Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1532 The scene was very embarrassing! (1 update)

Not long after, Ling Feng returned to the Lin Family Villa without anyone noticing.

After returning to the room, Ling Feng entered the Five Elements Heavenly Palace again. At this time, the Five Elements Heavenly Palace was more lively than ever. There were more than a hundred people, all of whom were amazed at the magic of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

When they saw Ling Feng coming back, everyone immediately gathered around him. In addition to being grateful, they were grateful to Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng, I didn't expect you to save so many people overnight!"

Tong Chengtai saw that many students and instructors from Tianwei Academy were rescued by Ling Feng, and he sighed immediately. The houses were damaged and can be rebuilt, but the most precious thing is the people.

As long as people are still around, sooner or later, Tianwei University will be able to regain its former glory.

"Speaking of which, everyone was implicated to a certain extent because of me."

Ling Feng sighed softly, shook his head and said: "The merits are equal to the faults. I have no merit to speak of. Before I defeat Yan Jinghong, help His Highness Prince Jing, and regain the Tianbai regime, I would like to ask you to stay here for the time being." ”

As he said that, Ling Feng looked at the other groups of people who had been rescued from behind, and said slowly: "Everyone will line up in a while, and I will help you resolve the demonic miasma in your body and help you restore your cultivation. If the situation is more serious, First rescue."

"This...Senior Brother Ling, I...I...thank you! Thank you!"

"Senior Brother Ling, when I was at Tianwei Academy, I secretly said that you were arrogant and domineering and bullied others too much. Oh, now that I think about it, I am nothing!"

"Elder Ling, I used to think that you were not worthy of being the chief honorary elder of our Alchemist Guild, but now, I have to say, if you are not worthy, no one else is worthy of this position!"


Everyone felt grateful and really didn't know how to thank Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng, thank you!"

Qin Wanwan took a deep look at Ling Feng. After being implicated in Tianwei Academy, she and her cousin Liu Yunfei were not as lucky as Ouyang Jing and others. They were also arrested. They originally thought they would just wait to die quietly. , unexpectedly, he survived from a desperate situation and was rescued by Ling Feng.

"We are all classmates, why bother saying thank you."

Ling Feng smiled faintly at Qin Wanwan. Speaking of it, this was the first woman to confess her love to him. However, I am afraid that he and she are not destined to have that kind of fate.

"Are they just classmates..."

Qin Wanwan felt sad and bit her silver teeth, feeling inexplicably distressed.

She always thought that she would have time to slowly conquer this man, but by the time she realized it, Ling Feng had already soared away like a dragon in the sky.

"Huh? There's something wrong with your expression. Let me resolve the demonic miasma for you first."

Ling Feng saw that Qin Wanwan's expression was not good, so he pulled Qin Wanwan over, put his hand gently on Qin Wanwan's back, and sucked the demonic miasma in her body into his body bit by bit, while running " The Supreme Holy Xuantian Kung" suppresses the evil energy that invades the spiritual sea along with the demonic miasma.

However, he did not notice that when he sucked away the demonic miasma for Qin Wanwan, the expressions of several women obviously changed slightly.

"Why is his relationship with Qin Wanwan so good?"

Su Qingxuan bit her silver teeth, with a hint of jealousy in her beautiful eyes.

Compared with Su Qingxuan's restraint, Miss Deng Yongshi and Deng had nothing to hide. She whispered: "Damn it, who is that woman? Stinky Lingfeng, why are you so worried about her?"

On the other side, Jiang Wanqing, who was taking care of the unconscious Su Hongxiu, couldn't help but glance sideways in Ling Feng's direction, feeling a sense of sourness in her heart for no reason.

For Ling Feng, trying to understand the thoughts of so many women at the same time is probably a hundred times more difficult than defeating a hundred Yan Jinghong.

And now, he has no time to pay attention to the little thoughts of these women.

But when it was Deng Yongshi's turn to resolve the demonic miasma, this woman had to lean on Ling Feng's arms. She would say it was uncomfortable here, and something was wrong there, which gave Ling Feng a headache!

With so many people watching, this scene was very embarrassing for a time!

That night, he barely had any rest. After absorbing and dissolving all the demonic miasma in more than a hundred people, he almost collapsed from exhaustion.

If the body of chaos hadn't been overbearing enough, and the "Holy Xuantian Kung" practiced by Ling Feng had a natural suppressive power against demonic energy, Ling Feng would have turned into a Biyan after absorbing so much demonic miasma. Jinghong is an even more terrifying demon.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and stood up slowly. In fact, he even found that he was a little unsteady on his feet.

However, now is not the time to rest. Ling Feng rubbed his temples and said to everyone: "Now you don't have to worry about the demon miasma in your body breaking out. You can practice here with peace of mind. If you need to go to other Yuan Realms, you can find That bitch...ahem, black donkey, let it take you there, you can absorb the spiritual energy here at will, this is a little compensation from me. "

These people were more or less implicated by themselves. After swallowing the poisonous pill containing the demonic miasma, their cultivation levels have regressed a lot. Practicing here can help them recover faster and even make breakthroughs.

Anyway, the spiritual energy in the Five Elements Palace is endless, and Ling Feng will not be stingy.

Everyone felt grateful again. Ling Feng saved them from danger, helped them resolve the demonic miasma, and now provided them with a place to practice. It was nothing short of a gift of renewal.

"Elder Ling, one more thing... I hope you can rescue President Hong and several other elders. Their situation is even more miserable than ours before!"

A fourth-level alchemist from the Alchemist Guild looked up at Ling Feng with a pleading look on his face.

"You don't need to tell me this, I will do it."

After saying that, Ling Feng looked at the members of other forces and said slowly: "There are also Dean Mu from Tianwei Academy and Old General Deng. I will rescue them one by one, but I can't do that yet. Know where they are."

Ling Feng frowned slightly. If Yan Jinghong used the same method to control the lives of these people, then he would have to rescue them before the decisive battle with Yan Jinghong, otherwise if Yan Jinghong used these people's If his life is a threat, then he will inevitably be restrained.

"Ling Feng, I also want to rescue grandpa together!"

Deng Yongshi reached out and grabbed Ling Feng's arm, pursed her delicate lips and said.

"You have this filial piety. I believe General Deng will be very happy if he knows about it. However, you have just recovered your cultivation, so you should practice well here. I said I would rescue General Deng, and I will definitely save him. rescued.”

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. With Deng Yongshi's strength, if he really wanted to get involved, it would only be a hindrance. However, the truth was often too hurtful, so Ling Feng had to fool him first.

After comforting everyone, Ling Feng left the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. When he returned to the outside world, the sky was already bright.

After using the Eight Desolations Body Training Technique, he returned to the posture of a hunter. Today, he still needs to continue to collect more information and strive to send more people into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Such as Taiwei Mansion, Cangqiong Sect, etc., and these people will become a major help to Mo Feng in his final fight for the Mo family's imperial power.


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