Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1551 Ling Feng appears! (3 updates)

Entering the main hall, Yue Yunlan glanced among the ministers, but did not see the figure of her father Yue Zhonglian, and she could not help but frown.

"Yan Jinghong, didn't you say that as long as I marry you, you will let my father go? Now, where are the others? And, where is my mother, where did you take her?"

Yue Yunlan stopped. She would never worship with Yan Jinghong until she was sure her parents were safe.

Otherwise, once the wedding is completed, she will have no room for bargaining with Yan Jinghong.


Yan Jinghong smiled faintly, leaned close to Yue Yunlan's ear, and whispered: "Didn't I tell you that uncle-in-law was rescued by a little thief named Ling Feng three days ago?"

"What, my dad, he..."

A hint of joy flashed in Yue Yunlan's eyes, Ling Feng was back, he really was back, and he also rescued her father.

"Are you happy?"

Yan Jinghong stretched out his hand to hold Yue Yunlan's shoulder and said slowly: "But you may be happy too early, because whether it is your father or that little thief Ling Feng, I am afraid they have all died in a foreign land now." , you will never have the chance to see them again in this life."

"What did you say!" Yue Yunlan stiffened and stared at Yan Jinghong with a trace of anger in his eyes.

"You don't understand this, right?" Yan Jinghong shrugged and said lazily: "Then let's put it in a simpler way, they are all dead!"

"You, Yan Jinghong! You lied to me!"

Yue Yunlan suddenly became excited. She bit her silver teeth and slapped Yan Jinghong hard with her palm.

"You will be my regent princess soon, how could I be willing to lie to you! Hahaha..."

Yan Jinghong stepped sideways and easily dodged Yue Yunlan's palm. He casually placed his hand on her left shoulder and sealed her acupoint. He smiled lightly and said, "Okay, stop fooling around. Everyone is waiting, hahaha!"

Yue Yunlan's acupoints were tapped and she could not move. She could only follow Yan Jinghong slowly with the support of two maids.

"Miss, miss!"

Qiaoqiao saw Yue Yunlan being restrained and wanted to step forward to help, but was grabbed tightly by two palace maids behind him, and his mouth was even stuffed with a rag.

How could she, a little maid, be allowed to go up and cause trouble at the Prince Regent's wedding?

When all the ministers in the court saw this scene, they all selectively ignored it. They just congratulated each other and no one dared to say more gossip.

"The Queen Mother is here!"

At this moment, there was another sound of carriages and horses. It was the host of this wedding, the former Queen Mother, and now the "Empress Dowager" Yan Ning, who arrived at the scene.

With Yan Ning's status in the Yan family, even Yan Jinghong wanted to call her grandma, so it was perfect for her to be the person to officiate at the wedding.

Everyone looked together, and every time they saw the face of the former most beautiful woman in the empire, they couldn't help but sigh that the years had not left any trace on her body.

Next to the Empress Dowager Ning, Yan Shuying naturally followed closely behind her. Under the respectful welcome of the ministers, the Empress Dowager entered the Zhengyang Palace.

"Haha, the Queen Mother is here too! Come and take a seat!"

Yan Jinghong's expression was indifferent. There was no emotion left in him. He just casually invited the Queen Mother to the main seat without exchanging any greetings.

"Humph, Jinghong is really becoming more and more indifferent. When he saw me before, he would call me cousin. Also, he clearly respected the Queen Mother very much before."

Yan Shuying on the side bit her lips. It is true that Yan Jinghong helped the Yan family reach an unimaginable peak and became the largest family in the Tianbai Empire, but he could no longer feel it from his body. There is no trace of kinship.

"Okay Shuying, today is a great day, don't complain."

Yan Ning took a deep breath, but felt slightly uneasy in her heart. Could it be that, as Yan Cangtian said, Yan Jinghong had completely fallen into the devil's path.

So, although the Yan family prospered because of Yan Jinghong, one day, they may perish because of Yan Jinghong.

She only hoped that the arrival of that day would be delayed as much as possible.

At least, don't let her see that day coming.

The officiant arrived and the wedding was finally about to begin.

Yan Jinghong stood with his hands behind his back. There was no emotion in his eyes. The wedding went so smoothly, which made him feel a little boring.

The master of ceremonies who presided over the wedding began a tedious and lengthy speech, and finally shouted loudly: "Bow down to heaven and earth!"

Yan Jinghong turned around and looked outside the hall.

Yue Yunlan was also being escorted by two maids. She turned around and stood side by side with Yan Jinghong.

However, at this moment, outside the main hall, the sky became extremely dark, and the clouds in the sky surged wildly, converging into an extremely huge whirlpool.

Vaguely, Yan Jinghong seemed to see a huge bow in the clouds, and there seemed to be a figure standing above the bow.

"Yan Jinghong, given our 'friendship', it would be too disrespectful to not invite me to attend the wedding day!"


As thunder pierced the sky one after another, the huge flying boat broke through the clouds. Ling Feng's figure flashed and jumped down from the boundary-breaking shuttle. He only heard a "boom" and exploded, which actually directly blew away the dome of Zhengyang Hall. A huge hole was opened.

The dust gradually dispersed, and a young man in white clothes was seen, standing with his hands behind his back. A circle of faint firelight surged around his body, isolating all the smoke and dust.

If this young man in white is not Ling Feng, who is he?

"It's Ling Feng!"

Based on Ling Feng's performance when he challenged the Royal Sword Team, he had already shocked the officials. There were only a few people in the court who did not know Ling Feng.

Now, Ling Feng used such a gesture to forcefully make a scene at the wedding, and the aura exuded from him was not at all inferior to that of Yan Jinghong.

All the ministers retreated far away, and everyone could foresee that what would follow would be a world-shattering battle.

"Master Ling!"

The moment he saw Ling Feng appear, Yue Yunlan felt as if he was in a dream.

But if this was just her dream, she just hoped she would never wake up.

"It's him! Damn brat!"

Yan Shuying stood next to the Empress Dowager. When she saw Ling Feng appearing, she couldn't help but clench her fists. There were actually many grievances between her and Ling Feng that they didn't understand yet!

Yan Ning narrowed her eyes slightly.

Perhaps Ling Feng was the source of her uneasiness.

"Ling Feng, you finally came out of the Demon Realm, just a little later than I thought. Why, do you want to have a glass of wedding wine first?"

Yan Jinghong's eyes fell on Ling Feng, and he didn't seem to be too surprised by his appearance.

Ling Feng glanced at Yue Yunlan and found that she was just a little weak. He calmed down, looked at Yan Jinghong, and said in a cold voice: "Stop talking nonsense, Yan Jinghong, if you still have the pride of being a warrior. , then come out and fight me!”

(PS: Because I am really short of words to describe the scene of getting married, and even after deleting, deleting, and revising it for a long time, I am still not satisfied, so I simply skip it and start directly. I feel a little embarrassed about these two chapters, so just read it...)

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