Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1557 I’m helpless! (2 updates)

On top of a palace that had barely collapsed, there stood a bright red figure, wearing a phoenix crown and harem. A pair of autumn-like eyes, full of tears, stared in the direction of Ling Feng, with large tears rolling down his cheeks. fall.

While everyone was running away frantically, she didn't leave.

Even though Ling Feng has turned into a ferocious beast, he is still Ling Feng!

When Ling Feng appeared in front of her eyes like a miracle and rescued him from Yan Jinghong's hands, she had already determined that in this life, it was none other than you!

"Master Ling, I don't believe you will turn into a ferocious monster! Wake up, wake up! Please, wake up!"

He risked his life and flew towards Ling Feng. The crystal teardrops, like bead curtains, crossed the sky, and a beautiful and bright rainbow flew towards Ling Feng!

Sensing the aura of a living creature approaching, the giant ape transformed by Ling Feng suddenly looked up to the sky and roared. He grabbed his huge palm forward and held Yue Yunlan's body tightly in his palm.


With the huge surge of force, Yue Yunlan felt that her body was about to be crushed into pieces. She coughed out a mouthful of blood, but still stared at Ling Feng with a pair of sad eyes, and kept calling in her mouth, hoping to revive Ling Feng. come over.


Qiaoqiao crawled out from the ruins. Her lower legs were broken by the beams that fell when the palace collapsed. She couldn't even stand up. When she saw Yue Yunlan being grabbed by the giant ape transformed by Ling Feng, she immediately let out a cry. An extremely shrill cry.

"Miss! Miss! Why are you so stupid!"

Qiaoqiao crawled forward desperately, crying crazily, but she couldn't do anything at all.

In front of the behemoth that Ling Feng transformed into, she was as small as an ant.

"Boy Lingfeng!"

In the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, Jianlu noticed Ling Feng's change and immediately frowned deeply.

"Damn it, I told you a long time ago that those demonic miasma are not smoked casually. It's a good thing you smoked batch after batch! Now you know how powerful they are!"

The little donkey was in a state of panic and kept spinning in circles. In the current situation, if it emerged from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, it would probably be targeted by Ling Feng and killed instantly.

"Bitch donkey, think of a way! Let the master change back!"

Zifeng was also very anxious. He didn't want to see Ling Feng turn into a monster who only knew how to kill!

"Looking for a way, what can I think of? This divine beast is not specialized in soul cultivation. If that old immortal guy is here, maybe there is a way. How can I do anything with this divine beast!"

The bitch looked dejected, "If there was a way, wouldn't this beast have used it long ago? Now his self-consciousness has fallen into the depths of the spiritual sea. According to this beast, boy Ling Feng is doomed this time!"

"Bah! You still call yourself a divine beast!"

Zifeng glared at the bitch, then began to try to communicate with Ling Feng's consciousness, shouting: "Master! Master! Wake up! Sister Yun Lan is about to be killed by you!"

"It's useless. Haven't you noticed that the connection between him and us has been almost completely severed?"

The bitch sighed, how could he want to see Ling Feng become like this, but at this moment, he was completely helpless.

Because of Ling Feng's changes, even the Five Elements Heavenly Palace was more or less affected. Originally, the Five Elements Heavenly Palace was peaceful and peaceful, but affected by Ling Feng's state of mind, it became a little depressed. It seemed that There is a vague evil spirit that permeates the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Those warriors who were absorbing spiritual energy and recovering their cultivation sensed this evil energy and gradually woke up.

If you accidentally absorb this evil spirit, you may fall into madness.

"That, Mr. Divine Donkey!"

Leng Jianfeng frowned, raised his head to look at Jian Dong, and said in a deep voice: "Excuse me, why did an evil spirit suddenly appear in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace?"

"Yeah, luckily I just finished it in time, otherwise it would have been terrible!"

Another tutor from Tianwei Academy also nodded. They had been in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace for a while and had never encountered such a situation.

On the other hand, Tong Chengtai's face condensed and he said in a deep voice: "A magic weapon of this level is connected to the master's consciousness. If there is any abnormality in the magic weapon, I'm afraid the root cause is still with the owner!"


Su Qingxuan's pupils shrank, "Is it possible...could something happen to Ling Feng?"

"Something happened to the leader?"

Su Hongxiu immediately jumped up and said, "No, the leader will be fine!"

For a moment, an uneasiness spread among the crowd. If it weren't for Ling Feng, they might have died soon. Now that they heard that Ling Feng was in crisis, they were naturally extremely worried.

"Little friend Ling Feng..."

Yue Zhonglian took a deep breath. It was obviously a matter of life and death for the Tianbai Empire, but he, the leader of the Divine Protector Sect, could do nothing.

"This is Your Majesty the Demon King."

Yue Zhonglian gritted his teeth, looked at the bitch, and asked in a deep voice: "I wonder if your Excellency can tell you the situation outside?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately looked at Jianlu, and they all asked or even begged.

"Okay! If you want to see it, I'll let you see it!"

The stupid donkey sighed, raised his hand, and activated a light curtain in the middle of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. From the light curtain, everyone could clearly see a huge creature, and around him, there were completely ruins.

Only some buildings in the distance can be vaguely identified, and this seems to be the former imperial city.

Seeing this scene, everyone's scalp went numb. Deng Yongshi couldn't help but jump up and asked loudly: " could this happen? When did this giant ape appear? Where is Ling Feng?" ? Is Ling Feng fighting this giant ape? "

"If we are really fighting this giant ape, it would be easy. The problem is, this giant ape is that boy Ling Feng!"

The bitch let out a long sigh, and immediately explained briefly and concisely what happened when Ling Feng absorbed the demon miasma in their bodies, and then Yan Jinghong used the demon blood level as a medium to activate the curse, causing Ling Feng to fall into a violent state.

"No way... Then in the future, the leader, won't he..."

Luo Jianying clenched her fists and sighed. They can only stay in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, watching helplessly, unable to do anything.

"It's all to save us. If Ling Feng didn't care about us, he wouldn't be like this!"

"If I had known that it would harm Elder Ling Feng, I...I would rather die!"

"Hey...this is all Yan Jinghong's trap! We...we have all become accomplices!"


All the famous warriors lowered their heads and sighed.

"That's enough, that boy is like this. Even if he had known there would be risks, he would definitely save you. This is his choice, you can't influence him!"

The bitch roared loudly, stared at the people below, and said in a deep voice: "If you have time to regret it, why not try to use your mental power to communicate with Ling Feng's spirit! Now Ling Feng can barely keep a trace of consciousness, maybe, still There is a chance to give it a try!”

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