Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1533 Prisoner under the orders! (2 updates)

Having continuously absorbed the demonic miasma from the bodies of more than a hundred people, although Ling Feng's Yuan Power did not have much impact, his physical strength and spiritual power were somewhat wasted.

He meditated in the room for a while and adjusted his breath. He continued to run the "Sage Xuantian Technique" to suppress the wisps of evil energy in the sea of ​​spirit. With his current ability, it seemed that he could not expel this evil energy. Waiting for it to happen, it would be better. You can ask Emperor Tianbai for his Dharma appearance.

After all, that guy specializes in the divine soul, and he is a powerful person in the immortal realm. He is well-informed and naturally has ways to help him.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door, and it was Lin Moyao, the second young lady of the Lin family, who came to Ling Feng with some simple breakfast.

Ling Feng quickly opened the door and saw Lin Moyao looking at Ling Feng mysteriously for a while. Seeing that there was no one around, he came closer to Ling Feng and lowered his voice: "Mr. Ling, it's really you. ?"

Seeing Lin Moyao being so cautious, Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly, "Captain Mo Yao, there is no need to be like this at home. Yes, I am Ling Feng."

"Haha, there's nothing wrong with being careful!" Lin Moyao looked Ling Feng back and forth, "You probably don't know how many 'Ling Feng' have been captured in the imperial capital these days."

"I have learned this before."

Ling Feng sighed softly, if Yan Jinghong is not eliminated, the people of the imperial capital will not have a good life.

Lin Moyao put the lunch box on the table and whispered: "Mr. Ling, let's eat something first."

"Thank you!" Ling Feng nodded slightly. After a night of rescue operations, he was indeed a little hungry.

"By the way, Mr. Ling, what are you going to do next? This imperial capital has completely changed. Actually, you really shouldn't have come back." Lin Moyao rested her chin on her hands and sat opposite Ling Feng, looking a little dazed. Looking at Ling Feng.

"Of course I'll come back to solve the problem."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I will go out in a while. You and Mrs. Lin should try not to go out. I will set up a magic circle around the Lin family. Ordinary guards patrolling the city should not be able to break in."

"Oh..." Lin Moyao gritted her silver teeth, "Then be careful."

"Will do!"

Ling Feng nodded. After breakfast, he spent a lot of effort to set up a magic circle around the Lin family. Although his formation skills were very limited, he couldn't hold back his many Yuan Jings. The power exerted by Jing Piling into the formation's eyes is naturally extraordinary.

After doing all this, Ling Feng felt a little relieved, said hello to the Lin family sisters, and left the Lin family.

Like a headless fly, it is undoubtedly too ostentatious to ask where Yan Jinghong is holding the prisoners, but naturally there is a perfect place to go for information.

Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce!

Yan Jinghong probably knew something about himself, and the royal family could deal with it, but the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce was spread throughout the Eastern Spiritual Territory, and the power behind it was far beyond what a small dynasty could match.

Therefore, although Yan Jinghong turned the entire imperial capital upside down, as long as the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce remained neutral, he would naturally not take the initiative to provoke this behemoth.

The Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce has always remained neutral regarding the rise and fall of the empire. This is also the purpose of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce.

Since there were no clues for a while, Ling Feng was going to the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce to try his luck, maybe he could get some important information.

the other side.

While Ling Feng was searching for clues, in the northern suburbs of the imperial capital, in the Cangqiong Mountains, there was a scene of desolation and desolation.

In the past, the Divine Protector Sect had a prosperous and magnificent mountain gate, but now, it is full of broken walls and ruins, and every pavilion and pavilion is in ruins.

But the one place that was still intact had turned into a prison, where the elders and disciples of the Cang Qiong Sect were imprisoned.

Not only that, even the wife of the head of the Cangqiong Sect and the eldest lady of the Cangqiong Sect, Yue Yunlan, have now become prisoners of the subordinates.

Similarly, their bodies were also implanted with demonic miasma, their energy was blocked, and they had no chance to escape from this place.

"Miss, I feel so uncomfortable, so... so cold..."

In an extremely dark dungeon, Qiao Qiao was shivering all over, her face turned blue, and she seemed to be about to freeze into ice.

Although Yue Yunlan had already covered Qiaoqiao with her gauze skirt and kept rubbing her hands to keep her warm, nothing changed at all.

The humidity in this place is too heavy, and their cultivation has been blocked, making them completely reduced to ordinary people. Naturally, they cannot resist this damp and cold atmosphere.

Not to mention it was a coincidence, even Yue Yunlan felt a chill coming from the depths of his soul.

"Miss, I the other brothers and sisters, dying in the end with no ashes left?"

"Don't think wildly. If you are still alive, you will have a chance."

Yue Yunlan bit her lips. Even though she said this, even she couldn't believe it.

Even her father, who in her mind was the incarnation of invincibility, was defeated by Yan Jinghong and became a prisoner.

The elders of the Cangqiong Sect are also dead and injured, so what chance do they have?

Not far from Yue Yunlan, the headmaster's wife Hong Lian was sitting on the ground holding her knees, silent, but with a look of great worry on her face.

Yue Zhonglian was captured by Yan Jinghong, and he didn't know what kind of inhuman treatment he would suffer.

She and Yue Zhonglian had been married for many years and had a deep relationship. When she thought that Yue Zhonglian had just recovered from a serious illness and had to be subjected to various tortures, she felt like a knife was twisting in her heart.


Yue Yunlan looked at her mother, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

"Lan'er, don't worry about mother."

Hong Lian looked back at Yue Yunlan, patted the back of her hand gently, and forced a smile, "Don't worry, the wife of the head of the Cang Qiong Sect is not that fragile."

Yue Yunlan glanced at his mother, but a face inexplicably came to mind.

When she was in danger before, that person would always appear in time and could always help her resolve the crisis.

Will he come this time too?

Shaking his head, a wry smile appeared on Yue Yunlan's face. What can he do if he comes? This time, he is an opponent that even those veteran Human Emperors can't deal with!

Yes, he can't come, and he shouldn't come!

He has already gone to the legendary Dongling Immortal Pond. Perhaps, when he succeeds in his cultivation, he will return to the Tianbai Empire. And at that time, I... I'm afraid I would have been dead a long time ago...

Yue Yunlan took a deep breath and thought to herself: If he could think of me occasionally, just very occasionally, that would be enough. Yes, he will probably think of me.

A trace of bitterness lingered in her heart. She originally wanted to go to Donglingxian Pond and chase after him, but this day may never come!

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