Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1543 High Demon Clan! (3 updates)


After listening to the words of the stupid donkey, the corner of Ling Feng's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly. If he met the Human Emperor or a demon at the level of the first-level emperor, he would still have the strength to fight, but if he went on to do so, he would probably be in trouble. .

What's more, there is absolutely no aura of heaven and earth in this place, and Yuanli cannot be restored, and his own strength has been affected to some extent. Now it seems that he can only rely on the Eye of the Void to see if he can scare the demons here.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng flew out in a random direction.

However, along the way, it was desolate. Not even a demonic figure was seen, let alone a demon.

After walking for about half a day, even the stupid donkey couldn't help but ran out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace again.

"That's not right. Although the Demon Realm is vast and boundless, it's not so empty, right?" There was a trace of doubt in the eyes of the bitch. This space seemed to be a dead land without any living beings.

"Is it possible that even creatures like the demons can't survive here?"

Ling Feng guessed in a deep voice.

"How can it be!"

The voice of the bitch suddenly rose an octave, "The demons are recognized as having tenacious vitality. Even if they die, those great demon-level beings can revive after thousands of years through the power of flesh and blood. Therefore, the demons Generally speaking, strong people cannot be killed. They can only be sealed and their origins will be worn away little by little over a long period of time. Will such powerful beings be unable to adapt to this environment? "


The bitch said, his eyelids suddenly twitched, and he said with great joy: "Boy, we did not fall into the Demon Realm, but fell into the intersecting space between the Demon Realm and the Xuanling Continent!"

"What's the difference?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. He knew less about these time, space and plane things.

"It's very different! The direct passage from the Demon Realm to the Xuanling Continent was probably sealed by the immortals during the ancient war between gods and demons. If we really fall into the Demon Realm, even if there is a boundary-breaking shuttle , if you are unlucky, you may have to wander in the demon realm for the rest of your life, but if you are in this intersecting space, it will be much easier to find a way out, and even if there are demons here, they probably won’t be that strong. Where to go.”

"I probably understand a little bit. Can I understand that this space is similar to a secret realm? As long as I find the door near the secret realm, I can use the boundary-breaking shuttle to return to the Xuanling Continent?"

"That's what it means! Haha, boy, there is no need for us to leave in a hurry. Although this place is barren and lacks spiritual energy, there are also some ores unique to the Demon Realm, such as magic crystals. This thing is not valuable in the Demon Realm, but when it comes Outside, it’s worth ten thousand times in an instant! If you’re lucky, you might even be able to find some of the fallen demon’s magic pills!”

"Okay, you bitch, what time has it been? I'm still thinking about the baby!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, he couldn't stand this greedy guy anymore.

"Life is endless, and the treasure hunt is endless! If you don't want the treasure, you will be punished by God!"

The bitch raised his head high and said seriously.


Ling Feng shook his head and was too lazy to talk to this bitch anymore. He accelerated his pace again, and at the same time expanded his infinite horizons and began to search for all living creatures within the scope of his vision.

Finally, after more than half a day's work, Ling Feng finally sensed a few breaths of life. Judging from the pictures sent back from the infinite horizon, it seemed that there were four or five huge bone wolves, besieging two people wearing black armor. Demon clan.

Of those two demons, one of them looked closer to a human being, while the other was tall and burly, holding a huge mace. He was constantly blocking the bone wolves that were attacking them crazily, and at the same time he was roaring something loudly.

In the distance, Ling Feng vaguely heard something, the demon seemed to be shouting: "Master, you go first, I will stop these monsters for you!"

"Those bone wolves are actually monsters?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Jie Donkey strangely, and asked: "Are there monsters in the Demon Realm?"

"Not to mention this kind of small demon realm, even the big demon realms where high-level extraterrestrial demons live, there are also demon clans. In fact, if the reproductive ability of the higher demon clan is not too poor, no matter which plane it is, we demon clan will He will be the real master!"

The mean donkey held its front hooves in front of its chest, looking arrogant.

"Look what you can do!"

Ling Feng curled his lips, flashed his figure, and rushed to the battlefield ahead. If he wanted to understand the situation here, he had to deal with the demons here. After finally meeting two demons who could talk, naturally he couldn't just watch. Then they were killed by bone wolves.

The black shadow flashed, and Ling Feng had already arrived.

One of the bone wolves, while the stick-wielding demon was dealing with the three-headed bone wolf in front of him, found the right opportunity, jumped up, and pounced on the slightly thin demon behind the stick-wielding demon. He bit the demon's neck off.


At this moment, the skull wolf's hard skull instantly shattered, and then its body twitched and completely shattered, scattering bones all over the ground.


One bone wolf died, and the remaining bone wolves became even more ferocious. Leaving aside the stick-wielding demon, they all pounced on Ling Feng.

The two demons were overjoyed when they suddenly saw someone coming to rescue them, but they were startled when they saw the appearance of the person.

Is this the human race?

Or is it a high-level demon?

However, in this small demon realm, there should not be such a high-level demon clan with such noble blood, right?

The higher the level of the demon, the more similar it is to the human race in appearance, but the eyes and skin will be slightly different. For example, the demon queen Keveli, if you don't know her identity, you will definitely think of her as... A standard human beauty, but also a human beauty full of exotic amorous feelings.

Just when the two demons were doubtful, Ling Feng smiled faintly, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and he directly used the ability of the Eye of the Void.

In an instant, a dark crack was torn open in the void, and several tentacles emerged from the crack, entangling the bone wolves in an instant. Then, Ling Feng punched those bones one by one. The wolf's headshot completely resolved the battle almost in the blink of an eye.

"Summon void life! This... this is something that only high-level demons can do!"

Immediately, the two demons knelt down in front of Ling Feng and said in unison: "Thank you, sir, for saving me!"

Ling Feng picked Wu Mo and looked at the two demons. The stick-wielding demon had about the combat power of the human queen, while the bone wolves were about the same strength as the stick-wielding demon. They were just fighting. With their numerical advantage, they almost devoured these two people.

As for the other demon, his bloodline should be more noble, but he is still young and his strength is still very limited.

"Hmph, a majestic demon clan almost died at the hands of those lowly monsters. He is not worthy of being called a warrior of the demon clan!"

With a cold snort, Ling Feng pretended to be extremely cold and serious. Judging from the demons he came into contact with, most of them attached great importance to their bloodline and were extremely arrogant, so since he wanted to pretend to be a high-level demon As a member of the clan, they naturally have to show pride in their bloodline at all times.

PS: The plot about falling into the Demon Realm is just a foreshadowing for the later plot. It will be out soon. Just remember that there is still a Demon Realm. As for the decisive battle between Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong, it is not far away.

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