Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1570 Special hobby! (3 updates)


Wu Yazi was kicked to the ground and rolled, but he came up again and said with a smile: "As expected of the master, this kick is so powerful!"


Countless black lines suddenly appeared on Ling Feng's forehead: How did this old pervert become so perverted? He and Xu Lingzi had been in the tomb of the Holy Lord of Nothingness for thousands of years. Did they play like this every day?

Can not bear to look!

I can’t bear to look at it!

Ling Feng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, but every time he saw Fat Wuya's dignity, he couldn't help the urge to vomit.

Daoxing is still not enough!

Ling Feng simply rolled his eyes, tried not to look at Fatty Wuya, took deep breaths several times, and then slowly said: "Senior, your unique hobby is not acceptable to everyone!"

"What a unique hobby!"

Wu Yazi was confused for a while, frowning and said: "Oh, I must have forgotten to tell you. When you complete the test of the Holy Lord, the old master, you will become the new master of me and my eldest brother. Yeah! We have nothing but double swords, but they are the most proud weapons of our old master!"


Ling Feng covered his eyes and was about to cry, "Can I not want this inheritance?"

What the hell are you doing? Thinking that when you fight with others in the future, you will directly summon two grotesque perverts. Do you have to rely on "disgusting" to defeat others?

"No, Master can do without anything. Even if he doesn't want eldest brother, he can't do without me!"

Wu Yazi hugged Ling Feng's thigh tightly, "No matter what, I have decided to be the master!"

"Your elder brother is a bit normal..."

Ling Feng resisted the urge to vomit blood, took a few deep breaths, and said slowly: "Senior, can you please stop hugging my thigh! We are all men, so this is not good!"

"what the hell!"

Wu Yazi frowned and gave Ling Feng an angry look. He hugged his face and said with great shyness, "I am a girl!"

Oh my God! my eyes!

Ling Feng felt like his eyes were going to be blinded by the pain. A five hundred kilogram...five hundred kilogram old pervert was acting like a spoiled brat!

Just when Ling Feng was heartbroken and unable to breathe, the stone door of the secret room opened with a rumble, and a handsome young man in black strode in.

As soon as the young man in black came in, his expression suddenly changed. The first thing he did was to cover his eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "Second sister, you'd better change back quickly, otherwise a new master will finally come and you will be killed." You’re so disgusted!”

"They are disgusting!"

Wu Ya Zi frowned, pursed his lips, and glared angrily. The next moment, white light flowed, and the fat Wu Ya who weighed more than 500 kilograms suddenly transformed into a pretty and lovely girl in white. .

"Hey, hey!"

The girl approached Ling Feng again, hugged Ling Feng's thigh tightly, looked up at Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "Master, should everything be fine now?"


Ling Feng closed his eyes tightly, and suddenly felt that the voice had become a little sweeter, and immediately closed his eyes tighter.

This old pervert, this damn fat guy, can actually change into a female voice!

If I open my eyes, I will be blinded!

"I will never open my eyes until I die!"

Ling Feng was filled with righteous indignation and gritted his teeth and said: "I don't want this inheritance from the Holy Lord of Nothingness! To be honest, I just want to pick some Lotus Roots of Nothingness and take them back to save people!"

"Boy, after passing the test of the Holy Lord, you still want to deny it! Let me tell you, you don't have to ask for anything else, and you don't have to ask for it, my second sister, but you must take me away!"

"Brother bastard, you actually betrayed me!" When Wu Yazi heard this, he immediately became unhappy!

"Hmph, don't think I didn't hear it just now, it was obviously you who betrayed me first!"

"Brother bastard, I will fight with you!"

"Just hit me, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

There was a sound of quarreling in the ears, and then, the Void Twins actually started to move their hands "ping ping ping ping pong".

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he subconsciously opened his eyes, only to find a girl in white and a boy in black fighting with each other. The fat Wuya from before was nowhere to be found.

"Where did this come from?"

Ling Feng felt a little confused. All the sword spirits in the sword spirit world were so good at playing!

If I have a chance, I should ask Xiao Bai. No, Xiao Bai was born not long ago and has never been exposed to other sword spirits. He probably doesn't know.

"That's enough, can someone come over and explain to me!"

Ling Feng slapped his forehead, speechless to the extreme, "Are you... the Twins of Nothingness?"

"Hehe, it's me, it's me!"

The white shadow flashed, and the girl in white had floated in front of Ling Feng, hugging Ling Feng's arm tightly, "I am the cutest Wu Jian. In fact, they are called Wu Shuang!"

The young man in black also stopped where he was, and said with a proud look on his face: "I am the Void Sword and the Void Spirit. Together with my second sister, I am the Void Twin Blades. The Void Twins you saw before are just our illusions." Come out and shock those humans. This is our true face!"

"Are you Xu Jian? Are you Wu Jian?"

Ling Feng blinked, looked at Xu Ling, then at Wu Yazi, oh no, it should be Wu Shuang, and then he felt a little relieved.

No wonder that fat Wuya always has a coquettish look between her eyebrows. It turns out she is really a woman!

"So that's it..."

Ling Feng let out a sigh of relief. Only a ghost wants a weapon with special hobbies!

Even if it is a magical weapon, I must not take it!

After all, he already has Destruction in All Directions, and Xiaobai looks so cold and handsome, but now it seems that this double blade of nothingness is not bad at all.

"Master, although I am cute, I am a sword spirit. You can't have any ideas about me!"

Wushuang squinted his eyes and said, but held Ling Feng's arm with both hands. The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched secretly. It seems that you are trying to trick me now!

After breaking free of Wushuang's arm, Ling Feng raised his eyes to Xu Ling and said slowly: "Xu Ling, you should be more normal. You can tell me!"

Xu Ling nodded and said slowly: "Eight thousand years ago, the old master knew that his life was coming to an end, so he built this holy mausoleum and left all the inheritance and our void double blades in the holy mausoleum. Anyone who passes the three tests can obtain inheritance in the Holy Tomb, but only those who completely crack the void chess game within half an hour can obtain the true inheritance of the old master, and become the new successor of our void double blades. Master! But the old master probably didn’t expect that it would take more than 8,000 years!”

"There's nothing we can do about it. The Obsidian of Nothingness only appears once in a thousand years. If it only happens once in a hundred years, the inheritance might have been taken away long ago."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, but if this was the case, it wouldn't be his turn.

"So, what does the inheritance of the Holy Lord of Nothingness include?" Ling Feng asked in a deep voice.

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