Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1538 Fire Refining Formation! (3 updates)

In Ling Feng's heart, he vaguely felt that something was wrong with this hell of fire, so he didn't want to waste too much time and directly opened the passage to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. He pushed and kicked Ye Guichen and others into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. middle.

Then, Ling Feng opened the cells one by one, and sent the Tianwei Academy, the Alchemist Guild, General Yingyang's Mansion, the Taiwei Mansion, and some ministers of the DPRK and China who had nothing to do with him to the Five Elements one after another. In the heavenly palace.

When they arrive at the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, someone will naturally explain everything to them.

However, Ling Feng searched all over the Hell of Fire, but found no trace of Mu Yunsang, the dean of Tianwei Academy, Deng Xian, the general of Yingyang, and Hong Haotian, the president of the Alchemist Guild.

It seems that these three most critical people were imprisoned in the imperial city by Yan Jinghong!

"Yan Jinghong, you are really cunning!"

Ling Feng sighed softly, and after making sure that there were no other prisoners around, he prepared to leave this hell of fire.

At the same time, on a hill about ten miles away from the Hell of Fire, a mysterious man wrapped in a thick black robe was surrounded by black mist. A strong smell of blood is daunting.

At this moment, this mysterious man was staring unblinkingly in the direction of the Hell of Fire, with a strange arc at the corner of his mouth.

Behind him, there was a group of elite imperial guards, about thirty people.

"Master National Preceptor, all your arrangements and opinions are ready. The formation of the Fire Refining Formation is completed!"

A squad leader wearing Imperial City Guard armor quickly rushed to the black-robed man and loudly reported the situation.

"Well, good job!"

The man in black robe stood with his hands behind his back. If you look carefully, you can see a dim light under his wide sleeves.

That was the luster emitted by the sword's blade, and the rich demonic aura emanated from this demonic sword.

Yes, this so-called National Master is naturally the former "Blood Sword Lord" of the Blood God Sect, Li Qingling, Lin Canglang's temporary "partner".

During the battle at Feng Yuan that day, Li Qingling saw that something was wrong and abandoned Lin Canglang early. Lin Canglang was almost completely destroyed in Ling Feng's hands, leaving only a trace of his soul and escaped.

After that, Lin Canglang found the talented Yan Jinghong and wanted to take him away. Unexpectedly, Yan Jinghong actually swallowed Lin Canglang's soul, and then obtained the holy-level demon that Lin Canglang had practiced. Gong, "The Secret of Demonic Forgetting Love".

However, to a greater or lesser extent, Lin Canglang's obsession and consciousness affected Yan Jinghong.

After Yan Jinghong became successful in practicing magic, he found Li Qingling. With the cooperation of the two, they opened a secret treasure together. Because of this, Yan Jinghong's cultivation has improved rapidly. In just a short period of time, Within half a year, he successfully practiced all the Seven Emotions and Magic Wheels of "The Art of Forgetting Love by Heavenly Demon".

And that secret is the secret that has been hidden in the "Sword Sutra of Moving Flowers and Burying Jade Swords".

Lin Canglang had been thinking of ways to seize this thing throughout his life, ever since he was the head of the Wenxian Sect. Later, he finally caught Duanmu Qingshan and used Duanmu Qingshan as a threat in exchange for the "Sword" Sutra", but ended up making Yan Jinghong's wedding dress instead, which is ridiculous to say the least.

In the "Book of Moving Flowers and Burying Jade Swords", there is a treasure house hidden in the ancient sect "Yihua Palace". It was because of the opportunities in this treasure house that Yan Jinghong became what he is today. strength.

Of course, the Blood Sword Heavenly Lord Li Qingling has no less benefits. With that ancient magic sword and the opportunity in the treasure house, his cultivation has reached above the fifth level of the Human Emperor. Coupled with his evil heretic magic, even if he can deal with ordinary extreme human emperors, it is no problem.

And this hell of fire is the second trap set by Yan Jinghong and Li Qingling for Ling Feng. (PS: The first one is General Weiyuan’s Mansion)

"Ling Feng, Ling Feng, I didn't expect you to come so quickly, but as soon as you come, you die quickly. Let's have a taste of this hell of fire, hahaha!"

A cold light flashed in Li Qingling's eyes, and he immediately rose into the sky. The entire formation, with him as the core, controlled the firepower of the earth veins, which was a great gift for Ling Feng's return!


For a moment, the mountains shook and the earth shook, and the ground beneath the Hell of Fire became increasingly restless.

At this time, after Ling Feng sent the last elder who was imprisoned in the Hell of Fire to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, he finally understood why he felt so weird.

The entire Hell of Fire is just a natural magic circle!

Although Ling Feng's attainments in formations are quite modest, and can even be said to be very poor, after all, he studied at Tianwei Academy for a while. Formation is a way to take advantage of the situation. This fire refinement In the prison, there is an earth vein hidden below, which contains huge energy. If the power of the earth vein is transferred using the method of formation, this will definitely be a peerless fierce formation with no entrance and no exit.

For a moment, Ling Feng felt that all the fire spiritual energy around him seemed to be drained out in an instant, and then, a terrifying suction force seemed to be extracting the fire spiritual energy from his body!

"This magic circle!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Come to think of it, Yan Jinghong had suffered the loss of swallowing flames before, so he thought of using this formation to suppress the swallowing flames in his body!

"Hahaha, Ling Feng, we meet again!"

There was a sound of ferocious laughter high in the sky. Ling Feng was trapped in the formation, but he could see a huge and ferocious face above the sky, staring coldly at him.

"Blood Sword Heavenly Lord?"

Although he could not see where Li Qingling was, Ling Feng sensed from this disgusting demonic energy that the person accused of controlling the magic circle was none other than Blood Sword Heavenly Lord Li Qingling.

"Hahaha, boy, you didn't expect that you finally fell into my hands! Then Yan Jinghong still thinks highly of you. In my opinion, next year today will be the day you die!"

Li Qingling laughed loudly. The fire-refining formation was able to swallow up all the fire spiritual power within the formation. Ling Feng's body contained swallowing flames and was being squeezed by this formation all the time. It wouldn't take long, but his The original fire was refined, and its natural strength was greatly reduced.

By then, I am afraid that Ling Feng will be completely wiped out with just one fire formation.

"What a treat. You should have expected me to come to the Hell of Fire to save people!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. This fire-refined formation was undoubtedly the nemesis of all fire-attribute monks. With the power of the earth veins below, it would be difficult for even an ordinary powerful emperor to break out of the formation.

If the fire element emperor falls into this formation, the fire element elemental power will be suppressed, and he will probably capsize in the end.

After all, the power of the earth's veins is the natural energy of the world. If the formation is forced to detonate the earth's veins, the power of the landform's explosion will probably level all the space within a hundred miles. Powerful people like Yue Shengji will also be shattered into pieces.

Of course, a powerful emperor would not easily fall into such a magic circle. Only Ling Feng, who was eager to save people, would fall into this trap by mistake.

PS: I didn’t have time to write until very late, so I finally wrote the third update. Tomorrow's update will probably be a little late...

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