Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1548 Advancement! The Eye of the Void! (4 more updates)

"Human boy, why would you choose to help those demons return to the demon realm? Don't you humans always hate demons the most?"

From the magic elixir of the ancient demon, an illusory figure slowly floated up. It was exactly the same as the previous image of the ancient demon, only slightly smaller, but the aura of the great demon emanated from the phantom. , is still heart-wrenching.

" are that ancient demon!"

Ling Feng only felt that his scalp was a little numb. He should have guessed that since he was a demon with such a powerful vitality, and he was also an ancient demon, how could he not leave some backup plans? For example, in its magic elixir, there is a ray of spiritual thought left behind.

Just imagine, if you really try to refine the energy in the Great Demon Pill, and this Great Demon takes the opportunity to seize you, the consequences will be disastrous.


The phantom nodded slightly, "Human boy, you haven't answered my question yet."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "This matter has nothing to do with race. What I encountered was not a demon clan invading the human world, but a group of poor creatures that were about to become extinct. Any creature has the right to pursue survival. , As long as you don’t betray your true intentions and help those demons return to the demon realm, what’s wrong with that?”

"Okay! You are indeed the most special human being I have ever seen. It's no wonder that a royal member of the Grando family has transferred the power of the Eye of the Void to a human!"

The demon's shadow stared at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Can you tell me who you got your Eye of the Void from?"

"Of course." Ling Feng shrugged and said slowly: "I met a demon queen named Keweili in a sealed place, and agreed to her some conditions, so she gave me the Void Queen. Hitomi’s ability.”

"So it's Queen Keveli!"

The demon's shadow flashed with a hint of admiration in his eyes. He nodded and said slowly: "No matter what, no matter what, since you are the person chosen by Queen Keveli, then I will give you a favor! You are just a human being. , the Pupil of the Void was originally unable to be improved, so today I will use the remaining power in the Great Demonic Pill to help you improve the level of the Pupil of the Void!"

"This..." Ling Feng looked at the big demon with some disbelief. When did the demon become so easy to talk to?

"Boy, it's you who planted your own good karma and reaped the good results! I have long realized that you, the so-called Grando noble, are a fake. As long as you want to monopolize the power of the great magic pill, I will take the opportunity to seize you. , you probably still remember the inducing voice in your mind when you got the magic elixir from me, right?"

"Oh it's you……"

Ling Feng suddenly felt a cold sweat break out on his back. Fortunately, he was not deceived by greed, otherwise, he might have been killed by this big demon.

"You used my great demon elixir to run the altar, consuming a lot of energy. Now, even if I have the intention, I may not be able to seize you safely." The great demon snorted coldly, and said slowly: "Since you are... He is the person chosen by Queen Keveli, so I will help you once so that you can do things for Queen Keveli better!"

"Thank you, senior!"

Ling Feng bowed to the big demon. Although he was a demon, he was an interesting one.

"You don't have to thank me. I still don't have any good impressions of humans after all. Let's just think of it as a thank you gift for those demons who returned to the demon realm!"

As the words fell, the ancient demon raised his hand slightly and released a majestic energy like a vast ocean from the demon pill, wrapping around Ling Feng's body.

For a moment, Ling Feng's Eyes of the Void opened automatically, and the infinite magic power converged towards Ling Feng's eyes.

The first stage of the Eye of the Void can only tear open cracks in the void, summon some void tentacles, and trap the enemy.

In the second stage, you can summon some simple void spirits to assist in combat.

As the Eye of the Void continues to evolve, the summoned void creatures become more powerful and can exist in real space longer.

It's like when you reach the level of Keveli, you can even directly summon Erbot, a giant void beast that is comparable to the powerful level of the late emperor. Moreover, after tens of millions of years, it has not disappeared from her side, and as long as Erbot doesn't Even if it is destroyed, the mark of her life will never dissipate.

This is the power of the Eyes of the Void, and why the Gruando clan can be called the top demon clan among many powerful demon clans.

Feeling the continuous infusion of the magic power of the ancient demon, Ling Feng's eyes were burning. It seemed that it was because of the demonic energy of the ancient demon, which naturally had a murderous and ferocious nature. Ling Feng's Shura Eyes, It actually opened on its own and began to continuously absorb the power within the great magic pill.

"It turns out that you are... from the Tiandao clan!"

As the Eye of Shura opened, the ancient demon was startled for a moment, and then burst out laughing, "So, the Tiandao clan has not been extinct yet? Okay, okay! No wonder Queen Keveli would choose you, the Tiandao clan, those The damn Immortal Clan is in trouble! The Xuantian Clan is in trouble! Hahaha..."

"Suck it, take it all in!"

At this moment, Ling Feng could hardly control his body. The Pupil of the Void and the Eye of Shura were frantically absorbing the energy from the great magic pill.

The shadow of the demon gradually dissipated, but there was no pain or fear in its eyes, but an extremely burning color. He had died tens of millions of years ago, and he had no regrets for being able to learn about Keweili before he completely dissipated.

I don't know how long it took, the energy in the demon pill was completely absorbed by Ling Feng, and Ling Feng's body fell back to the ground from mid-air, staggered, and took a few steps back.

"What's going on!"

Ling Feng touched his forehead, and the Shura Eye had been retracted into his body, swallowing a large amount of demon power. The Shura Eye seemed to have undergone some changes, but it was not obvious, just faintly seemed to be a little different.

However, the power of the Shura Eye was too difficult to control. Ling Feng collected his mind and began to sense the power of the Void Eye.

According to the ancient demon, his Void Eye should have evolved.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng slowly activated the Eye of Void, and began to slowly tear a void crack in front of him. Then, several purple tentacles emerged from the void crack.

"It's still the Void Tentacle? No way?"

Just when Ling Feng felt a little disappointed, the Void Tentacle had already drilled out more than ten feet, and behind the tentacles, a huge head emerged, and the ferocious mouth opened and closed, seeming to emit a special sound wave.

And this sound wave, falling into Ling Feng's ears, is an extremely clear voice: "Master, Void Eye Wirtz, at your service!"

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