Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1552 Never abandon anyone! (4 more updates)

"Okay, then let me teach you how powerful the Seven Emotions Magic Wheel is!"

Yan Jinghong smiled coldly and took a few steps back, with a hint of evil in his eyes, "Let you meet some of your old friends first. I believe you have been looking for them for a long time! The Four Demons General, come out!”

Following Yan Jinghong's order, four figures flew out of the inner hall. Their bodies were covered with billowing demonic energy. They seemed to have lost their self-awareness. They each waved their weapons and rushed towards Ling Feng.

These four people are Taiwei Li of the Taiwei Mansion, General Yingyang Deng Xian, Mu Yunsang, dean of Tianwei Academy, and Hong Haotian, president of the Alchemist Guild!

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly. No wonder he had never found any trace of them before. It turned out that Yan Jinghong had already controlled his mind.

The Seven Emotions Magic Wheel can control anyone's seven emotions and six desires. As long as they are mortals, they will naturally be unable to let go of the seven emotions and six desires. Once they take advantage of it, they will be controlled by Yan Jinghong.

Yan Jinghong's "The Art of Forgetting Love by Heavenly Demons" has been practiced to a very advanced level. Planting the seven-emotion magic wheel into the bodies of these four people can not only control them, but even stimulate their potential, allowing them to Within a period of time, the strength skyrocketed.

But on the contrary, after the potential is exhausted, the vitality will be weakened to the extreme. This is undoubtedly a very vicious evil art.

"Mr. Deng!"

Seeing General Deng coming towards him with a sword, Ling Feng suddenly frowned and said with hatred: "Yan Jinghong, you only use this kind of insidious and vicious method? Have you given up the dignity of a warrior? "

"Hmph, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit! Since ancient times, the winner has always been king! What's more, you can't even pass them, so what qualifications do you have to stand in front of me?"

Yan Jinghong laughed wildly, grabbed Yue Yunlan's shoulders, and jumped onto the main seat. Jie Jie smiled strangely and said: "Are you happy that he is here? But don't be happy too early, he will become in my hands The scariest monster!"

Yue Yunlan's acupoints were sealed by Yan Jinghong. She could not speak and her limbs were weak. When she heard Yan Jinghong's words, her heart suddenly lifted and her eyes were fixed on Ling Feng. She knew that Ling Feng was a very emotional person, and now he was besieged by the four of Deng Xian. Even if he had the ability to defeat his opponents, he would not dare to use his power for fear of hurting the four of Deng Xian.

Above the main hall, all the ministers retreated again and again, for fear of being affected by the war.

Under the control of Yan Jinghong's Seven Emotions Magic Wheel, the four of them, Deng Xian, not only increased their strength dramatically, but also made fierce and deadly moves. However, Ling Feng was restrained in every way and did not dare to kill. For a moment, Ling Feng was completely overwhelmed. Fighting with pressure, he could only rely on his strong defense to resist the fierce attacks of the four people.

"What? Ling Feng, why don't you fight back? You can't save your woman like this. You have to involve yourself in it."

Yan Jinghong looked ferocious, stared at Ling Feng, and laughed loudly: "By the way, I forgot to tell you, once the Seven Emotions Magic Wheel is activated, with the cultivation of these four people, they can only hold on for half a If you want to save these four people, you might as well try to suck out the Seven Emotions Demonic Wheel from their bodies. However, I don’t dare to say whether you can withstand the power of this Seven Emotions Demonic Wheel. ensure!"

"You think I don't dare?"

Ling Feng frowned deeply, it was obvious that Yan Jinghong was using Deng Xian as a trap.

Yan Jinghong knew very well that even if he used the Seven Emotions Demonic Wheel to squeeze the potential of these four people and increase their power dramatically, he would never be able to stop Ling Feng. However, if Ling Feng wanted to save them, he could only suck them away. The seven emotions magic wheel in the body.

"You, Ling Feng, value love and righteousness and want to save everyone. Okay! Then let me see. Do you dare to suck this Seven Emotions Magic Wheel away even though you know it's a trap?"

Yan Jinghong looked up to the sky and laughed: "Or, give up these people, ignore these burdens, and fight with me. You have a great chance of defeating me! How about it, Great Sage Ling, how do you choose?"

"Sage, I, Ling Feng, cannot bear the responsibility, but as long as I still have breath, I will never give up on anyone!"

Ling Feng stared at Yan Jinghong, ducked to avoid Hong Haotian's blow again, stretched out his hand to grab Hong Haotian's arm, and pressed his palm on his vest.

In an instant, Ling Feng gathered his power in the palm of his hand, and a suction force penetrated Hong Haotian's body, sucking the Seven Emotions Demonic Wheel that Yan Jinghong planted in his Dantian into his body.

Losing the control of the Seven Emotions Magic Wheel, Hong Haotian's body suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng followed suit and subdued Deng Xian, Li Taiwei and Mu Yunsang one after another, absorbing all the Seven Emotions Demonic Wheels in their bodies.

After sucking in four Seven Emotions Magic Wheels in a row, a green and black energy suddenly appeared on Ling Feng's face, looming, and his mind seemed to explode. Sometimes it was sad, sometimes furious, and sometimes overjoyed, filling Ling Feng's mind. , making him almost fall into it and unable to extricate himself.


Ling Feng hugged his head tightly and screamed in pain, trying to resist the power of the Seven Emotions Magic Wheel. Above his head, the Seven Emotions Magic Wheel kept changing, and one after another evil inscriptions entered Ling Feng's mind.

greedy! Angry! Crazy! hatred! like! evil! want!

One after another, like inscriptions branded forever, they were deeply engraved in Ling Feng's spiritual sea. Even with the power of his divine consciousness, he could not stop it at all. The spiritual fortress collapsed in an instant like a torrent.

His eyes gradually became dull and bloodshot, and his self-consciousness seemed to have fallen into an abyss that could not be seen from the sky, and he could no longer find a way out.

"Hahaha, Ling Feng, you had a chance to defeat me, but unfortunately, you chose the so-called morality. Now, the Seven Emotions Magic Wheel has entered your spiritual sea. Throughout your life, you will become my Yan The most loyal dog under Jinghong! Hahaha!”

Yan Jinghong laughed wildly, everything was planned by him, but the demonic energy emanating from Ling Feng was much stronger than he imagined.

But it's all harmless. Now, everything is a foregone conclusion, and no one can stop him anymore.

Sooner or later, not only the Tianbai Empire, but also the entire Dongling Territory will surrender under his feet.

"Congratulations to the Prince Regent! Congratulations to the Prince Regent!"

All the ministers in the dynasty knelt down and worshiped. They originally thought that there would be a hard battle between Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong. Who would have expected that Yan Jinghong only sacrificed four lower-level prisoners and asked Ling Feng to join him as well? He got on and became Yan Jinghong's puppet.

"Grandma the Queen Mother, that Ling Feng, he..."

Yan Shuying suddenly showed a hint of horror when she saw Ling Feng being easily subdued by Yan Jinghong. According to her understanding of Ling Feng, there was no reason why he could be eliminated so easily, right?

"Looks like it's over."

Yan Ning shook his head and murmured to himself: "Like his grandfather, he attaches too much importance to feelings. It is often because of this that he gives people loopholes and is destined to lose everything."

"Master Ling..."

Yue Yunlan was heartbroken with grief, and her tears slowly fell. Maybe Ling Feng shouldn't have come back from the beginning!

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