Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1561 The road to finding medicine! (2 updates)

Yanxia Mountain is the holy land of Cangqiong Sect. Because of the disaster of Yan Jinghong, the elders who had been in seclusion for many years in Yanxia Mountain also suffered heavy casualties.

Fortunately, the inheritance was not cut off.

After Ling Feng arrived at Yanxia Mountain, he immediately stated his intention. Although borrowing the ancestor's relics was a bit disrespectful to the ancestors, Ling Feng was a great favor to Cangqiong Sect and Tianbai Empire.

In addition, since it was Madam Honglian who asked Ling Feng to take the Red Lotus Relics, the elders of Yanxia Mountain did not hesitate too much and gave the Red Lotus Relics to Ling Feng.

"Little friend Lingfeng, although this Red Lotus Relic is not a treasure, it is of extraordinary significance to our Yanxia Mountain. Now, since it is to save Sister Honglian's daughter, it doesn't matter if I give it to you."

An elder of Yanxia Mountain hesitated for a moment, then ordered someone to go to the ancestral temple to get the Red Lotus Relics and gave it to Ling Feng.

"Thank you, elder!" Ling Feng bowed deeply to the elder. It would be best if the elders of Yanxia Mountain were willing to lend the Red Lotus Relic. If they were not willing, Ling Feng would not hesitate to snatch it away. After taking the Red Lotus Relic, Ling Feng immediately returned to the imperial capital without stopping. ... "Madam Yue, I got the Red Lotus Relic!" Ling Feng rushed into the ward and greeted Madam Honglian. He immediately helped Yue Yunlan sit up on the sickbed, circulated the pure Yuanli, and integrated the Red Lotus Relic into Yue Yunlan's body. Sure enough, in a short while, Yue Yunlan gradually began to breathe. Although it was still as thin as a gossamer, it was still there and not there, but it finally recovered a trace of life. Ling Feng hurriedly urged the Yuanli again and continued to pour it into Yue Yunlan's body. He found that the Red Lotus Relic in Yue Yunlan's body was like a barrier, blocking Ling Feng's Yuanli in Yue Yunlan's body. But this barrier doesn't seem to be completely closed, and it will still leak out vitality, and the power of this barrier seems to be constantly weakening.

Perhaps, as Madam Honglian said, even with the Honglian relic, it can only extend Yue Yunlan's life for one month, and it may not even last for one month.

However, Ling Feng was still ecstatic when he felt that Yue Yunlan had regained a trace of vitality. There was still one month left, and he had to cure Yue Yunlan completely no matter what!


Time passed day by day.

Finally, Yue Yunlan woke up leisurely, his body was light, like a broken dead leaf that had been separated from the tree and was destined to decay in the loess.

"Where am I?"

For the first time in his life, Yue Yunlan felt so rude, his ears were buzzing, as if he had lost his soul, and he was weak all over and couldn't cheer up.

After lying down with eyes closed for a while, Yue Yunlan slowly opened her eyes. What she saw was a dozing girl, leaning gently against her bedside, with tears faintly visible in the corners of her eyes.

This girl was naturally Qiaoqiao.

"Am I... not dead yet?"

Yue Yunlan was slightly stunned. She remembered that she had clearly exhausted all her essence and opened the Three-Life Lotus. Her mother had told her that a person with the Red Lotus Holy Body could only open the Three-Life Lotus once in his life, and after the Three-Life Lotus bloomed, the person who cast the spell would die immediately.

But how could she still be alive?

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. Yue Yunlan subconsciously closed her eyes. After a while, she felt two eyes staring at her.

"Oh, why did I fall asleep?"

But Qiaoqiao jumped up quickly and said apologetically: "Sorry, Madam, I..."

"Okay, Qiaoqiao, you are also injured, go to rest early!"

The voice was extremely gentle, it was the voice of Madam Honglian.

