Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1547: Operation of the Altar! (3 more)

Soon, the shadow of the ancient demon in the void completely dissipated. With Ling Feng's qualifications and understanding, he naturally learned how to operate the altar at a glance.

However, what makes him a little uneasy is that he is not a serious member of the Gulando clan. Can he really run this altar?

Also, do I really want to waste the energy in this big magic pill, run the altar, and send the demons in Chloe City back to the demon realm?

They are demons and he is a human being. Logically speaking, they should be incompatible with each other. There is no need for him to care about their life or death.

"Great, so great!"

Not far away, the Lord of Isa City was still immersed in great joy. After tens of millions of years, they could finally leave this place.

At this time, Ling Feng only needs to slap the Lord of Isha to death with one palm, and then activate the altar himself and return to the human world; or simply use the boundary-breaking shuttle to return to the human world, without wasting any of the original magic elixir. The power within.

With the energy in an ancient magic pill, I can save myself so many years of hard work!

A trace of greed arose spontaneously in Ling Feng's heart, and there seemed to be a voice constantly swirling in his mind: They are just demons, why should we save them? There is no need to save them!

"No! No!"

The next moment, Ling Feng shook his head hard and threw those thoughts out of his mind.

"Lord Isa, go and notify all the demons in Chloe City and ask them to come into the altar. I will operate the altar and send everyone back to the demon realm!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and spoke slowly. Lord Yisha did not notice that when he finished speaking, Ling Feng's eyes were already red and his pupils were filled with bloodshot eyes.

"Oh!" Isa finally reacted and quickly bowed to Ling Feng, "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!"

After saying that, he turned back and strode away to inform all the people in Chloe City of the great news.

Watching Isha leave, Ling Feng let out a sigh of relief. His whole body seemed to have just experienced a battle, and it was actually a little limp.

"Wow, boy Ling Feng, do you know how much energy it takes to activate that altar? Is it necessary for those demons?"

In his mind, there was a grumbling voice from the bitch. If it were him, there would be no hesitation at all.

"Anyway, it was City Lord Isa who brought me here. Moreover, the ancient demon pill was left by the ancient demon to save the demons in Chloe City. Naturally, I can't take it all by myself. No matter if the other party is a demon, No matter the clan or the human clan, I can’t go against my true intention, I’m afraid it will breed inner demons.”

Ling Feng took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, stood there, and waited quietly for the return of City Lord Isa.

"Huh, you're the only one who's a good person!"

The bitch cursed lowly, but if he thought about it carefully, if it weren't for Ling Feng's character, he might not have rejected him from the beginning, but now he is following Ling Feng wholeheartedly.

The waiting time is not too long.

There are not many demons left in Chloe City. The total number of all the demons is only four to five hundred.

"Replying to your lord, all the residents have gathered!"

Isa looked at Ling Feng excitedly, never expecting that this man would solve their tens of thousands of years of dilemma.


Ling Feng nodded and strode towards the depths of the altar.

Deep in this illusory starry sky, you can see an altar more than three feet high. Behind the altar, there are two star gates, both of which have been sealed by the power of the fairy clan and cannot be opened again.

Ling Feng slowly walked to the front of the altar, took out the big magic pill, and followed the technique taught by the ancient demon to activate the infinite magic power in the big magic pill. At the same time, he moved the pupil of the void and began to communicate with the power of the void. .

Although his Eye of the Void has only reached the first stage, it was obtained from the Demon Queen Keveli after all. His bloodline is absolutely pure, and even among the Gruando clan, he is a noble among nobles. , communicating with the void is no problem at all.

After a while, behind the altar, a star gate on the right gradually emitted a faint light, and then, an image from the Demon Realm actually appeared inside!

"Is that the Demon Realm? Is that the Demon Realm!"

The demons in Chloe City suddenly became excited. Through this transmission channel, they could sense the power of the demon star coming from the opposite side, making them stronger.

The twelve demon stars shining in the demon realm are the real demon stars, and they are the real source of power for the demons!

"Okay, everyone, don't waste time, line up and enter the passage one after another, I can't last too long!"

Ling Feng shouted, and the demons who were still shocked and surprised quickly lined up one by one, for fear of being left behind.

Under the organization of City Lord Na Yisha, about an hour later, all the demons entered the transmission channel, leaving only Yisha and Ling Feng outside.

"Sir, thank you. I really don't know how to thank you!"

City Lord Isa looked at Ling Feng with great excitement, bit her red lips and said: "Well... as long as you are willing, sir, I am willing to stay with you after returning to the Demon Realm, even if I am just a slave."

"Let's talk about these things after we return to the Demon Realm!"

Ling Feng was sweating slightly on his forehead. He was not interested in taking a witch as a slave. Also, he was not interested in going to a demonic realm.

If you really encounter a big demon, your identity will be revealed.

"Okay, sir, I'm waiting for you!" City Lord Yisha puffed up his proud chest and cast a seductive look at Ling Feng.


Ling Feng's old face turned red. Although he was extremely determined in martial arts, he was still a normal man after all!

After taking deep breaths several times and watching Isha walk into the transmission channel, Ling Feng shouted in the direction of the channel: "City Lord Isha, I'm sorry, I'm not a demon! You return to the Demon Realm. After that, live a good life, we will see each other again! No, we will never see each other again. I hope you demons will never invade the human world again, otherwise, we will not know whether we are friends or foes the next time we meet!"

After saying that, Ling Feng took out the big demon pill and completely blocked the passage to the demon realm.

When Lord Yisha stepped into the transmission channel, he found that Ling Feng did not come in with him, but instead closed the channel. He was suddenly confused.

Vaguely, Isa only heard Ling Feng saying "we will never meet again", and she couldn't help but frowned. Could it be because Ling Feng disliked her?

Soon, the passage was completely blocked, and Ling Feng didn't bother to care whether City Lord Yisha heard his words clearly. He couldn't control the affairs of the Demon Realm anyway.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng took out the big magic pill again and prepared to open the passage to the human world. Although the boundary-breaking shuttle was not unusable, this transmission passage was obviously more secure.

However, at this moment, a spiritual thought suddenly came from the great magic pill, which almost scared Ling Feng into having a heart attack!


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