Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1539 See once, kill once! (1 update)

Above the sky, the ghostly face transformed by "Blood Sword Lord" Li Qingling showed an extremely ferocious expression, and his eyes were filled with bloodthirsty color.

"Boy, when I devour the power of your flesh and blood, your strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds again!"

Li Qingling laughed crazily, no matter how evil Ling Feng was, if he fell into the fire formation, he would only die.

However, Ling Feng, who was in the big formation, was indeed unhurried. Instead, he looked up and stared at the ghost face in the sky with a half-smile.

"Li Qingling, did you make a mistake? Are you trying to trap me with your broken formation?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, a purple flame suddenly surged around his body, and he actually actively released his swallowing flame.

The fire formation can indeed absorb all the spiritual power of fire. It has great restraint for any fire attribute monk. However, Ling Feng's flame swallowing is not one of them.

The reason why swallowing flames is higher than ordinary fire lies in its powerful swallowing ability. What's more, Ling Feng's swallowing flames have reached the fourth stage. This swallowing ability has reached a level that can be called terrifying. the point.

After all, his swallowing flames had even swallowed up the Xuantian Fire of the Xantian Clan!

A mere fire formation, wanting to swallow the fire spiritual power of Yanyan?

Simply ridiculous!


High in the sky, Li Qingling saw that Ling Feng actually took the initiative to release the original fire in his body, and couldn't help laughing, "Boy, do you think you don't die fast enough? Hahaha, if you will The original fire is hidden deep, and it may take some time for this fire formation to drain you dry, but now, you are seeking your own death!"

"Then let's see if your fire formation can swallow me up!"

A bright light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the swallowing flames around his body started to burn fiercely. The flames soared into the sky, turned into a rainbow, and shot straight into the sky thousands of feet high.

Within the formation, a series of obscure and mysterious inscriptions immediately flashed, continuously extracting all the fire spiritual power in the formation and integrating it into the earth's veins.

However, when those inscriptions began to swallow the flames around Ling Feng, they suddenly began to become extremely unstable. The more they swallowed, the inscriptions trembled violently in the void. Within ten breaths, the fire The inscriptions on the refining formation began to collapse, and this trend of collapse continued to spread.

" is this possible?"

Li Qingling's eyelids jumped wildly when he saw it. The Fire Refining Formation could obviously restrain all the spiritual power of fire, refine it and swallow it up, but why, it couldn't refine Ling Feng's original fire.

In turn, those inscriptions seemed to be swallowed up by Ling Feng's flames!

The power of the earth's veins seems to have surrendered to Ling Feng's flames!

"Don't you think it's a bit naive to try to trap me with the power of earth veins?"

The next moment, Ling Feng's figure soared directly into the sky. The formation collapsed under the swallowing flames around him, and Li Qingling's hard-working layout was completely destroyed.

"Damn it!"

Li Qingling stared at Ling Feng angrily, waved his hand, and shouted angrily, "Whatever you are doing standing still, come to me!"

Following Li Qingling's orders, the imperial guards behind him drew their swords one by one and charged towards Ling Feng. More than thirty king-level experts took action at the same time. All kinds of brilliance circulated in the sky above the Hell of Fire, reflecting the sky and blocking out the sun.

"Shocking disaster!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and a golden light flashed in his eyes. In an instant, shocking catastrophe swept across, and the weapons in the hands of the imperial guards who had been attacking fiercely all fell from the air with a "clang". Immediately, he reached out and hugged his head. Under Ling Feng's shocking power, the sea of ​​​​spirit collapsed instantly.

For those with weak spiritual power, their entire heads exploded like watermelons, their brains bursting out, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, the more than thirty imperial city guards, dead and injured, all fell from the air, no longer able to fight.


Li Qingling's eyelids twitched wildly, Ling Feng's strength far exceeded his imagination.

The next moment, Li Qingling's body was shrouded in a black mist, gradually becoming blurry, and about to flee away.

"Want to run!"

Ling Feng waved his hand, and a circle of flames instantly enveloped him, sealing off the entire space around Li Qingling.


Hearing a scream, Li Qingling trembled all over and cursed loudly, "Ling Feng, this is just a shadow clone of mine, and it can't be killed, so why are you wasting your strength!"

"Hmph, it doesn't matter which clone you are, or your true self, if you see him once, you will kill him once!"

Ling Feng clenched his right fist, and the circle of fire gradually closed in. The domineering firepower of swallowing flames was the nemesis of Li Qingling's demonic energy. As he screamed, Li Qingling's demonic clone gradually collapsed.

"Tell Yan Jinghong to wash his neck well. Now that I'm back, his death is coming soon!"

Ling Feng snorted softly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the flame-eating fire surged instantly. Li Qingling's clone could no longer withstand the firepower and collapsed instantly.

"Ling Feng, don't be proud!——"

Before he finished speaking, Li Qingling's demonic clone had turned into nothingness and dissipated completely.

"Li Qingling, sure enough, there is probably Lin Canglang's shadow behind this."

Ling Feng snorted and murmured to himself: "Lin Canglang, you really can't die no matter how hard you die! This time is definitely the last time!"

With a flick of his sleeves, Ling Feng flew back to the ground, found a secret place, and re-entered the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

The people who were rescued from the Hell of Fire this time were also implanted with demonic miasma, which must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Far away in the imperial city.

A cloud of black smoke drifted past and landed on a tower. The smoke condensed, and a ferocious and ferocious face gradually emerged.

"Damn it, Ling Feng, how dare you destroy my clone!"

Li Qingling's whole body trembled. His clone was connected to his soul. When the clone was destroyed, the main body naturally suffered a backlash.

"It seems that all the people in the Hell of Fire were rescued by him?"

At this time, another black shadow flashed past, and at some point, Yan Jinghong was standing in front of Li Qingling.

"Regent...Prince Regent!"

Li Qingling quickly bowed to Yan Jinghong and said bitterly: "That Ling Feng's strength has become extremely powerful. His original fire is not suppressed by the fire formation. Moreover, he seems to be able to He has mastered the very powerful secret technique of soul path and killed more than 30 Imperial City guards with just one look!"

"Hmph, if it's not strong enough, then it's meaningless! How can there be any pleasure in crushing an ant to death?"

Yan Jinghong stood with his hands behind his back and said with a cold smile: "Since he wants to save people, he should save more people. The more he saves, the faster he will die! Hahahaha!"

"Then what should we do next?" Li Qingling raised his eyes to Yan Jinghong and asked in a deep voice.

"Sooner or later, he will come to me in person, so don't worry about him! Imperial Master, go find someone to make arrangements. In three days, I will marry the eldest lady of the Cangqiong Sect, Yue Yunlan!"

A sneer flashed in Yan Jinghong's eyes, "This day will be Ling Feng's death!"

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