Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1556 The bloody curtain! (1 update)

"What...what's going on?"


"Run for your life!"

Throughout the imperial capital, when people saw a giant ape that suddenly appeared in the imperial city, they were so frightened that their legs became weak and their souls trembled.

Everyone in the entire imperial capital began to flee crazily. There were also some warriors who were suspended in the air and watched from a distance. As soon as the giant ape transformed by Ling Feng made any move, they would naturally start to flee immediately.

On Ling Feng's body, terrifying auras raged wildly. Ling Feng's consciousness began to blur more and more. His whole mind seemed to be completely swept away by a desire to kill, and the Eye of Shura on his forehead finally opened completely.


An extremely high-pitched roar sounded. At this moment, Ling Feng had transformed into a giant ape that was more than thirty feet tall, with a mouth full of ferocious fangs and eyes like blood fountains. The strangest thing was that on his forehead, there was an open eye. With an extremely ferocious vertical pupil.

As he roared, a bloody curtain fell from the sky, completely covering the entire imperial capital.

The first divine mark of the Eye of Shura, the Shura Killing World, is suddenly activated!

Those warriors who had not yet had time to escape from the imperial capital suddenly bumped into the edge of the bloody curtain and were violently bounced away.

Everyone began to panic. This bloody curtain turned out to be a barrier. Anyone who had not escaped from the barrier would have no chance to escape.

A famous warrior frantically attacked the barrier of the bloody curtain, but even a strong man of the Human Emperor level tried his best to attack the barrier, but he could not damage the barrier of light at all.


A white-haired old man slashed at the bloody light curtain with his sword. Not only did it fail to split the barrier, the sword energy that bounced back cut several surrounding warriors in half.

For a moment, the crowd was in chaos again, rushing like crazy and slashing at the barrier, but it had no effect at all.

There is a way out ahead, but there is such a thin barrier that makes it impossible to break through despite all the effort.

"Oh my god, I don't want to die yet!"

"How could this happen? Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

The warriors trapped within the bloody curtain all became extremely frightened.

What's even more frightening is that after the Shura Killing World was opened, some ordinary people who had no cultivation began to go crazy due to the influence of those murderous auras, as if they were going crazy, and started attacking people crazily when they saw them.

The Shura Killing World is filled with a violent and ferocious atmosphere. As time goes by, not only ordinary people, but even warriors with advanced cultivation will start to fall into madness and kill each other.

If this continues, it won't be long before the Tianbai Imperial Capital, shrouded in the Shura Killing Realm, will probably turn into a dead city.

"How could this happen? What kind of barrier is this?"

From the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, a famous and powerful old man flew out. They are all powerful human emperors hidden in the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce. The strongest among them has even reached the level of the peak human emperor.

However, those powerful Human Emperors just glanced at the giant ape in the imperial city from a distance, and felt fear in their hearts and chills down their spines. They immediately understood that such a powerful existence was definitely beyond their ability to resist.

"What's going on? Why do such ferocious beasts suddenly appear in the imperial capital!"

A supreme elder from the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce frowned deeply.

The Tianmeng's huge foundation cannot be given up. However, under the current situation, if we continue to stay in the Tianbai Imperial Capital, we will probably die.

"Reporting to Mr. Long, something bad has happened! All roads out of the city have been blocked. The bloody curtain in the sky seems to be some kind of powerful barrier. Unless...unless the ferocious beast that releases the barrier is defeated, This barrier is absolutely indestructible!”

An elder from the Tianmeng who was sent out to inquire about the situation had a solemn look on his face. He looked at these supreme elders in the Tianmeng with uneasiness in his heart.


The Long Taishang's pupils shrank slightly. Defeated that ferocious beast?

I'm afraid if you get within a hundred feet of that ferocious beast, you will be killed by his violent aura.

"What kind of monster is that?"

Feng Wuhen and He Yuanzhi looked at each other, vaguely having some suspicions. Ling Feng had not shown up since he inquired about the prisoners detained by Yan Jinghong, and today was the day when Yan Jinghong married Yue Yunlan. But just today, a peerless beast suddenly appeared.

All this seems to be a bit of a coincidence. Perhaps, that ferocious beast will have something to do with Ling Feng.

Their guess was not wrong, but that beast was not only related to Ling Feng, but was actually Ling Feng!

On the other side of the tall building, two figures stood side by side.

One of them lost his right arm, and the person next to him was sitting in a wheelchair. It was the "Heaven and Earth" combination, Dan Mo Jian Chi.

"In the past six months, the Tianbai Empire has been really troubled by natural and man-made disasters!"

Dan Mo stared at the direction of the imperial city and sighed softly: "That boy named Yan has already made the people of the imperial city boil with resentment. Now it's good, another world-destroying ferocious beast has come out. It looks like the sky is going to destroy Tianbai." Empire!"


Jian Chi glared at the Alchemy Demon and said slowly: "There is something weird about this barrier. Instead of talking nonsense there, why not help me find a way to break the barrier and rescue the ordinary people in the city first!"

"Ha, let's change the mood!"

The Alchemy Demon's expression condensed, and he immediately raised his voice and said: "Mr. Long, please order all the disciples of the Tianmeng League to control the panicked people first. If necessary, you can use some force to confine them and avoid committing suicide. Kill! The blacksmith and I will try to see if we can break the barrier and find a way out!"

"Well, that's all it can do!"

Long Taishang nodded and immediately sent an order for all members of the Tianmeng to dispatch to control the situation in the city.

At present, all the major forces in the imperial capital are in chaos. Although some officials with military power have evacuated the crowd, the passage out of the city has been blocked, and the strange barrier has the effect of driving people crazy. If you intervene, I'm afraid that before the ferocious beast shows its power, the ordinary people will start fighting crazily and blood will flow like rivers.

With the intervention of the disciples and elders of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, the chaos in the city has been somewhat contained. However, if the barrier still cannot be broken, as time goes by, even those warriors with great cultivation may be unable to do so. It will start to get out of control, and by then, the situation may become even more uncontrollable.

At this time, Ling Feng, who was the source of all panic, was still standing in the imperial city, clinging to the last trace of clarity in his heart.

The desire to kill drove him crazy.

Yan Jinghong used the demonic blood as a medium and the power of the curse to completely inspire Ling Feng to absorb the evil thoughts from the Seven Emotions Demon Miasma. In addition, the Eye of Shura has been fully opened. He can persist until this moment. It's an amazing amount of willpower.

Almost everyone inside and outside the imperial city had escaped completely, either being caught in the previous explosion, being blown away by the violent airflow, and seriously injured, or simply being frightened to death by the aura emanating from Ling Feng's body. faint.

The other ministers and the maids of honor had all fled far away.

Ling Feng has turned into a ferocious beast, and now he is a hundred times more dangerous than Yan Jinghong! A thousand times! Ten thousand times!

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