Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1546 Great Demonic Pill! (2 updates)

Entering the altar at the feet of the Great Demon God, Ling Feng felt as if he had entered the starry sky for a moment.

In front of his eyes, there were dots of stars, and he seemed to be stepping on a bridge of stars, slowly moving forward.

The power of time and space around it is extremely rich, but it is different from the time and space channel and does not have those violent time and space tides.

Ling Feng couldn't help but secretly admire, it was hard to imagine how this altar was built and could actually connect reality and the void.

"grown ups."

City Lord Isa looked back at Ling Feng and said softly: "At the deepest part of the altar, there were originally two star gates, but they have been sealed long ago. It is impossible to leave this place through this altar."


Ling Feng was secretly happy in his heart. Although the normal passage was sealed, the power of the boundary-breaking shuttle was that it could travel through any sealed barrier.

At this moment, City Lord Isa in front suddenly stopped and bowed forward. He saw a ray of light falling from the sky, scanning Isa's body, and then disappeared.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly and he said in surprise: "City Lord Yisha, what is this?"

"This is the bloodline gate left by the powerful demon who built this altar. Only demons with noble blood can be recognized and enter the depths of the altar. After all, this is the altar of the great demon. Demons with low bloodline, You are not qualified to enter the altar. Of course, with your noble bloodline, you can easily pass the bloodline gate test."

City Lord Yisha looked at Ling Feng with admiration and slowly explained.


Several black lines suddenly appeared on Ling Feng's forehead. He was about to reach the star gate, but this happened again.

The only solution for now is to bite the bullet!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng took a step forward and slowly activated the Eyes of the Void, wrapping the power of the Void around his body.

When Ling Feng walked to the door of blood, a dim light also fell from the void. For a moment, Ling Feng only felt a vast and boundless power, crushing down, as if he was just a grain of sand in the Ganges River. , extremely small.

Is this the so-called power of the great devil!

Ling Feng secretly prayed in his heart, hoping that he could get through, otherwise it would be impossible to break into this bloodline gate with brute force.


Just when Ling Feng was worried, a sudden change occurred, and the surrounding void seemed to begin to tremble slightly, as if there was a terrible idea that was gradually awakening!

"It's over!"

Ling Feng cursed in his heart, he couldn't be so unlucky, if it were really the idea of ​​a great demon from ancient times, he would die a million times with just one look.

City Lord Isa on the side was so shocked that he covered his mouth and said in a trembling voice: "Sir... Sir, what is going on? This has never happened to the Bloodline Gate before!"

Cold sweat broke out on Ling Feng's forehead, he greased the soles of his feet and wanted to get away, but was frightened by the terrifying thoughts and couldn't move at all.

Fortunately, this kind of suffering did not last long. The next moment, an illusory figure condensed in the void. First it was a huge monster with a height of a hundred feet, and then it shrank little by little, and finally turned into a burly figure, two feet tall. A humanoid figure outside.

This phantom looks the same as a human being, but Ling Feng can be sure that it is not a strong human being, but definitely the thought left by an ancient demon.

"A descendant of the Grando family? Unexpectedly, in the future, there will be descendants of my Grando family coming to this plane!"

The loud voice sounded slowly, and Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. He looked up at the phantom of the great demon and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, I am from the Gruando clan!"

That phantom seemed to be just an image. He did not bother to answer Ling Feng's words, but said to himself: "When I built this altar to connect the two realms of humans and demons, when I was about to succeed, I was killed by those shameless people. The people from the Immortal Realm made a sneak attack and not only seriously injured me, but also completely blocked the star road to the two realms!"

After hearing these words, Ling Feng secretly felt happy: Fortunately it was blocked! Those people from the Immortal Realm finally did something good!

Although the demons are not necessarily vicious, most of them are warlike and bloodthirsty. If this altar is allowed to operate normally, these demons in Chloe City may just want to return to the Demon Realm, but those big ones in the Demon Realm Demons can naturally invade the human world again through this star gate.

Therefore, it is better not to open this star gate.

"In this space, the power of the demon star is only derived from the projection of the demon realm, so it will weaken once every thousand years, and sooner or later it will completely disappear. At that time, all the demons who are still in this space will surely perish. I thought hard, Finally, I figured out a way to keep the altar running for the time being, and at least send the remaining demons back to the demon realm!"

"This... is great! It's great!"

Hearing this, Lord Isa was immediately overjoyed. It turned out that the great demon who built this altar had left a glimmer of hope for these demons in Chloe City.

Naturally, the ancient demon couldn't hear Isa's words, and just continued to talk to himself, "After being attacked by those people from the Immortal Realm, I knew that my time was running out, so I gave up the original demon pill and sealed it. Here, as long as there are descendants of the Grando family who arrive here, I will give the Great Demonic Pill to them. Using the power within the Great Demonic Pill, coupled with the ability of the Grando family to communicate with the void, it can be temporarily operated. The altar will send the demons here back to the demon realm to avoid the disaster of extinction. "

"A descendant of the Gulando clan, this is my original magic pill. I will now teach you the method of operating the altar."

The next moment, a huge spherical object the size of a watermelon slowly fell from the void. This object should be the original magic pill mentioned by the ancient demon!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Although he had gone through countless years, the energy contained in this great magic pill was almost impossible to estimate.

It's simply terrifying!

"Oh my god, the origin of the ancient great devil is the great devil's elixir! Boy, it's developed, it's developed this time!"

In his mind, the exclamation of a bitch came. If he were not afraid of being exploded by the energy in the big magic pill, this guy would definitely swallow the big magic pill in one go.

"I don't know what kind of strength this ancient demon is equivalent to?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. In the Four Spirits God Monument, he had heard Na Keweili mention that the powerful people in the Immortal Realm were divided into Immortal Lords, Immortal Emperors and so on. This ancient demon could build If there is a channel that is enough to communicate between the human and demon realms, it must not be much weaker.

Anyway, it must be comparable to those powerful immortals!

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