"Madam, I want to stay for a while longer." Qiaoqiao gritted her teeth and rubbed her eyes desperately, "I'm not sleepy, not at all!" "Ah..." Madam Honglian sighed softly, holding a jade bowl in her hand. Then, Yue Yunlan only felt a bitter and sweet soup poured into her mouth. The soup entered her stomach, and a warm air surged in her Dantian Qi Sea, wandering around her limbs and bones, and soon dissipated. "Lan'er..." Then, another man's voice sounded, and Yue Yunlan could hear it clearly. It was his father's voice. A slightly rough big hand gently stroked Yue Yunlan's cheek. Yue Zhonglian took a deep breath and sighed softly: "Dad is really useless. Why is he the leader of the Guardian Divine Sect, but he can't even protect his own daughter." Yue Yunlan felt sad in his heart and wanted to refute, but he didn't have any strength. Even opening his eyes was very difficult. At this time, someone else came in. Yue Zhonglian secretly wiped away his tears, but saw that it was Ling Feng who came in. He looked haggard and his eyes were full of bloodshot. He had not rested since the battle in the imperial city.

"Master Yue, Madam Yue, Yun Lan... hasn't woken up yet?" Ling Feng clenched his fist and said softly.

Madam Honglian shook her head, "Thanks to the medicine you prescribed, Master Ling, Lan'er's breath has stabilized a lot."

There was silence in the room for a long time, but Ling Feng sighed softly and said very heavily: "Three days..."

"Master Ling, you should also take a rest. In these three days, you have either been decocting medicine or infusing Lan'er with Yuanli. I'm afraid that you will fall down before Lan'er wakes up!"

Madam Honglian looked at Ling Feng deeply, with a worried look on her face.

"It's okay! Yun Lan became like this because of me. No matter what, I will cure her!"

Ling Feng looked at the haggard Yiren on the sickbed, how could he have any intention of resting.

"Mr. Ling..."

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Yue Yunlan felt warm in her heart. It turned out that Ling Feng actually cared about her so much.

Yue Yunlan forced herself to cheer up and hummed softly. The wind moved slightly. It was Ling Feng who noticed Yue Yunlan's voice. He immediately strode over and put his hand on Yue Yunlan's wrist. Then he said with surprise: "The pulse has stabilized a lot. That's great!"

Ling Feng quickly took out the gold needle and gently pierced Yue Yunlan's back a few times. Finally, Yue Yunlan exhaled a breath of turbid air and slowly opened her beautiful eyes.

"Lan'er, you're awake!"

"Miss, you're finally awake!"

Yue Zhonglian and his wife, as well as Qiaoqiao, were all very surprised to see Yue Yunlan wake up. They quickly came up and their eyes were red.

She never thought that she would be able to see these people again.

"Dad, Mom, Qiaoqiao..."

Yue Yunlan looked at the people who cared about her and called out softly. Several people were so excited that they burst into tears.

"Yunlan, you're awake, it's good to be awake! You've been in a coma for several days."

Ling Feng slowly withdrew his Yuanli. His hard work in the past few days was finally not in vain.

"Mr. Ling..."

Yue Yunlan looked at Ling Feng, and a faint smile appeared on his pale and haggard face.

"I'm here, I'm here!"

Ling Feng gently supported Yue Yunlan's body, letting her lean on his arms, and choked up a little: "Okay, it's good to wake up, don't worry, I won't let you get hurt!"


Yue Yunlan's heart was filled with warmth again. It's not easy for a "fool" like Ling Feng to say such words!

I'm not dreaming, am I?

The sudden sense of happiness made Yue Yunlan almost unbelievable.

"Silly girl, you have been unconscious for so many days, are you hungry?"

Madam Honglian wiped the tears from her eyes and asked softly.

"Well..." Yue Yunlan nodded gently. She was too weak and even spoke weakly.

"Okay, okay, mother will make it for you! Make your favorite lotus soup!"

Madam Honglian got up quickly. Seeing her daughter's haggard appearance, she felt as if her heart was broken.

Soon, everyone told Yue Yunlan what happened after she fell into a coma.

Qiaoqiao even exaggerated how Ling Feng hurriedly went to borrow the Red Lotus Relic. Yue Yunlan knew that her life was saved by Ling Feng.

