less than half a year, he has successfully condensed all the seven emotions of the magic wheel in the Holy Level magic skill. Because of this, within the Tianbai Empire, , even the hidden human emperors of the Tianbai royal family were all defeated miserably in the hands of Yan Jinghong, and were left to be slaughtered.

"Oh? Are you finally back? Then, this game has almost truly begun!"

When Ling Feng sucked away the demonic miasma that he had planted in the disciples of Ling Shen Sect, Yan Jinghong immediately sensed the abnormality and easily learned that Ling Feng had returned and was now probably in the residence of General Weiyuan.

"Hmph, Ling Feng, the more you care about those people's lives, the more I will kill everyone around you, one by one! I want you to experience the endless painful purgatory! Jie Jie Jie... …”

Deep in the palace, there was a burst of shrill, ghostly laughter. Occasionally, the patrolling guards heard it and felt a chill.

General Weiyuan's Mansion.

Ling Feng successively absorbed the demonic miasma in the bodies of all Ling Shen Sect disciples. With his powerful chaotic physique, the demonic miasma could not eat away at the vitality in his body, but was completely transformed.

However, every time a demonic miasma is transformed, a trace of evil energy will emerge and gather into the sea of ​​​​spirituality. Even if it is suppressed with the "Supreme Holy Xuantian Kung", this evil energy can only be suppressed slightly, but it cannot be completely removed and driven out. .

This made Ling Feng a little uneasy, but at the moment, there was not much time, and there was no better way to resolve the demonic miasma in these disciples' bodies.

The demonic miasma dissipated and all the disciples regained their cultivation. They all thanked Ling Feng profusely.

"Master, although you can sneak in without anyone noticing, there are still many guards outside. If you want to take us all out, it may not be that easy."

Luo Jianying looked at Ling Feng and expressed her worries.

"Don't worry, I will naturally have my own solution."

Ling Feng patted Luo Jianying on the shoulder and said, "By the way, Jianying, besides you, are there anyone else imprisoned in the general's mansion?"


Luo Jianying nodded and said slowly: "In addition to us, there are also some students from Tianwei Academy and some members of the Alchemist Guild. Oh, by the way, as far as I know, it seems that the ones from General Yingyang's Mansion Some people seem to have been imprisoned, but the more powerful elders seem to have been imprisoned elsewhere, not here."

"I see."

A bright light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. It seemed that Yan Jinghong had imprisoned some important people in one place. As for the people with weak cultivation and average strength, most of them were imprisoned in General Weiyuan. Mansion.

In other words, this is more like a trap, a trap that lures Ling Feng into taking the bait.

Those demonic miasmas contained a ray of Yan Jinghong's divine consciousness. If he dispelled that ray of divine consciousness, he might have exposed the information that he had returned to the Tianbai Imperial Capital.

"We don't have much time. I'll keep my story short. For the time being, you can enter one of my magic weapons. There will be someone inside who can explain everything to you."

After saying that, Ling Feng opened the transmission channel of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, allowing everyone to enter the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Then, he followed the same example and rescued the remaining Tianwei Academy students and Alchemist Guild members who were imprisoned in Weiyuan General Mansion. out.

Finally, Ling Feng went around to Nanyuan, where the Deng family members were imprisoned.

From the infinite field of vision, Ling Feng saw Deng Yongshi's figure, which made him feel reassured. After eliminating the guards guarding the door with three moves, five and two, Ling Feng entered the hall. In addition to Deng Yongshi, there were also Several other members of the Deng family were also implanted with the demonic miasma.

"Everyone, please follow me and leave quickly!"

After Ling Feng entered the main hall, he directly opened the passage to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. The disciples of the Deng family inside were all stunned, obviously not recognizing who the person in front of them was.

"Ling Feng!"

Only Deng Yongshi recognized Ling Feng at a glance, and was immediately pleasantly surprised, but then quickly frowned and said, "You... why are you here! It's very dangerous here!"

"Stop talking so much!"

Ling Feng glanced at Deng Yongshi. She was obviously suffering from the evil miasma and looked very weak. Compared with her initial unruly and willful appearance, she now looks much stronger and more capable. Among the Deng family's children, she is vaguely the leader of all of them.

If it were in the past, a young lady like her would have been at a loss when encountering such a situation, let alone leading others to deal with such a situation.

"Well! Everyone, listen to this Mr. Ling, he... is my teacher, you can definitely trust me!"

Deng Yongshi nodded and let everyone enter the Five Elements Heavenly Palace one by one. Finally, she took a deep look at Ling Feng, as if she wanted to say something else.

"I will explain it to you when we get to a safe place!"

Ling Feng showed a faint smile to Deng Yongshi. He, this cheap disciple, has grown up!


Deng Yongshi nodded and was the last one to enter the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. At this time, the sky began to get brighter.

Ling Feng was a little curious. Logically speaking, Yan Jinghong should have noticed that he had returned to the imperial capital. How could he be so calm and not come directly to his door?

However, Yan Jinghong is indeed different now from before. No one knows what kind of conspiracy he has buried.

But regardless of conspiracy or conspiracy, Ling Feng was not afraid at all.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy or trick is just a paper tiger.

Taking advantage of the last darkness, Ling Feng quietly left General Weiyuan's Mansion. When the guards woke up from the illusion, they would probably be horrified to find that all the prisoners in the General's Mansion had been taken away without anyone noticing. gone.

And they didn't even notice the enemy's shadow!

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