Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1572: Recognize the master with blood! (1 update)

"Yeah, let's go!"

The Void Twin Blades didn't seem to be far away and stayed within the lotus pond. They quickly pulled Ling Feng away from the lotus pond. After walking far away, the two sword spirits relaxed a little.

"Are you afraid of the Holy Lord of Nothingness?"

Seeing that the noisy Wushuang suddenly became so quiet after entering the Lotus Pond of the Underground Palace, Ling Feng couldn't help but asked curiously.

"That's not fear, but respect!" Wushuang quickly corrected him.

Xu Ling also nodded and said with a serious face: "The Holy Lord is an almost perfect person, but because he pursues perfection too much, we don't dare to joke with him."

"No wonder the two of you have become like this when the senior saint is gone. You are completely letting yourselves go!"

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and gave Wu Shuang a meaningful look.

"What, isn't she cute!" Wu Shuang glared at Ling Feng angrily.

"It's so cute, so cute." Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said slowly: "If you have any inheritance from the Holy Lord, please take it out as soon as possible. I have something to do and I have to leave here quickly."

"So you're in a hurry to leave too! Hee hee!"

Wushuang's petite body came over, grabbed Ling Feng's arm, and said urgently: "Then hurry up and get our true body, and let's shed blood to recognize the master!"

After staying in the tomb of the Holy Lord of Nothingness for thousands of years, these double blades of nothingness naturally want to leave this place and see the outside world.

After a while, Ling Feng came to a secret room again, passed through a magic circle and a barrier, and finally came to a huge stone door.

If it were not for the Void Twins to personally lead them, I am afraid that even the three half-saints from the Dongling Immortal Pond would have to return empty-handed.


As the giant door opened, two huge stone platforms appeared in front of them.

On the stone platform on the left, there are two daggers, one black and one white, floating, presumably they are the double blades of nothingness. On the stone platform on the right, there is a black book suspended, which is naturally the holy level technique created by the Holy Lord of Nothingness, "Nine Heavens Star Jue".

"Master, only those who have passed the old master's many tests can enter this secret room and take out the two treasures of the Holy Lord. Go in quickly!"

Wushuang looked at Ling Feng expectantly and urged in a hurry.


Ling Feng nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and strode into the secret room.

The entire secret room seemed to be shrouded under a certain magic circle. As Ling Feng walked into the secret room, the double blades of nothingness actually flew towards Ling Feng's direction.

Ling Feng subconsciously raised his hands and held the two swords. For a moment, Ling Feng felt a numbness in the tiger's mouth, and two drops of essence and blood were injected into the two blades of nothingness.

The next moment, the Void Twins seemed to be reborn, and couldn't help but groan. From their bodies, two divine lights, one black and one white, rose into the sky. After thousands of years of dust, their power was running low. I am afraid that I can no longer maintain the form of the sword spirit and can only fall into a deep sleep.

But after regaining a new owner, their bodies were refilled with new vitality.

Now, Ling Feng has truly become their master.

For a moment, Ling Feng felt that he had some kind of mysterious connection with Wushuang and Void Spirit. With a thought, the Void Double Blades were automatically put into his body.

"Is this a high-level immortal weapon? It can be retracted and released as freely as the Destruction of All Directions!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ling Feng's mouth. He had also studied the double sword style. However, ordinary swords could not be compared with the destruction of all directions, but the double blade of nothingness was different. These were two completely different weapons. Compared to the immortal swords, in a sense, without using the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique, these two swords are much easier to use than Destruction in All Directions.

After all, a killing move like the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique consumes too much energy.

The black-rimmed divine light on the Void Twins lasted for a full quarter of an hour before gradually dissipating.

Wushuang groaned with excitement on his face: "I finally feel like I am no longer light and will dissipate at any time."

"Unexpectedly, although the master is only at the human emperor level, the power of Qi and blood is no weaker than that of the powerful emperor. It is even slightly better. Could it be that the master has become an emperor in the flesh?"

Xu Ling glanced at Ling Feng and asked in a low voice.

"Tch, I don't know who said that body-refining monks have strong limbs and simple minds!" Wushuang gouged out Xu Ling and unceremoniously dismissed it.

"Hmph!" Xu Ling snorted softly, his face darkened, and he was too lazy to talk to Wushuang.

Ling Feng turned around and looked at the Void Twins, and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Why do you feel that your aura has become weaker?"

Originally, Ling Feng and others could not sense the aura of the Void Twins at a glance, but now that he has established a spiritual connection with the Void Twin Blades, he can naturally sense their strength and weakness.

"That's not because you are too weak, Master. The old Master is a peak saint. Even after eight thousand years, the power he has left is much stronger than you, Master, in terms of quality. So after accepting After gaining your power, the strength of Xu Ling and I has become weaker, but as long as you continue to improve, Master, the strength of Xu Ling and I can continue to increase. "

"So that's it. Compared with Xiaobai, it's not bad at all!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but mutter.

At this moment, I saw a flash of five-colored divine light, but Shi Fang Jiannian automatically flew out of Ling Feng's body. The next moment, I heard Xiao Bai complaining: "Nonsense, they are worthy of being compared with me! Master!" , If your strength is not too weak and a strong person at the Immortal Emperor level controls me, the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique can really kill the sky!"

It turned out that Xiaobai sensed that Ling Feng had obtained a new fairy sword and was full of praise for it, so he immediately rushed out unconvinced.

The heavenly weapons unique to the Tiandao clan can continue to grow with the children of heaven. Theoretically, there is no upper limit to the growth of the heavenly weapons. Even if they are divine weapons, they cannot be compared with the heavenly weapons.

"Master, you actually have a sword spirit!"

This time, it was Wushuang and Xu Ling's turn to be surprised. Although these two immortal swords were not convinced by each other, they were still one. When they found out that Ling Feng had another sword spirit, they naturally had to unite." "Suppress" Xiaobai.

"Yes, I also have a sword spirit."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, feeling that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

Why do I feel that the relationship between Xiaobai and the Void Twins is like that between the first wife and the mistress...

"Wow, Master, you are so half-hearted. Having us is not enough!"

Wushuang gave Ling Feng an angry look, then looked at Xiaobai, humming softly: "Hey, although you followed the master first, I am an immortal. When you see me in the future, you must call me Sister Wushuang! "

"And me, you have to call me boss! If the master encounters any opponent that is too weak in the future, he doesn't need to rely on us. It would be beneath his status!"

Xu Ling also stared at Xiao Bai with a proud look on his face. He had completely regarded Xiao Bai as a no-name sword spirit and was ready to replace him.

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