Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1568 Did you win? (1 update)

"Spare my life, senior, I don't want to die yet!"

"Senior, if you let me take part in another test, I... I will definitely win the chess game!"

A powerful man named the Great Emperor trembled in fear. In the face of life and death, the Great Emperor also became a clown.

However, there were also some who were a bit tougher and gritted their teeth and said: "Come on, let's do it. I'll have a big scar on my head, but eighteen years later I'll be a good man again!"


Wu Yazi couldn't help laughing, "Brother, I...I can't hold back anymore, I'm laughing so hard!"

In fact, Xu Lingzi will not really kill them, he will just erase their memory of the Holy Tomb and then send them to the tomb of Holy Lord Xu.


Xu Lingzi pulled her hard and said coldly: "Okay, those of you who failed to win the chess game, go to the left!"

"It's over!"

Those great emperors who lost the chess game felt a thump in their hearts, recalling what Xu Lingzi had said before, that they would die if they lost.

These people are probably going to die!

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, a somewhat earnest voice came over, but it was the Queen of Huanxin. She gritted her silver teeth and said, "Senior, it seems like there is still someone who hasn't come out yet?"

It turned out that after Queen Huanxin came out, she looked around for a long time, but she still didn't find Ling Feng, so she couldn't help but ask.

Logically speaking, with Ling Feng's talent, he shouldn't have been out for so long!

"Yes, brother! Look at how anxious you are, the little brother I'm looking forward to hasn't come out yet!"

Wu Yazi cast an extremely charming look at Xu Lingzi, but with his current dignity, the picture was really a bit... nauseating!


Several powerful emperors retched for a while. Fortunately, they had not eaten before coming, otherwise they would have vomited!

"Turn your face away!"

Even Xu Lingzi felt that he was not good enough. He took a deep breath and said slowly: "Okay, let's wait a little longer! That kid has probably fainted and died inside. Huh, obviously a cup of tea When the time comes, the chess game will be over!”

Those emperors who thought they were going to die soon felt uneasy in their hearts, but now it seems that at least there is one more person accompanying them on the road to hell!

Queen Huanxin felt uneasy and silently prayed in her heart that Ling Feng must win the chess game!

Finally, an hour passed, but Ling Feng still hadn't appeared.

Xu Lingzi lost his patience and shouted towards the secret room where Ling Feng was.

However, there was still no movement.

Everyone was secretly surprised. Logically speaking, Ling Feng shouldn't be in such a bad situation.

However, the chess game is indeed weird and can arouse all kinds of negative emotions deep in the heart. If the mind is not firm enough, I am afraid that I will really get stuck in it and be unable to extricate myself.

Xu Lingzi shook his head and said in a deep voice: "It seems that the boy fainted inside. Although I had expected that he would be in trouble, it is a bit unexpected that he is so weak."

At this moment, a figure emerged from the room, and Ling Feng was seen striding out of the secret room. He said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I kept everyone waiting for so long. I accidentally meditated and fell into trance, and I missed the time."

Everyone rolled their eyes. How big is this guy's heart? In this kind of life-and-death test, he can actually meditate and fall into concentration!

"Hmph, come out quickly!"

Xu Lingzi glared at Ling Feng angrily and said with disdain: "Boy, I don't think there is any need to test your scores, right?"

"Let's get it tested."

Ling Feng raised his head and glanced at Xu Lingzi, and said slowly: "Actually, this junior won the chess game."

"What, you won?"

This time, it was Xu Lingzi and Wuyazi's turn to be surprised.

Because they knew very well that Ling Feng had already finished the chess game after burning an incense stick at the beginning of the chess game.

They all thought that Ling Feng lost everything and was eliminated from the game, but Ling Feng actually said that he won?

In other words, he won the chess game of nothingness in just a cup of tea?

This is incredible!

Xu Lingzi made a move with his palm, and the image of the chessboard in the secret room where Ling Feng was located clearly appeared in the light curtain.

This time, the chessboard was neater and cleaner.




They are all white!

Compared with the chessboard of Queen Huan Xin, it is cleaner, with not even a single sunspot on it!

The difference between this sunspot and no sunspot is not just a tiny bit, and it only took Ling Feng a cup of tea!

" defeated all the black warriors?"

Xu Lingzi and Wu Yazi were all staring at Ling Feng with their mouths open, and the powerful emperors around them all stood there blankly.

I originally thought that Ling Feng would be buried with one more person, but in the end, Ling Feng was actually the best in the game!

"That's great Ling Feng, you are so awesome!"

When everyone was envious and jealous, the only one who was truly happy for Ling Feng was probably Queen Huanxin.


Ling Feng nodded and smiled at Queen Huanxin. The biggest gain this time was actually the improvement of his mental state.

There was a long silence.

Wuyazi suddenly burst into laughter, "Wow, hahaha, big brother, I told you, the little brother I favor must be the best and the most powerful. You see, I actually knew that he had won the game when he finished it, I just wanted to give you a surprise! See, are you surprised or not? Hehe!" Wuyazi smiled happily and looked back at Lingfeng, exactly... A smile back is scary! Lingfeng's forehead was slightly sweaty, always feeling that Wuyazi's coquettishness was very abnormal! Very feminine! Combined with his 500-pound body, it's not feminine, it's scary! "Come on!" Xu Lingzi cursed, "Who said that kid is good-looking but useless, and he's gone so soon?" Lingfeng's forehead was black, always feeling that this sentence sounded a bit ambiguous.

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