Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1553 Void Witch Spirit! (1 update)

"This idiot!"

The fourth prince, Mo Yan, saw that Ling Feng was defeated by Yan Jinghong after three strikes, five divided by two, and his pupils shrank. He couldn't help but curse in a low voice: In order to save a few old guys, he actually gave up the great opportunity to defeat Yan Jinghong. It's really stupid. .

From the fourth prince's point of view, the best outcome would be for both Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong to suffer losses, so that he could have the opportunity to reap the benefits.

But now, Ling Feng not only failed to cause any damage to Yan Jinghong, but also became a dog under Yan Jinghong's hands!

With Yan Jinghong's strength and the puppet Ling Feng, it was no problem to defeat the Northwest Army and the Southern Army.

From now on, I am afraid that no one in the empire can pose any threat to Yan Jinghong.

As for him, the puppet emperor, I am afraid he can only continue to be a puppet. Once the rebellion within the empire is eliminated, Yan Jinghong will have no other worries. Once he, the puppet emperor, loses his use value, I am afraid his death will come.

The "Blood Sword Lord" Li Qingling also frowned slightly. He did not expect that Ling Feng could be restrained by Yan Jinghong so easily.

However, why did Ling Feng suddenly become so easy to deal with? When he and Lin Canglang were together, he tried his best and made various calculations, but failed to hurt Ling Feng even a hair. Now that he was replaced by Yan Jing Have Hong, a teammate, and Ling Feng become so vulnerable?

It turns out that the reason why we couldn't defeat Ling Feng before was not because Ling Feng was too strong, but because his teammates were too weak?

He shook his head and threw away his distracting thoughts. Judging from the long-term hostility experience between Li Qingling and Ling Feng, everything seemed to be going too smoothly. It was a little smooth, which was abnormal!

"Hahaha! No one in the Tianbai Empire is a threat to this king anymore! Everyone, get up and let the wedding continue!"

Yan Jinghong laughed loudly and reached out to pull Yue Yunlan to continue the marriage ceremony. However, the moment he stretched out his right hand, an electric arc suddenly flashed in the void. Yan Jinghong's pupils shrank slightly and he quickly took a few steps back.

Then, the electric arc condensed into a figure, reached out to grab Yue Yunlan's waist, jumped up, and took Yue Yunlan into the air, flying into the air.

"Miss Yue, are you okay?"

A gentle and familiar voice came from his ears. Yue Yunlan's beautiful eyes narrowed and she looked at the man holding her waist. Her delicate body suddenly stiffened slightly.

This man turned out to be Ling Feng!

Her heart, which was already ashes, became full of life again. His eyes were flashing with excitement, and he seemed to have countless words that he wanted to say to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng casually untied Yue Yunlan's acupuncture points, helped her land on the dome of a palace, and said lightly: "Miss Yue, if you have any questions, please wait until I deal with Yan Jinghong. Don't worry, Sect Master Yue, In a very safe place.”

Yue Yunlan nodded heavily, bit her red lips, and said a thousand words into one sentence: "Master Ling, careful!"

"Haha! Don't worry!"

Ling Feng smiled casually, patted Yue Yunlan's shoulder lightly, immediately jumped up, and flew into the sky again. He looked through the big hole above Zhengyang Palace and laughed loudly: "Yan Jinghong, are you surprised? , is it surprising?”

" is this possible?"

Yan Jinghong was shocked. He stared at "Ling Feng" who was controlled by the Seven Emotions Magic Wheel, and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Whether it's from the aura or from his appearance, from all aspects, it's clearly Ling Feng!

Is it possible that Ling Feng also learned the art of cloning? Moreover, it is the kind of clone that is exactly the same as the original body!

In the main hall, all the officials were stunned. It turned out that the Ling Feng who was controlled just now was actually just a fake "Ling Feng"!

"If you think about it, it's really a bit of luck."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth curved.

It turned out that when Ling Feng returned to the human world on the boundary-breaking shuttle, he was idle anyway, so he began to continuously summon void beings, hoping that his character would explode and summon a great sage-level void being.

However, after summoning seven or eight times in succession, Ling Feng finally gave up on this extremely low-probability event.

Seven or eight times in a row, the void life he summoned was not as powerful as the Eye of the Void Wirtz he summoned for the first time, and seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. The weakest among them was even just an ordinary Void Life. Ling, a piece of trash that can be easily dispatched with one punch.

After realizing the instability of the Eye of the Void's summoning ability, Ling Feng made up his mind that if he summoned Wirz again, or a void life that was almost as powerful as Wirz, he would immediately sign a magic pet contract.

But this time, Ling Feng actually summoned a void life called "Void Witch Spirit".

And this Void Witch Spirit named Yorick actually had no combat power at all. However, Ling Feng discovered that it could use a little bit of soul origin to perfectly replicate the original body, with the same abilities and the same power. copy of.

Theoretically speaking, as long as one can obtain a ray of soul origin, even a powerful immortal can directly copy it. However, the maintenance time will become very short.

After discovering the heaven-defying ability of this Void Witch Spirit, Ling Feng signed a magic pet contract with Yorick without saying a word. After that, when Ling Feng summoned the void beings, he could only summon Yorick. .

However, although Yorick cannot participate in the battle, his ability to copy is simply incredible.

After returning to the human world, Ling Feng found himself on the outskirts of Tianbai Imperial Capital. Finally, he was lucky and was not teleported too far away.

Soon, Ling Feng found out that today was the day when Yan Jinghong married Yue Yunlan, so he had to show up. But thinking that Yan Cangtian, Deng Xian and others are still in the hands of Yan Jinghong, once he is exposed, Yan Jinghong will definitely threaten him with the hostages in his hands, and even dig a trap for him to jump.

So, out of caution, Ling Feng asked the "Void Witch Spirit" to make a copy of himself in advance.

Therefore, Yan Jinghong's plan was indeed successful, and he also controlled a "Ling Feng". However, as soon as the Void Witch Spirit released its power, the "Ling Feng" controlled by Yan Jinghong would naturally disappear without a trace. No trace left.

"Yorick, you can dispel my clone!"

Ling Feng called out softly, and saw a demonic figure holding a sickle appear behind Ling Feng.

The demonic figure nodded, as if chanting, and said loudly: "As you command, my master!"

After the words fell, I saw it waving the sickle and gently swiping in the direction of "Ling Feng" below. The body of "Ling Feng" gradually became illusory and transparent, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What, Yan Jinghong, you tried so hard, but you just destroyed a copy of me!"

Ling Feng's eyes were fixed on Yan Jinghong coldly, and he said word by word: "Yan Jinghong, I want to see, what other methods do you have?"

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