"Mr. Ling, thank you..."

Yue Yunlan bit her lips lightly, looked at Ling Feng, and said softly.

"I should be the one thanking you. If it weren't for you, I would have made a big mistake and turned into a monster who only knows how to kill." Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Don't worry, you will get better soon." After a while of greeting, Yue Yunlan had limited energy and fell asleep again, but there was a sweet smile on her face. ... Yue Yunlan finally woke up. Yue Zhonglian and Madam Honglian were both happy and afraid. They were happy to see a good daughter who could talk and laugh again, but they were afraid that the effect of Honglian's relics could only maintain Yue Yunlan's life for about a month. One month is too short! However, when they were in front of Yue Yunlan, they tried their best to pretend to be excited. Only when there was no one around would they be sad. In a blink of an eye, three days passed. Under Ling Feng's unremitting care, Yue Yunlan's body had recovered a lot and could even start to walk. During these three days, Yue Zhonglian also put aside all his official duties and stayed with his daughter as much as possible. He has always been a good leader, but not a good father.

And now, he just wants to make up for it all.

This day, Ling Feng finally decided to take Yue Yunlan away from Tianbai Imperial Capital and go to Misty Ghost Forest to ask Tianbai Emperor Dharma about the situation of the Red Lotus Holy Body.

In the past few days, Ling Feng has tried all the methods he can think of, but it has been ineffective. Seeing that the effect of the Red Lotus Relic in Yue Yunlan's body is gradually weakening, Ling Feng is even more anxious.

Although Yue Zhonglian and his wife are reluctant to leave their daughter, they also know that if they continue to stay in the imperial capital, they will just sit and wait for death. Going out with Ling Feng to find medicine may still have a glimmer of hope.

In a stone pavilion in the northern suburbs of the imperial capital.

Ling Feng took Yue Yunlan and Qiaoqiao away, and the people who came to see him off, in addition to Yue Zhonglian and his wife and several elders of Cangqiong Sect, there was Yan Cangtian, who was like a teacher and a father to Ling Feng.

"Mr. Ling, Lan'er... I'll leave it to you!"

Madam Honglian looked at her daughter deeply and sighed. If she really couldn't find a cure, she would not feel any regrets if she could be with Ling Feng at the last moment of her life.

"Don't worry, Madam Yue, I will definitely find a way to cure Yun Lan!"

Ling Feng nodded heavily, looked at Yue Zhonglian again, and said slowly: "Master Yue, if Prince Jing returns to the imperial capital, please tell him for me that I may not have time to come back to attend his coronation ceremony, but I believe that he will definitely become the best emperor of the Tianbai Empire!"

"I will!" Yue Zhonglian patted Ling Feng's shoulder gently, "Friend Ling Feng, the people of the Tianbai Empire will always remember that you are a hero of the empire!"

"The word hero is too heavy for me."

Ling Feng shook his head. Right now, he just wanted to cure Yue Yunlan, that's all.

Then, Ling Feng walked up to Yan Cangtian and said slowly: "Teacher, I have reconnected your tendons before. This is a bottle of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow. You can take it and take one drop every day for half a month." After that, you should be able to fully recover.”

"Feng'er, don't worry about being a teacher anymore. The teacher is very happy to see you growing up so fast!"

Yan Cangtian also raised his hand and patted Ling Feng's shoulder, and said slowly: "Master, I'm waiting for you to come back!"

After saying goodbye to everyone, Ling Feng left with Yue Yunlan and Qiaoqiao. The reason why he took Qiaoqiao with him was naturally to facilitate the care of Yue Yunlan.

Not far away, Ling Feng sent Yue Yunlan and Qiaoqiao into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. He immediately took out the token of the Misty Ghost Forest and activated the teleportation circle in it. After a short time, he arrived at the Misty Ghost Forest.

(PS: Two chapters in one. In addition, I really don’t know how to write emotional scenes. I wanted to write something more tender, but anyway, Ling Feng’s talent for flirting with girls is completely negative, and I can’t write this kind of thing, so It’s really uncomfortable to write... Kavin is so excited.)

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