Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1545 Lord Isha! (1 update)

Looking at Horv's extremely expectant eyes, Ling Feng nodded slightly, slowly activated the Eye of the Void, wrapped his energy and blood in the power of the Eye of the Void, and slowly released it.

As a result, a noble aura of high-level demons swept through the city of Chloe. These low-level demons were so easy to fool. When they sensed the aura of high-level demons, they immediately shivered in fear. Kneel down on the ground and worship Ling Feng.

"See, I've just said it before, this lord is a big devil!"

Horf's face showed great excitement. There had never been a big demon in their city.

Of course, they don't even have any idea about the big devil, otherwise they wouldn't think that he is the big devil just from the aura released by Ling Feng.

Yan Jinghong probably never expected that after Ling Feng was transported to the so-called "Seven Emotions Demon Realm", not only did he not face a series of hard battles, but he also subdued a group of demon believers. Otherwise, I really don't know what he would have done. What do you think?

At this time, several figures flew from the inner city. Unlike most ordinary demons, these figures were actually very similar to humans.

The one in the lead looks to be a pretty mature and beautiful witch, but her figure is the same as that of most demon girls. She is extremely hot. Except for her ears, which are slightly longer than those of humans, other places are basically the same as humans. Not much difference.

This is definitely the demon with the noblest bloodline in this city, and is probably the so-called "Lord of the City" in Horf's mouth.

Sure enough, when Horf saw this stunning witch coming, he quickly stepped forward to salute her and said respectfully: "Subordinate Horf, please see the Lord of the City!"

The stunning witch nodded slightly, looked past Horv and landed on Ling Feng, looked at Ling Feng, then slowly walked to Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "You...are a great demon from the Demon Realm? "


Ling Feng raised his head high, pretending to be arrogant, and said arrogantly: "What? Do you want to doubt my identity?"

"Don't dare!"

The city lord also sensed the high-level demonic aura emanating from Ling Feng. He took a deep breath and asked cautiously: "I am the city lord of Chloe City. My name is Isha. What is your name, sir?"

"Hmph!" Ling Feng flicked his sleeves, stood with his hands behind his back and said, "Ling Gulando!"

He still vaguely remembered that Kavli seemed to say that she came from some kind of Gulando family. This surname should be able to cover it up.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard Ling Feng mention the surname "Gulando", the Lord of Isha City immediately knelt down on one knee in front of Ling Feng, even kissed the ground under his feet, and then said respectfully: "So, you It’s the master of the Gulando family!”

This etiquette is only used when encountering the most noble high-level demons.

Although Ling Feng vaguely knew that Keweili's family must be very powerful among the demons, he never expected that it would be so powerful that ordinary demons would kneel down when they heard about it.

Moreover, judging from the appearance of this Isha, her bloodline should not be too weak.

And the remaining demon people in Chloe City actually showed extremely envious eyes when they saw Isa kissing the ground at Ling Feng's feet, as if even kissing the ground was a great honor. .

"It turns out to be the legendary Gulando family!"

"No wonder, I was lucky enough to see you summon a void creature before. It must be the strongest void pupil of the Gruando family!"

All the demons, you and I, all showed extremely excited expressions every time they spoke.

Being able to meet such a legendary demon is simply a great honor.

"Lord Isa, you can get up."

There was a slight sweat on Ling Feng's forehead. Fortunately, he had met him. If he met someone with athlete's foot, it would probably be an interesting story...

"Thank you, sir!"

City Lord Yisha stood up slowly and looked at Ling Feng with even a hint of affection. As long as Ling Feng said a word, she would definitely dedicate everything to Ling Feng and serve Ling Feng with all her strength.


Ling Feng felt a little scared when he was stared at by this woman. He remembered that the last time he fell into the hands of Keweili, the witch also "touched" him, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"Is that so Isa?"

Ling Feng looked at the hot demon city lord, coughed twice, and said in a deep voice: "I fell into this space by mistake this time, and I can't find the way out of here. , you are the city lord of this place, have there been any records on how to leave this place for thousands of years?"

"This..." City Lord Isa's expression changed slightly, "Sir, can't you find the way back to the Demon Realm?"

Ling Feng's face turned cold and he said in a cold voice: "If I ask you something again, don't answer the question incorrectly!"

"Yes!" City Lord Isa trembled and said quickly: "Inside the city of Chloe, there is an altar from ancient times, which contains a mysterious power. It is said that within this altar, there is a path to the world between humans and demons. However, this passage was sealed by some special force. We, the people of Chloe City, have spent thousands of years failing to reopen this altar. "

"Is this so..."

Ling Feng's face was indeed happy and he quickly said: "Take me to the altar!"

"Yes, sir!"

Naturally, Isa did not dare to disobey Ling Feng's order. She pointed at a tall statue in the inner city and said solemnly: "Sir, that mysterious altar is under the statue of the great devil."

Ling Feng followed Isha's slender jade and saw a rather majestic and huge statue. However, after a long time, the facial features on the statue had become completely blurred, and it was not even clear that it was a human face. However, the entire statue is still relatively well preserved.

For any demon clan, no matter high or low, the Great Demon God is their belief and the ancestor of all demon clans. Therefore, no demon clan dares to blaspheme the Great Demon God.

Under the leadership of Lord Na Yisha, Ling Feng quickly arrived at the foot of the statue of the great demon. Sure enough, on a base at the foot of the statue, he saw a stone door as tall as a person.

"Sir, this is the passage leading to the Altar of the Great Demon God. At the deepest part of the altar, there are two gates, one leading to the human world and one leading to the demon realm. But they are both sealed by the power of the fairy clan, so, Even if tens of millions of years have passed, we still can’t open the altar and leave this place!”

At this point, Isa's brows suddenly furrowed and she sighed softly: "The demon star in the sky will become darker and darker, and the power of our demon clan will continue to degrade. If this continues , I’m afraid that in a few hundred years, the demons in Chloe City will be completely extinct.”

"That's not necessarily the case." Ling Feng glanced at Isa and said slowly: "City Lord Isa, please take me in to see first."


Isa sighed softly. Although she did not think that Ling Feng could reopen the altar, she still held a trace of luck and nodded: "Then, sir, please come with me."


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