Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1560 Red Lotus Relic! (1 update)

In a blink of an eye, one day and one night passed.

A lot happened during this day.

With the death of Yan Jinghong, the mess in the imperial capital began to be gradually cleared up, led by Yue Zhonglian, the head of the Cangqiong Sect.

First of all, it is natural to welcome Prince Jing to the imperial capital and restore the Tianbai royal family.

All members of the Yan family were imprisoned. As the "Empress Dowager", Yan Ning was temporarily detained in the palace, waiting for Prince Jing to take over the imperial capital before he could be punished.

After this battle, the vitality of the Tianbai Imperial Capital was greatly damaged. However, fortunately, Ling Feng rescued a large number of ministers and protected the foundation of the Cangqiong Sect. Finally, there were still people who could come out and clean up the mess.

As for Yingyang General Deng Xian, Taiwei Li of Taiwei Mansion, Mu Yunsang, dean of Tianwei Academy, and Hong Haotian, president of the alchemist union, although they were controlled by Yan Jinghong that day, luckily they were sucked away by Ling Feng in time. Although he was inevitably weak due to the power of the Seven Emotions Demonic Wheel, he finally managed to save a small life.

In addition, Yan Cangtian escaped unscathed because he was imprisoned in a corner of the imperial city by Queen Mother Yan Ning. When he was rescued, he did not suffer too much.

However, his hand tendons and hamstrings have been severed, making him a complete cripple.

Externally, the Cangqiong Sect released news that the giant ape was a ferocious beast summoned by Yan Jinghong, and was finally eliminated by Ling Feng, so that everyone could rest assured.

In this way, the entire Tianbai Imperial City was in a state of ruin waiting to be revitalized.

At this time, Ling Feng, who had saved the entire imperial capital, exhausted his thoughts and tried every means during this day and night, but could not find a way to save Yue Yunlan.

At this moment, Ling Feng's brows were furrowed, and he didn't want to see anyone no matter who came. At the end of the day, he looked extremely haggard.

After all, during the decisive battle with Yan Jinghong, the power of chaos in his body was fully activated, transforming into the true form of chaos, which consumed a lot of energy. He was already at the end of his strength, but now he was already exhausted.

If this continues, I'm afraid even with Ling Feng's physique, he will collapse completely.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door, and Ling Feng became impatient and said in a cold voice: "Didn't I tell you, I won't see anyone!"


The next moment, the door opened, and Mrs. Honglian walked in, Qiaoqiao supporting Yue Yunlan's mother.

Because the calf is still injured, Qiaoqiao still has a slight limp when walking.

Madam Honglian was dug out of a ruins not long ago. She was originally locked up in a main hall, but due to the previous mutation, the main hall turned into ruins. Although she saved her life, she also couldn't. Very frightened.

But then, when she heard that Yue Yunlan had bloomed the "Three Lives Lotus" to awaken Ling Feng, she couldn't calm down for a moment and had someone bring her over immediately.

"It turns out to be Mrs. Yue."

Seeing that the person who came was Yue Yunlan's mother, Ling Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Yue, you did it just to save me..."

"Mr. Ling, you don't need to say more. The three-life lotus is the lotus of cause and effect. Only when there is a cause of love can the fruit of love be born! This three-life lotus is the fruit of Lan'er's deep love for you."

Mrs. Honglian's eyes were slightly red, and she said softly: "I think Lan'er is probably very happy to be able to die for you."

"Mrs. Yue..."

Ling Feng's palms trembled slightly, feeling extremely painful: "Why, after using the Three Lives Lotus, Yun Lan's pulse felt as if she had been dead for a long time. No matter what method I used, I could not awaken even a trace of her vitality map. vitality!"

"Mr. Ling, your medical skills are superb, why should you deceive yourself again?"

Mrs. Honglian sighed softly and said slowly: "How can a dead person have a picture of life?"

"No, I don't believe it!"

Ling Feng looked deeply at Yue Yunlan, "She...she clearly still has a pulse, and a very weak pulse!"


Madam Honglian sighed again and said slowly: "Mr. Ling, if you really want to save Lan'er, there may be another way. You can go to the Holy Land of Yanxia Mountain. In the history of Yanxia Mountain, there once was an ancestor, It is also a red lotus body. The ancestor never bloomed the lotus of three lives in her life, so the red lotus relic left after her death may be able to prolong Lan'er's life."

"Thank you ma'am!"

Ling Feng finally cheered up a little, nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, I'll go find the red lotus relic right now!"

"Master Ling, listen to me!"

Mrs. Honglian gritted her silver teeth and said in a deep voice: "Even if there is a red lotus relic, at most it can only extend Lan'er's life for one month."

"I won't give up even for one day!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, pressed his temples gently, forced himself to cheer up, and said in a deep voice: "Mrs. Yue, please wait a moment, I will be back soon!"

After saying that, Ling Feng spread out his body skills and flew towards the Holy Land Yanxia Mountain deep in the Cangqiong Mountains.


Looking at Ling Feng's back, Mrs. Honglian couldn't help but sigh. Then she glanced at Yue Yunlan, who was almost dead on the bed, and shed tears sadly.

"Lan'er, you finally didn't make a mistake because of your infatuation, but no matter what... God's will plays tricks on people..."

In order to refresh Ling Feng, Yue Yunlan used all her energy to fuse her red lotus body and bloom a lotus of three lives.

After the Three Lives Lotus bloomed, all her internal organs were empty and her muscles and bones were rotten. She should have died on the spot. If Ling Feng hadn't used Taixuan acupuncture to forcibly seal the last ray of energy in Yue Yunlan's body, she would have been completely incense. Xiaoyu died.

But even if this is the case, it is just hanging on to the last breath, not dead or alive. But being able to live a few more days is already going against the grain.

Her current situation is even worse than that of Lin Xian'er back then. Even if there were a thousand or ten thousand Blood Jade Yangquan Flowers, it would be impossible to restore her vitality.

High in the sky, the wind is powerful.

Ling Feng flew at full speed, and even directly performed the Flying Immortal Sword Control Technique, constantly squeezing his own energy, wishing he could fly to the Yanxia Mountain in the blink of an eye.

"Boy Ling Feng, you will destroy yourself if you do this!"

The black shadow flashed, and Bitch appeared next to Ling Feng. He directly rode up Yaoyun and held Ling Feng's body.

"It doesn't matter, I can still hold on!"

Ling Feng pressed his temples, took a deep look at Jian Lu, and said gratefully: "Jian Lv, thank you. I know that you have done your best to wake me up!"

"Stop doing this, it's so disgusting!"

The bitch glared at Ling Feng and sighed softly: "You kid, you should rest for a while! By the way, this beast suddenly remembered that a long time ago, I heard that old guy Tianbai Emperor mention the Three Lives Lotus. Maybe that What will the old immortal know? After you use the red lotus relic to revive that girl, you might as well go to the old guy and ask, maybe he will have a way to extend her life!"

"Really, that's great! That's great!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed and couldn't help hugging that bitch's neck. For the first time, he felt that this bitch looked so pleasing to the eye, and he really wanted to kiss him hard.

"Get out of here!"

The bitch couldn't help but tremble all over, and glared at Ling Feng, "This beast is not good at that!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. This bitch is really a bitch, but after him making such a fuss, he felt a little more relaxed.

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