Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1559 Lotus of Life! (4 more updates)

As Ling Feng woke up, the bloody curtain covering the world dissipated on its own.

The Shura Killing World disappeared, and the people who were attacking and killing each other regained their consciousness and stopped killing each other.

The closed barrier around the imperial capital suddenly disappeared, which made the powerful Human Emperor warriors who were constantly attacking the barrier feel strange.

"What's going on? Why did the barrier suddenly dissipate?"

The Dan Demon urged Nan Ming to Li Huo, and cooperated with Jian Chi's supreme swordsmanship. He tried his best, but still could not break the barrier. However, this unbreakable barrier suddenly disappeared, which is really unbelievable.

At this moment, someone exclaimed, "Quick... look! The giant ape in the imperial city has disappeared!"

With this loud roar, everyone realized: Yes, the source of the trouble, that peerless beast, has disappeared!

who is it?

Have you destroyed that ferocious beast?

The whole world seems to have become extremely quiet. A cold wind blows from the direction of the imperial city, which seems to be particularly desolate and desolate.

There is no more peerless ferocious beast, no more terrifying aura that destroys the heaven and earth, and no more the bloody curtain that seals the world.

Some brave warriors began to fly towards the imperial city.

Nothing will appear without reason, nor will it disappear without reason.

Something must have happened in the imperial city!

However, when those people arrived, they only saw a young man covered in blood, holding a woman in a wedding dress in his arms, with tears rolling down his eyes.

There was a flash of purple light.

It was the bitch who opened the passage to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and brought everyone out.

Everything is over, there is no need for them to stay in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace anymore.

Looking at Ling Feng hugging Yue Yunlan and sitting there stupidly, Yue Zhonglian just took a deep breath and let the cold wind blow his clothes, making a rustling sound.

Ling Feng continued to inject vitality into Yue Yunlan's body, but Yue Yunlan's body was already like a broken vase. No matter how much vitality was injected from the mouth of the bottle, it would be completely exposed at the bottom of the bottle.

Yue Zhonglian didn't say a word, he just clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were red.

The bitch's expression was slightly strange. He glanced at Yue Zhonglian and said in a deep voice, "Hey, is this what you said before, the Three-Life Lotus?"

Yue Zhonglian glanced at Jianlu, his lips trembled slightly, he wanted to say something first, but he felt that he had no strength at all.

The bitch's face was as serious as ever before. He sighed and said slowly: "It turns out that the legend of the three-life lotus is true. This divine beast has always thought that the so-called three-life lotus is an extremely precious spirit in the world. The flower, but I didn't expect it to be the lotus of life that bloomed after consuming a lifetime of energy. Yes, this divine beast had seen before that this Yue girl was the Red Lotus Holy Body. It turned out that the Red Lotus Holy Body was the most powerful. This is the three-life lotus trick!”

Yue Zhonglian burst into tears, his eyes fell on his daughter's face, and he choked with sobs: "The three-life lotus blooms only once in a lifetime, but it is the strongest protective force between heaven and earth. Lan'er is here to protect...protect Ling Feng. My friend, it’s the last time!”

At this point, Yue Zhonglian could no longer control himself. A man of iron bones and an upright leader of a faction, he burst into tears.


Everyone looked extremely sad. They all knew that at that last moment, without the Three Lives Lotus transformed by Yue Yunlan, they would not have been able to communicate with Ling Feng's consciousness so easily.

And Yue Yunlan, at the cost of his own life, exchanged for Ling Feng, the Ling Feng they knew!

Qin Wanwan, Deng Yongshi, Su Qingxuan, Su Hongxiu... these women who were more or less in love with Ling Feng, all clenched their red lips and said nothing.

Ask yourself, can you be so desperate and pay the price of your life for Ling Feng?


Jianlu glanced at Ling Feng's back. As Ling Feng's spiritual pet, Jianlu was spiritually connected to Ling Feng. He could sense the sadness in Ling Feng's soul.

Sighing softly, the bitch slowly walked up to Ling Feng's back and said in a deep voice: "Ling Feng boy, Yue Yatou is dead. I'm sorry..."

"I am the successor of the Medical Saint! There is no one I can't save! No one!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, took out the golden needle, and kept trying the ethereal acupuncture technique behind Yue Yunlan's back to reactivate Yue Yunlan's vitality.

However, the girl in her arms remained motionless, as if she had been dead for a long time.

"No! Why is it like this!"

Ling Feng felt as if a piece of his heart had been cut off deeply. So what if he saved the entire imperial capital?

But at this moment, he was helpless except for the woman in his arms!


In the ruins not far away, pieces of rubble were loosened, and an extremely ugly and ferocious body crawled out from under the rubble.

Surprisingly, it was Yan Jinghong!

His body had been almost turned into a meat pie by Ling Feng, and his bones were shattered. It was a miracle that he could survive.

There was still a cloud of black smoke wrapped around his body, which gathered into Lin Canglang's face, and kept shouting: "Ling Feng, even if you save the whole world, so what, you still don't rely on women to die for you. Only then can you wake up!”

That hoarse, low voice was like sandpaper rubbing against a wall, making people's scalp numb.


The next moment, the black smoke and Yan Jinghong's chest were completely pierced by a dark beam of light.

"So much nonsense!"

But the bitch took action in an instant and completely killed this human, ghost or ghost thing.

All of this happened because of him.

This person deserves to die!

"Ling Feng, you didn't win, you...hahahaha..."

Yan Jinghong fell in a pool of blood, but still smiled crazily, "You are just a loser who can't even protect a woman! Hahahaha..."

"Have you said enough?"

Ling Feng hugged Yue Yunlan's body, stood up slowly, took a deep breath, looked at Yan Jinghong, and said slowly: "You used the devil's blood as a matchmaker, and I saw your memories, including your time in Southern Xinjiang. I can clearly see everything that happens in the ancient village. The sky may be unfair, but the choice to fall is your own decision!"

After saying that, Ling Feng turned around, hugged Yue Yunlan's cold body, and strode away.

No matter what method he uses, he must save Yue Yunlan. This is the promise he made with his life.

The next moment, a purple flame ignited around Yan Jinghong.


The black smoke that Lin Canglang turned into roared crazily in the purple fire, and was finally burned clean.

And when Lin Canglang's demonic thoughts completely dissipated, a trace of clarity finally appeared in Yan Jinghong's turbid and cold pupils.

He seemed to see that innocent "idiot kid" on the other side of the sky, smiling and welcoming him with him.

"Idiot... brat... are you here to pick me up?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Yan Jinghong's mouth. At the last moment of his life, he saw the last ray of light deep in his heart.

Purple fire burned brightly, and Yan Jinghong's body turned into a handful of light dust, dissipating with the wind.

Everything is finally over.

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