Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1562 Lotus Root of Nothingness! (3 updates)

We arrived at the place where Emperor Tianbai's Faxiang slept with ease, and walked to the end of the underwater mine tunnel before stopping.

"Senior, I'm here again. I have something important to come to see you!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly.

The next moment, a huge whirlpool formed on the stone wall in front, sucking Ling Feng in. When Ling Feng came to his senses again, he could already see the figure of the White Emperor floating in front of him that day.

Emperor Tianbai looked Ling Feng up and down, his eyelids twitched slightly, and he was a little surprised and said: "Good boy, you have broken through to the realm of the Human Emperor so quickly! No, it's not just that, your body, hiss... is actually already Become an emperor in the flesh!"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang was extremely horrified. Although every time he saw Ling Feng, he would be shocked by his progress in cultivation, but this time, he was almost frightened.

"Are you here to plant a new Hunyuan Lock?"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang took a deep breath, nodded and said: "With your current cultivation level, you can at least plant four more Hunyuan Locks! In addition to your previous seven Hunyuan Locks, it is really unexpected that in just two years, you can plant four more Hunyuan Locks!" It’s taken more than a year for you to reach this point!”

"Senior, to be honest, I don't have time to accept the remaining Hunyuan Lock this time!"

With a sigh, Ling Feng slowly told the Tianbai Emperor what happened in the Tianbai Empire in a concise and concise manner, and then continued: "So senior, I heard from Bitch that you know about the Sanshenglian. I also ask the senior to give some advice to the junior and tell him how to save the junior’s friend.”

"Unexpectedly, such a big event happened in Tianbai Empire..."

Emperor Tianbai pondered for a moment, glanced at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Little guy, I would also like to thank you for saving the empire that I founded all those years ago."

"Senior, now is not the time to talk about this. I want to know if my friend can be saved!" Ling Feng blurted out in a panic.

"Three-life lotus..."

Emperor Tianbai glanced at Ling Feng, shook his head and sighed, "That donkey is right. I do know something about Sanshenglian."


"Don't be anxious. I have indeed heard that there is something that may be able to help people who have used the Three Lives Lotus to regain their vitality."

"What is it? Even if it goes to heaven or earth, I must get it!" Ling Feng said anxiously.

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang shook his head slightly, "You don't need to go to heaven or earth, but you also know that I have been sleeping for a thousand years, leaving only a remnant soul. That thing may have existed a thousand years ago, but after a thousand years, I'm afraid Long gone."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, bowed and said, "Senior, please tell me the truth."

"Hey, anyone who uses Three Lives Lotus will definitely die, but you were able to get the red lotus relic. That's because the girl's life should not have been cut off."

Emperor Tianbai stood with his hands behind his back, sighed, and said slowly: "As far as I know, between heaven and earth, there is a spiritual creature called the Lotus Root of Nothingness, which may be able to transform into the internal organs of the girl and reshape her body. Not only that, her physique can also be transformed into the so-called void physique, which is a hundred times stronger than the ordinary holy body!"

"Then..." Ling Feng's eyes flashed and he immediately said: "Senior, where can I find this lotus root of nothingness?"

"Thousands of years ago, I once heard the news that there was a lotus root of nothingness in the inner sea of ​​Tianlan Sea." Tianbai Emperor Dharma Prime Minister said slowly.

"Okay, I'll leave immediately!" Ling Feng felt happy and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Emperor Tianbai glanced at Ling Feng and sighed softly: "Boy Ling Feng, these are news from a thousand years ago. First of all, I cannot guarantee whether it is true or not, and after a thousand years, no one knows, nothingness Does the lotus root still exist? If you really get nothing from this trip, I hope you can be more open-minded. After all, life and death are fateful."

"I know!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists. It is true that, as Tianbai Emperor Faxiang said, after a thousand years, even though there was indeed something like the Lotus Root of Nothingness in the Tianlan Sea a thousand years ago, the possibility of its existence in a thousand years is almost Too small to be ignored.

But no matter what, Ling Feng was unwilling to give up this glimmer of hope.

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Emperor Tianbai's Faxiang, turned around and left the place without hesitation.

Yue Yunlan only has the last twenty days left in her life, and she cannot waste a minute or a second.


Looking at Ling Feng's back, Tianbai Emperor Faxiang couldn't help but sigh, and then gradually fell into a deep sleep.

At his age, any emotions of life and death have become indifferent.

Three days later, with Ling Feng's non-stop driving, he finally arrived at the Tianlan Sea Area.

Ling Feng was quite familiar with this area, and now that he was visiting his old place again, he still felt at least a little bit familiar with it.

"The Tianlan Sea is so vast. Looking for the lotus root of nothingness in this vast sea is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Ling Feng shook his head. No matter how powerful his infinite vision was, it was difficult to explore the deep sea area. Not to mention, it would probably take more than a month to fly around the vast sea.

After thinking carefully for a moment, Ling Feng finally decided to go to Tianhuan Island first and ask Queen Huanxin for help. After all, they are all indigenous people of Tianlan Sea Area. Maybe there will be something about it in their classics. The record of the lotus root of nothingness.

After making up his mind, Ling Feng summoned Zifeng, turned him into an ice lin, and started heading towards Tianhuan Island at full speed.

Not long after walking, Ling Feng suddenly discovered that a large number of cultivators appeared in the sea area ahead, each of them with strong aura, and they were all looking for something in a hurry.

It seems that a treasure has been born!

Judging from the clothes on these people, most of them seemed to be monks from the ten major forces in the inner sea. Ling Feng even saw some disciples from Hailong Island and Tianhuan Island.

Ling Feng thought for a while and decided to go up and inquire about the situation.

"Brother, what happened earlier? Why did so many experts suddenly gather?"

After a while, Ling Feng stopped a young man with a slightly weaker aura and asked lightly.

"Hey, you don't even know what's going on, how dare you come here to fish in troubled waters?"

The young man chuckled and said, "It is said that the legendary tomb of the Holy Lord of Nothingness will be born in the area around Heiliu Island."

"Huh?" Ling Feng was stunned, "Holy Lord of Nothingness?"

The Holy Lord of Nothingness, the Lotus Root of Nothingness?

Are they all connected in the name of nothingness?

"Hey, you don't know something about this. The Holy Lord of Nothingness is said to be the only monk in our Tianlan sea area who has reached the holy level. That was a figure thousands of years ago. And after his death, every other The tomb of the Holy Lord of Nothingness will appear once in a thousand years in the Heiliu Island area, and the latest one will probably be in a few days!"

"The tomb of the Holy Lord of Nothingness? Appears once in a thousand years?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and had a vague intuition that this lotus root of nothingness might appear in the tomb of the Saint of Nothingness.

Moreover, this intuition is getting stronger and stronger!

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