Sensing the extremely oppressive aura emanating from Ling Feng, the two demons knelt on the ground, trembling, not even daring to raise their heads.

Among the demons, there is a strict hierarchy. Ling Feng, who looks exactly like a human, is naturally a high-level demon with extremely noble blood in their eyes.


Seeing that these two demons had been fooled by him, Ling Feng calmed down his momentum slightly and said slowly: "What are your names?"

"Reporting to my lord, the villain's name is Horf, and he is my follower, Nader."

The demon boy who looked relatively young looked at Ling Feng with admiration and said with some excitement: "Excuse me, where are you from? It seems that you are not a noble from our city of Chloe."

"Chloe City?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and thought to himself: It turns out there is a city where demons gather here.

"I am not a demon from this plane, I just entered this place by mistake from a chaotic space!"

Ling Feng had a sullen face and kept talking nonsense.

"It turns out to be a high-level demon from the outside world. No wonder we have never seen a noble demon like you in Chloe City!"

The demon boy named Horf said with excitement: "Sir, please go and meet our city lord. This will be the supreme glory of our city of Chloe!"


Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Okay, I also have something that I want to ask your city lord."


Horf's face showed excitement, and he immediately ordered to his subordinate: "Nader, hurry up and lead the way!"

When the stick-wielding demon heard his master's order, he immediately spread his legs and ran forward. Horf turned around and saluted Ling Feng, saying respectfully: "Sir, please come with me!"

The road ahead was still desolate, and except for some monsters blocking the road, there were almost no other demons in sight.

Ling Feng couldn't help but asked a little strangely: "Horff, why are there so few demons here?"

Horv sighed and said slowly: "Sir, you don't know something. This plane is actually an interlaced space between the demonic plane and the human plane. In ancient times, we were invaded by those hateful immortals who followed us. After being expelled from the world, although most of the demons returned to the demon realm, some, like the demons in our city of Chloe, were squeezed into the chaotic space of the two worlds and neither belonged to the human world. , it’s not considered a demonic realm either.”

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and said slowly: "The demon clan's vitality is so tenacious. If it falls into this space, it should quickly dominate this space and multiply wildly, right?"

"That's true, but have you seen the twelve demon stars in the sky?"

Naholf pointed at the strange stars in the sky and said in a deep voice.

Ling Feng asked curiously: "What does it have to do with this demon star?"

"The Demon Star is the source of the demons' power. Although this space is a place where two realms intersect, there is also a Demon Star. It was originally a very suitable place for our demons to survive. However, because the demons are warlike in nature, and these demons Stars can inspire the ferocity in the blood of demons, so in order to compete for the position of lord, the demons who fell here began to fight crazily. Hundreds of years later, this battle came to this place. There are only some low-level demons left who are not good at fighting."

"Later, for some reason, all the demon stars in this world became dim and irrelevant, and our power gradually weakened. After tens of millions of years, we, the demons who are still lingering, have continued to degenerate, and those monsters Due to the harassment, only a small part of the demon clan still survives, and they are all gathered in Chloe City. Therefore, of course, you will rarely see other demon clan outside Chloe City. "

"Thanks to the great devil's blessing, you arrived in time and saved the villain!"

Having said this, Horv looked at Ling Feng with respect, and said with great excitement: "Sir! I believe that you must be the savior of our Chloe City, the savior who will lead us back to the Demon Realm!"


Ling Feng was secretly amused. He had no interest in becoming the savior of these demons.

However, fortunately, those demons are constantly degenerating. If they continue to evolve, this space will be connected with the Xuanling Continent. If those demons enter the human world from this space, wouldn't it be another war between humans and demons.

After a long journey, Ling Feng finally saw a not-so-grand city standing in front of him. A four- to five-foot-high city wall was simply built with stones around it to defend against the monsters who were eyeing him.

Overall, the civilization level of this city is probably similar to that of some primitive tribes. Most of the demon residents live directly in the caves, and only those demons with noble blood are qualified to live in the caves. Some very simple stone rooms.

"Sir, this is our Chloe City. I will take you to see the Lord of the City. I believe she will be very happy when she sees your arrival!"

Under the leadership of Naholf, Ling Feng quickly entered the city. Most of the demons guarding the gate were monsters with ferocious faces. Only when he arrived inside Chloe City could he occasionally see some that were similar to the human race. Most of the similar demons wear some simple linen cloth to cover their key parts.

Some were small in size, about the size of squirrels, and there were some trolls holding huge stone pillars with them, but they looked a bit more honest and honest than the ferocious trolls in Ling Feng's impression.

Many demons saw Horf coming back and came forward to greet him. When they saw a serious-looking guy following Horf, they all looked a little curious.

"Horff, who is this guy? He looks so sullen and serious!"

"He looks like a legendary human, but how come there are humans in our city of Chloe?"

"Idiot! Idiot!"

Horf stood in front of Ling Feng and reprimanded loudly: "You ignorant fools, don't point fingers at this master. He is an extremely noble demon, a master from the real demon realm!"

"Come from the Demon Realm?"

"Oh my god, is he a big devil? Horv, don't brag!"

"Hahaha, Horf has always liked to brag!"

All the demons laughed loudly, and some even whistled.

"You! You guys!"

Horf's face flushed with anxiety: "Who is bragging? You will know soon, this sir, he will become our savior!"

With that said, Horf looked back at Ling Feng and said with admiration: "Sir, can you release your momentum a little bit? Let these ignorant fools see what the power of the devil is!"

Ling Feng was secretly curious. Although these demons looked strange, they seemed completely different from the demons recorded in history books.

Are the extraterrestrial demons really human-eating demons as humans know them?

Ling Feng suddenly thought of the demon queen Keweili. The reason why he agreed to cooperate with her before was just a temporary measure. From the bottom of his heart, he was still worried that Keweili had evil intentions and was just to take advantage of him. Once he took advantage of her, If she is released, it may cause an out-of-control situation.

But now, he suddenly felt that he might need to re-examine the demon queen, and should not look at Kavli with inherent prejudice. Perhaps she would be a good ally.

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