Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1554 The power of crushing! (2 updates)

"Ling! Feng!——"

Yan Jinghong's eyes were blood red and he stared at Ling Feng. All his plans came to nothing!

"Yan Jinghong, if you still have any skills, show them! Today is the day you die!"

The power of Qi and blood surged around Ling Feng, and the divine power of fifty dragon elephants exploded. In an instant, with Ling Feng as the center, an extremely violent wind blew up. The wind rolled around the remaining clouds, and the color of the heaven and earth changed.

"Ling Feng, do you really think that I am afraid of you?"

Yan Jinghong soared into the sky, the bright red robe on his body exploded, and his whole body was wrapped in billowing demonic energy, like a black rainbow, piercing the sky.

The ministers below all rushed out of the hall, only daring to look in the direction of Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong from a distance. Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong once fought a life-and-death battle in the Royal Sword Team Challenge Arena. After half a year, the strength of the two of them has completely surpassed the highest level of the Tianbai Empire. No one can guarantee who will win in the battle between the two.

It was Yan Jinghong who avenged his previous humiliation and defeated Ling Feng.

Or maybe Ling Feng once again used his strength to suppress Yan Jinghong and trample him under his feet.

Everyone held their breath. From a personal emotional point of view, although they surrendered to Yan Jinghong's lustful power, it did not mean that they were willing to accept him as king. They were just those ministers who dared to resist Yan Jinghong. They all ended up in such a miserable state. They did not want to follow in the footsteps of Yue Zhonglian and his like, so they had no choice but to surrender.

Probably, only the clan members of the Yan family would be loyal to Yan Jinghong, hoping that Yan Jinghong could defeat Ling Feng and continue to rule the empire.

"Let's fight! Hahaha, it's best to fight so that both sides will be injured!"

As for the puppet emperor Mo Yan, his eyes were filled with burning eyes. If Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong were both beaten to death, then he would undoubtedly be the one reaping the benefits.

After all, he belongs to the Tianbai royal family and is the legitimate emperor.

After Yan Jinghong died, he was naturally the most qualified to dominate the empire!

Even the Blood Sword Lord Li Qingling also had a similar idea. Now Yan Jinghong's strength has far surpassed him. With his ambition, he will naturally not be willing to be lower than Yan Jinghong.

At this moment, high in the sky, one black and one red, two curtains of light, as clear as a river and a river, competing against each other.

Ling Feng's body was blazing with flame-devouring fire, while Yan Jinghong's body was filled with billowing demonic energy. The auras of both of them had risen to the extreme. In the center of the confrontation between the two people's auras, violent arcs of electricity were even wiped out, constantly blasting the palace below to pieces.

"Yan Jinghong, you are born with a holy body, and your talents far exceed those of ordinary people. Unfortunately, you do not follow the right path and practice magic. Even though you were arrogant and arrogant, I always respected you. Now, I am still me, and You have lost your pride!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his hands and said slowly: "I only hate that I didn't kill you directly that day, so that you could bring trouble to the Tianbai Empire! I will not make the mistake of that day again today!"

"Ling Feng, don't you think it's too early to preach now? What is the righteous way? What is the right way? What is the evil way? The winner is the right way!"

Yan Jinghong roared, waved his big hand, and the billowing demonic energy formed a huge claw more than thirty feet long, and struck hard in the direction of Ling Feng.

"Since my reasoning doesn't make sense, then use your reasoning! The winner will be the king or the loser!"

A bright light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and with a low drink, he directly opened the seven forging Qi Hunyuan Locks in his body. For a moment, his aura surged by a large amount. Coupled with the terrifying energy and blood power of the ancient dragon elephant, his whole person was like a A ferocious beast from ancient times raised its head to the sky and roared, which directly shattered Yan Jinghong's demonic hand, inch by inch.


Yan Jinghong's eyelids twitched slightly. In terms of absolute power, he had been completely crushed by Ling Feng!

"Phantom Wave Hunyuan Palm! Turn the waves upside down!"

Ling Feng gained the upper hand and showed no mercy. He instantly used the Phantom Wave Hunyuan Palm and attacked Yan Jinghong closely. In an instant, everyone felt that the entire sky was like a rolling wave. The entire imperial city was submerged in the boundless sea. Below average.

Yan Jinghong's eyelids twitched wildly. Although he had expected Ling Feng's power, he didn't know that Ling Feng would actually be so powerful!

However, there were many changes in the magic technique. Yan Jinghong circulated the demonic energy, which was unstable. Sometimes it turned into nothingness and blood, and escaped invisible. For a while, although Ling Feng had boundless power, it was difficult to hit at all, leaving Yan Jinghong Escaped from killing moves many times.

In the billowing demonic aura, Yan Jinghong created a space that was like a realm. In this demonic aura, the demonic shadows were uncertain and it was difficult to tell the real from the fake. Even though Ling Feng had all his strength, he couldn't stand it at all. Nowhere to start.

"You think I can't hit you?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Yan Jinghong's magic power was indeed a headache. Constantly stimulating the dragon elephant's divine power like this was also a big load for Ling Feng.

Yan Jinghong didn't know what kind of tactics he was hiding, so he had to be cautious when fighting with him.

Upon thinking of this, Ling Feng directly used the Yi Divine Bow and the three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows.

Take the bow!

Lead the string!

Ling Feng pulled the bowstring and fired three arrows in unison, locking Yan Jinghong's Qi and shooting hard at him.

This bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow, even a strong man with the level of Heavenly Slaughter, would not dare to take it head-on. Although Yan Jinghong has many evil skills, in terms of absolute strength, it is still far superior to the Heavenly Slaughter. gap.

Once the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows are released, Yan Jinghong will be hunted and killed even if he turns into nothingness and blood. These three arrows are to use evil to control evil, and only return with bloodthirsty.


There was a scream in the void, and in an instant, Ling Feng's figure turned into a bolt of thunder, following the sound, and his fist came in an instant, and the domineering dragon-elephant power hit Yan Jinghong hard in the abdomen.


The violent force penetrated Yan Jinghong's body from his abdomen, directly shattering all his eight meridians. His whole body, like a cannonball, hit the dome of a palace heavily, exploding into a huge Potholes.


As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng once again used the divine thunder incarnation and appeared above Yan Jinghong. He used the power of the Dragon Elephant to focus on his right leg and whipped Yan Jinghong's chest with a whip.


The entire palace collapsed in an instant, and Yan Jinghong's body was smashed into the ground. His whole body was like a bent shrimp, curled up into a ball, and he was vomiting blood.

Isn't it unusual for the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow to be so ferocious in a place like a battlefield?

Once hit by an arrow, he will bleed endlessly and be suppressed by his spiritual consciousness. In a sense, Yan Jinghong's demonic skills are more like a soul monk. Once his spiritual consciousness is suppressed, his magical skills will He was able to perform at most 30%, but was hit by Ling Feng's punches and kicks one after another. Not only were his meridians cut off, but his bones were completely shattered. His whole body was like a puddle of mud, and he fell to the ground, unable to move at all!

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