Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1571 The Void Lotus Pond! (4 more updates)

"First of all, the old master's holy level skill "Nine Heavens Star Technique" is a skill he created by using the stars in the sky as chess pieces. From the stars, he can understand the power of nothingness. Based on this alone, The master’s talent is comparable to that of ancient times!”

"The self-created holy level technique is indeed amazing!" Ling Feng nodded slightly, showing a little more respect for the Void Saint.

"Secondly, the double blades of nothingness! Although we have been dusted for thousands of years, we are all immortals! And we are high-level immortals!" Xu Ling said with a proud face.

Ling Feng just smiled lightly. For him, Destruction in All Directions is the most suitable sword for him. Although the immortal weapon is good, he believes that Destruction in Ten Directions will eventually grow into a peerless artifact!

Xu Ling then said: "The other thing is..."

"Wait a minute, let's not talk about anything else for now."

Ling Feng interrupted Xu Ling's words and said in a deep voice: "I once heard that there is a void lotus pond in the Holy Tomb. I only need a piece of the void lotus root. Can I also take this thing away? "

"It's not impossible..."

Xu Ling glanced at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Theoretically, since you are the descendant of the old master, of course you can take whatever you want from this tomb, but the master's coffin is In the Lotus Pond of Nothingness, if you don’t absolutely need it, it is recommended not to disturb the old master’s peace.”

"Sorry, it had to be this way."

Ling Feng stared at Xu Ling and said solemnly: "I would rather have nothing than a piece of the lotus root of nothingness!"

"No! Even if you don't want anything, you must take me away!"

As soon as he heard Ling Feng say that he didn't want anything, Wu Shuang immediately grabbed Ling Feng's arm and said, "Okay, brother, what are you talking about? You just want to take him to the Void Lotus Pond, hurry up!" Slip away!”

"I know! What's the point of urging!"

Xu Ling said with a displeased look.

Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile. These two sword spirits were really unprincipled. He began to feel a little unworthy of the Void Saint.

But it's fortunate that this is the case, otherwise, I might have to spend a lot of time talking.

"Master, come with me!"

Xu Ling seemed much more normal than Wu Shuang. He led Ling Feng out of the secret room and walked for a long time before finally arriving at a huge lotus pond.

In the center of the lotus pond, there is an extremely huge lotus, about several feet wide, with an upright transparent crystal coffin placed on it.

Looking from a distance, I saw that the body in the crystal coffin was still intact, as if it had just fallen into a deep sleep. Moreover, the face of the Void Holy Lord looks very young. If you don't know that he is a person from thousands of years ago, at first glance, he seems to be in his early twenties.

After being dead for thousands of years, he can still keep his body incorruptible. This Holy Void is truly extraordinary.


Seeing the body of the Holy Lord of Nothingness, the Twins of Nothingness quickly knelt down in the direction of the crystal coffin, kowtowed to the ground, and did not dare to look directly at the Holy Lord's coffin. Although these two sword spirits are both arrogant and arrogant, they respect their masters very much.

"Senior Holy Lord!"

Ling Feng also looked at the crystal coffin from a distance and bowed, and said slowly: "It is not what I want to do to disturb the peace of my seniors, but I must pick a lotus root of nothingness to save the life of a companion. If there is any offense, , please forgive me, senior."

After saying that, Ling Feng also knelt down on one knee and bowed to the Holy Lord of Nothingness, then strode to the lotus pond, ready to dig out a lotus root of Nothingness.

At this moment, a goldfish swam slowly from the depths of the lotus pond. It was about the size of a palm, and its body was golden. Its gills on both sides opened and closed, like a fluffy little ball. Its eyes were fixed on Ling Feng. It looked like Quite spiritual.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. There was actually a little goldfish in this lotus pond?

In this case, it doesn't feed on the lotus seeds and lotus roots in the pond. I'm afraid it's not an extraordinary thing!

When the goldfish saw Ling Feng walking in, he suddenly jumped into the water. After a while, there was a "pop" sound and a golden light burst out of the water. The little goldfish actually jumped out of the lotus pond and jumped directly to Ling Feng. In front of Feng, he flapped his tail desperately.

Ling Feng quickly squatted down and looked at the little goldfish. He was about to return it to the lotus pond when he saw it opened its mouth and spit out a lotus root that was larger than its body.

Those lotus roots are dark in color and sparkling with light, and they contain rich power of nothingness. I am afraid that among the lotus roots of nothingness in this pool, they are all of the best quality.

"So you are going to give me the Lotus Root of Nothingness! Thank you very much!"

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips. He was afraid that he would step into the lotus pond and disturb the peace of the Void Saint. He never expected that this goldfish could be so psychic.

Carefully putting away the Lotus Root of Nothingness, Ling Feng picked up the goldfish and returned it to the lotus pond. Ling smiled lightly and said, "Thank you, Brother Yu! Go back!"

However, Ling Feng had just put the little goldfish into the water, and before he could turn around and leave, the little goldfish actually broke out of the water again. This time, it jumped directly onto Ling Feng's shoulder, slapping its tail randomly and opening and closing its mouth. , seemed to want to say something.

" you want to follow me?"

Ling Feng looked at the goldfish and thought about it carefully. This goldfish might have been in this lotus pond since it was born, devouring treasures like the Lotus of Nothingness every day, and gradually becoming spiritual. Perhaps, it would also like to see something. Look at the outside world.

The little goldfish flapped happily a few times, seemingly in agreement.

"It's just that you are a fish after all and cannot leave the water." Ling Feng frowned slightly. Maybe this little goldfish was extraordinary, but it was still a fish.

Perhaps in response to Ling Feng's concerns, the little goldfish opened its mouth and spat out, and a wave of spray spurted out. Then, a small river suspended in the air actually formed. The little goldfish jumped into the river with a splash, very excited. Start swimming.

"You still play like this..."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. This little goldfish actually came with its own river when it came out!

After thinking for a while, Ling Feng looked at the little goldfish and said slowly: "Okay, if you want to follow me, then I will take you away with me. I think you also want to see the outside." World. However, I do have a place where you can stay temporarily. You can’t mess around there, and I’ll introduce you to new friends in the future!”

What Ling Feng was referring to was naturally the Yuan Realm of Water within the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Jianlu and Zifeng usually like to stay in the Wood Yuan Realm, because it is full of life and vitality, which makes them happy to miss Shu. The Water Yuan Realm should be a good place for these water-type creatures.

The little goldfish was very psychic and nodded repeatedly. Ling Feng then opened the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and sent it into the Yuan Realm of Water. The little goldfish had never seen such a wide water area before, and it suddenly became addicted to this water-filled world. The world of spiritual energy is inextricable.

"Finally solved."

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, took another look at the coffin of the Holy Lord of Nothingness, bowed slightly, and then returned to the side of the Nothingness Twins, and said calmly: "The Lotus Root of Nothingness has been obtained, we can leave here."

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