Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1549 The wedding day! (1 update)

"Eye of the Void Wirtz, at your service!"

A slightly deep voice sounded, and a huge head emerged from the crack in the void. The entire head had almost only one huge vertical pupil, and eight thick tentacles, which were constantly squirming, raising the huge head high. Lifted up, it is more than three feet tall.

Ling Feng raised his head high and looked at the Eye of the Void.

According to Kavli, the power of summoning life is generally related to the master's own power. However, the richer the bloodline of the Gruando family, or the higher the stage of the Eye of the Void, the higher the level of the void life summoned. , will also become stronger.

And the strength of this Eye of the Void seems to have reached the level of the Great Emperor. As for how strong it is, you still need to experience it in actual combat to know.

After all, the power of the void life is very different from that of the human race, but there is no doubt that this eye of the void must be a great help to him.

Moreover, what made him even more delighted was that it seemed that due to the infusion of a huge amount of ancient magic power, he felt that his physique had also undergone some special changes. It seemed that as long as he practiced, he could continue to improve the quality of the Eye of the Void. Order!

In Ling Feng's heart, he was already looking forward to it. What would it be like if one day he could summon a huge beast like Erbot, rush into the fairyland, and beat the shit out of the so-called fairy clan!

It must be great!

"Go back, Wirz!"

Ling Feng lightly snapped his fingers, and Wiltz immediately retracted into the crack in the void, and in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared without a trace.

"The first stage of the Pupil of the Void is to summon the Touch of the Void. The second stage is the Spirit of the Void. Wiltz is obviously no longer a simple Spirit of the Void, so it seems that my Pupil of the Void has at least reached the third stage. , I don’t know if Wirz is the strongest void life I can summon!”

Since it is a summons, there is a certain degree of randomness. Unless it is a magic pet that has signed a contract, it can be available at any time.

Although Wirtz is not weak, Ling Feng has no intention of directly signing a contract with it. After all, every time the Pupil of the Void advances to a higher level, he can only sign a contract with a void life. Who knows when the Pupil of the Void will next advance. , it’s better not to waste the opportunity to sign the contract casually. Maybe if your personality breaks out, you might be able to directly summon a great saint-level void life.

"I've gained quite a lot from this trip, Yan Jinghong, I should thank you for letting me come to the Demon Realm!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, obviously he didn't mean any thanks.

Now that the power of the Great Demonic Pill is exhausted, we can only use the boundary-breaking shuttle to leave this ghost place.

"I hope it's not too late, Miss Yue, wait for me to save you!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and directly used the world-breaking shuttle. The world-breaking shuttle was an extremely rare treasure in the fairyland. After approaching the star gate leading to the human world, he immediately found the passage.

In an instant, Ling Feng drove the boundary-breaking shuttle and stepped into the void passage.

Ling Feng only felt that his vision was dark, and he didn't know where the other side would be.

After all, the entire Xuanling Continent is so big. If he reaches another corner of the Xuanling Continent, it will not be easy to return to the Tianbai Empire.

When Ling Feng was rushing on his way to return to the Tianbai Empire, the Tianbai Imperial Capital and the Imperial City were all decorated with lights and decorations, as if they were preparing for a grand wedding.

The regent Yan Jinghong married Yue Yunlan, the daughter of the former head of the Protectorate Sect. This was undoubtedly a major event that caused a stir in the imperial capital.

Three days have passed since Ling Feng fell into the Demon Realm of Seven Emotions.

Today is the day when Yan Jinghong marries Yue Yunlan.

Nowadays, the imperial power of the Tianbai royal family is in the hands of the Yan family. Although Yan Jinghong is called the regent, he is actually the uncrowned emperor. The fourth prince, Mo Yan, only cares about being a puppet.

In the past, Mo Yan was also an arrogant hero, but now he did not dare to disobey Yan Jinghong at all.

He knew in his heart that if he obeyed Yan Jinghong, he could still be a puppet emperor, but if he disobeyed Yan Jinghong, the devil would probably kill him without hesitation.

After all, there is never any shortage of royal family members in the royal family, and any descendant of the Mo family can be his puppet.

Therefore, even though Mo Yan hated Yan Jinghong deeply, he could only smile with all his face, like a pug, and had to please Yan Jinghong everywhere in order to secure his position as the puppet emperor.

Even if the king of a country is like this, all the civil and military officials in the dynasty are naturally afraid of Yan Jinghong.

In just one month, Yan Jinghong suppressed dissidents, and there was no longer any opposition in the court. Even in recent days, even the Tianmang Fortress in southern Xinjiang seemed to be afraid of Yan Jinghong's power and stood firm in the south. Territory, dare not send troops to fight.

In the eyes of all the ministers, the Tianbai royal family has finally run out of energy!

On this great day for the regent, ministers all over the court presented great gifts one after another, and the whole country celebrated. The level of excitement was even greater than that of a king after he was crowned queen!

At the same time, in the harem.

Yue Yunlan was sitting in front of a gorgeous dressing table, looking at the stunning woman wearing a phoenix crown and harem in the mirror, but her eyebrows were deeply furrowed and she had a sad look on her face.

There are more than ten maids around, all of them are waiting carefully, for fear of making any mistakes.


Qiaoqiao bit her lips and held a jade comb. While she was dressing Yue Yunlan, she hummed softly: "You really want to...otherwise, let's run away. There are only a few palace maids around. Let's knock him unconscious." Got them..."

"We can escape, but can daddy escape? Can mother escape?"

There was a trace of tears in Yue Yunlan's eyes, and she slowly shook her head, "Forget it, Qiaoqiao, I won't regret if I can exchange the tranquility of the Cang Qiong Sect with just me. It's just..."

In Yue Yunlan's heart, she silently added: It's just that maybe, he really won't come back. That's fine, at least, he is safe.

"Miss, I...I..."

Big tears rolled down Qiaoqiao's cheeks, "Miss, you obviously like that idiot! That stinky Lingfeng, isn't he very powerful? Why didn't he come to save you this time! Wow! Woo hoo..."

"Okay Qiaoqiao, you are not allowed to say such things. He...maybe he doesn't know all this at all. Yes, he has gone to the Dongling Fairy Pond. That is the world that belongs to him. I...are just his life It’s just an insignificant passer-by. Besides, Mr. Ling has already helped me a lot.”

With a faint smile, Yue Yunlan gently wiped away the tears on Qiaoqiao's cheeks, "Don't cry, silly girl, I haven't even cried yet."

"I...I just can't help it, wuwuwu..."

Qiaoqiao looked deeply at Yue Yunlan in front of her. Although she was a young lady and he was just a maid, Yue Yunlan had never regarded her as a servant since she was a child. It would be impossible to find another such a good lady.

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