Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1555 The final curse! (3 updates)


The ministers who were watching all felt numb at the sight. Yan Jinghong was so powerful that he had already crushed the entire empire, but Ling Feng's strength was actually far higher than Yan Jinghong's.

So, how strong is Ling Feng's strength?

"Master Ling..."

Yue Yunlan clenched her pink fist tightly, her eyes filled with brilliance. This is the real strong man, the invincible strong man!

On the other hand, the clan members and elders of the Yan family all had earth-colored faces. Doesn't Yan Jinghong's failure mean that the entire Yan family will be charged with treason?

"Grandma the Queen Mother, Jinghong...he was defeated?"

Yan Shuying's eyes were full of disbelief. From the very beginning, she realized that Ling Feng would not be subdued so easily. But who would have thought that in an instant, the situation would be reversed. At this moment, Ling Feng was already... He firmly stepped on Yan Jinghong's feet.

"It's over, everything is over..."

Yan Shuying only felt weak all over. When Prince Jing takes over the imperial capital in the future, the fate of the Yan family will probably be quite bleak.

Among the crowd, a figure slowly retreated, it was the Blood Sword Lord Li Qingling.

If he doesn't run away now, when Ling Feng reacts, it may be his turn to suffer.


Ling Feng stepped on Yan Jinghong's chest and throat, stared coldly into Yan Jinghong's eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Yan Jinghong, what are your last words before you die?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Instead, Yan Jinghong laughed loudly, coughing up blood and laughing wildly, "Ling Feng, do you really think you won? Do you think you can beat me like this? Tell you, even if I die, you will The whole empire will be destroyed for me! Everyone will be buried with me!”

"You lunatic, are you still talking nonsense when you are about to die?"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold, and he used the force of his feet to dent Yan Jinghong's chest.

"Hahaha! Are you talking nonsense? Ling Feng, do you think you will have no impact after absorbing the Seven Emotions Demonic Miasma? Now, your body is covered with my demonic blood, you can't escape me Curse!”

Yan Jinghong's face became extremely distorted, and a pair of vicious eyes stared at Ling Feng. The blood all over his body seemed to be going crazy, and all of it flew towards Ling Feng.

As soon as the blood fell on Ling Feng's body, it automatically seeped into his body. A burning feeling rose from the bottom of his heart. The next moment, Ling Feng felt that his brain was heating up and his whole body was trembling. There is some kind of power that is trying to open his Shura Eyes.

"not good!"

Ling Feng's heart suddenly "thumped". In order to save those hostages, he had absorbed all the demonic miasma in their bodies, and relied on the power of the chaotic body to completely resolve the demonic miasma.

However, there are still wisps of evil thoughts left, flowing into the sea of ​​Tao spirit.

Originally, Ling Feng relied on his own spiritual power and strong will to suppress those evil thoughts, but when Yan Jinghong's demonic blood seeped into his body, it began to stimulate those evil thoughts. However, Ling Feng's bloodline He originally had the power of Shura to dominate killing.

Once the evil thoughts break out and the Eyes of Shura are opened, indeed, as Yan Jinghong said, he will start killing tirelessly until everyone in the entire empire is killed!

"no no!--"

Ling Feng clutched his brain tightly, trying to stay awake, but Yan Jinghong's demonic blood continued to seep out of his body, turning into black inscriptions that circled around Ling Feng's body.

Ling Feng was trembling all over, and the Eye of Shura on his forehead had begun to loom.

"Ling Feng, you can't escape my curse! Even if I die, you will become an out-of-control monster, hahahaha!"

Yan Jinghong laughed crazily, his face full of resentment and ferociousness, and the demonic energy billowing around him actually gathered into an extremely ugly and ferocious face, staring at Ling Feng with an unusually hoarse voice.

"Ling Feng, this is my ultimate curse, hahahaha! Kill, kill to your heart's content, hahaha! You can't save anyone! You can't save anyone! Hahahaha..."

In the distance, the officials who were watching were all dumbfounded. Ling Feng had already had an absolute advantage, but suddenly he seemed to be in great pain.

"What...what's going on?"

One of the ministers rubbed his eyes, "I...didn't I see it wrong? Why do I feel that Ling Feng's body is... getting bigger?"

"It's not that you're wrong, but it's really getting bigger! Oh my God, he's going to turn into a monster!"

As those ministers saw, the blood of chaos in Ling Feng's body was completely stimulated and uncontrollably, it had already manifested its true form of chaos.

His figure began to rise against the storm, and in a few blinks of an eye, he had transformed from an ordinary person into a giant ape as huge as a palace, with golden hair all over his body!

"Oh my god, that guy is...Lin Canglang!"

Li Qingling, who had been retreating quietly, couldn't help but stop when he saw this scene. The ferocious face formed by the gathering of demonic energy around Yan Jinghong was clearly that of Lin Canglang.

"No wonder Yan Jinghong's magic skills are exactly the same as Lin Canglang's! No wonder this boy's acting style is so similar to Lin Canglang's! No wonder his ambition is exactly the same as Lin Canglang's! It turns out that this boy was actually manipulated by Lin Canglang It’s been taken away!”

Li Qingling's eyelids twitched wildly, but then he shook his head, "No, it's not about seizing the body, it's about the boy named Yan taking the lead, but his mind has been greatly influenced by Lin Canglang! You Lin Canglang, you took someone else's body and almost got devoured by him, but you are really lucky, you won't die even if you do this!"

Li Qingling took a deep breath and felt the aura emanating from Ling Feng's body becoming more and more violent and terrifying. He continued to retreat without stopping.

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time!


At this moment, Ling Feng's cry of pain had turned into a roar like a wild beast. Yan Jinghong was under his feet, and the bricks on the ground were cracking inch by inch, unable to bear his huge body.

On the forehead of the giant ape where Ling Feng spoke, the Eye of Shura appeared and disappeared, and it seemed that it would be completely opened soon.

Once the Eye of Shura is fully opened, there will be no room for change, and the ferocity will completely explode. When the time comes, there will be a scene of blood flowing into the river.

Moreover, this time, he will be completely out of control, and unless he dies of exhaustion, he may never be able to return to his normal state.


Ling Feng clung to the last trace of clarity in his mind and roared crazily. The violent sound wave swept across, boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! ——

In an instant, it was like tens of thousands of tons of explosives exploded at the same time. With Lingfeng as the center, everything within a hundred feet radius exploded, smoke and dust rose up, and then there was a burst of shaking, like a magnitude 12 earthquake.

The original splendid palaces had been blown into ruins, and the ground at Ling Feng's feet had sunk deeply, forming a huge hole dozens of feet deep.

The next moment, the ministers, guards, and maids who were still in a daze all went crazy and ran away like crazy. The ferocious aura emanating from Ling Feng almost permeated the entire imperial city, and even the entire city. Imperial capital.

(PS: Preview of the next episode: Ling Feng transforms into King Kong, then climbs to the top of the building to blow the duster, well, that's probably it...)

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