Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1579 Eleven Hunyuan Locks! (1 update)

Early the next morning, Ling Feng quietly left the Tianbai Imperial Capital alone without saying hello to anyone.

Looking back at the banquet last night, it was definitely full of guests. The emperor of the empire, the master of the sky, the general Ying Yang, the dean of Tianwei Academy, the Taiwei Mansion...

All the prominent figures in the empire, without exception, attended this grand dinner.

Of course, Leng Jianfeng, Su Qingxuan, Qin Wanwan, Liu Yunfei, Deng Yongshi, who had a good relationship with Ling Feng... were naturally among them.

Everyone knows that golden scales are not a thing in the pond. With Ling Feng's talent, he will not stay in a small Tianbai Empire.

This dinner was not only a thank you banquet to thank Ling Feng for saving the entire empire, but also a farewell banquet to send Ling Feng away.

At the dinner, all kinds of drinks were available, not to mention for now. Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan, on the other hand, will definitely resign from their positions in the military and go to a wider world to experience.

To them, the Tianbai Empire is just a small pond. With their current strength and the fact that the Tianbai Empire has gradually settled down, there is no need for them to stay here. It is time to jump out of this "pond".

Although the Dongling Immortal Pond has not officially started recruiting students, the Dongling Territory is so vast. There are four major empires, East China Sea, Southern Border, Western Wilderness, and Northern Barbarians. With their current strength, it is time to travel around and gain experience. For cultivation, The improvement is of great benefit.

After all, they still hope to follow in Ling Feng's footsteps and continue to reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

On that day, most of the reasons were stimulated by Ling Feng. After all, Ling Feng was so strong that he had no friends when he came back this time. If they continued to stay in the Tianbai Empire, they might even look at the back of Ling Feng's head in the future. If not, it will be impossible to catch up with Ling Feng.

Although Mo Feng was reluctant to give up, he did not stop Xiaofan and the others from leaving. After all, everyone had their own pursuits. As brothers, Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan had already helped him a lot.

Although Ling Feng knew that going out for training would naturally mean facing many dangers, but the two of them traveled together, so they had someone to take care of them. What's more, the road to martial arts is a road against heaven. If you don't dare to take risks, how can you fight for your life and keep climbing!

As for Yue Yunlan, although she had just recovered from a serious illness, she still attended the dinner.

Although Ling Feng did not give her too many promises, he still made an appointment with her. On the day when Donglingxian Pond accepts disciples next year, he will definitely be waiting for her arrival at Donglingxian Pond.

After all, with her current physique and the power contained in the lotus root of nothingness, after she is completely refined, she will probably be at least a human queen.

There was also Yan Cangtian. Although he did not bring Yan Ning with him, judging from his proud expression, this "old idiot" finally managed to see the light of day.

Although Ling Feng didn't have a good impression of the empress dowager, as long as Yan Cangtian was happy, it didn't matter to him.

There is also his own Ling Shen Sect. He took over the sect from Duanmu Qingshan that day. It can be said that he is a completely hands-off shopkeeper and basically did not participate in the construction of the sect. However, the wealth he brought back and The secret book actually made Ling Shen Sect prosperous in the sect world of Tianbai Empire.

Not only that, the new emperor Mo Feng even issued an order to list the Lingshen Sect as one of the Divine Sects protecting the country, alongside the Cangqiong Sect as the two sects on the left and right.

Even Yue Zhonglian had no objection to this decision. After all, Ling Feng was the head of the Ling Shen Sect. With Ling Feng's contributions to the empire, he was fully qualified to be on an equal footing with him.

Even Ling Feng himself did not expect that he had made a long-cherished wish to make the former Wenxian Sect become as big a sect as the Cangqiong Sect. On this day, he finally got his wish.

As for reporting the whole good news to Duanmu Qingshan, it naturally fell on Luo Jianying.

It's not that Ling Feng doesn't want to return to Cang Qiong Sect to meet his master and Lin Xian'er, but for Lin Xian'er...

When Lin Xianer was severely injured by Lin Canglang and was on the verge of death, she had already confided her feelings to him, but Ling Feng didn't know how to face it.

What's more, Duanmu Qingshan still eagerly wants to betroth this daughter to him, so he can hide for a while.

He shook his head fiercely and buried all the events of last night's banquet deep in his heart. In order to protect these friends he valued, and for the hatred of genocide that he bore, he could only work without slackening and keep getting stronger!

He flew to the northern suburbs of the imperial capital, a deserted place, took out the token leading to the misty ghost forest, opened the passage, and the next moment, disappeared in place.

Maybe after leaving, I won't have the chance to come back for a long, long time.

Three days later, Ling Feng set off from the Misty Ghost Forest.

This time, Emperor Tianbai planted four more Qi-Forging Hunyuan Locks on Ling Feng. Together with the original seven, there were a total of eleven Forging Qi Hunyuan Locks.

Although he had endured this feeling of life being worse than death several times before, every time he planted the Forging Qi Hunyuan Lock, it still hurt so much that Ling Feng wished he could just die.

Especially, this time, four Hunyuan Locks were planted one after another, which made Ling Feng almost not survive.

After the Hunyuan Lock Seed was completed, Ling Feng was in a coma for a day and a night, and then rested for a day and a night. On the third day, he finally recovered.

According to Emperor Tianbai's Faxiang, there are a total of eighteen forging Qi Hunyuan Locks, so there will be more suffering in the future!

However, although the process of planting the Hunyuan Lock was painful, the rewards were also very considerable.

Eleven forging Qi Hunyuan Locks compressed Ling Feng's aura again. From the surface, Ling Feng's aura had even been compressed to the early stage of the Caishen Sea Realm. Both speed and strength were greatly restricted. But when all eleven locks are opened, the combat power can be almost a hundred times greater!

Of course, once he has completely adapted to these eleven Hunyuan Locks and returned to the level of the Human Emperor in normalcy, how terrifying it will be if all eleven locks are opened at that time and the power explodes more than a hundred times!

This Qi-forging Hunyuan Lock is indeed a secret technique created by a strong man from the Immortal Realm (the original Emperor Tianbai). Although the training process is extremely painful, it is indeed a secret technique that defies the heavens.

All the way north, through the Tiansheng Empire, with Ling Feng driving at full speed, he finally returned to Tiebing City ten days later.

In the past ten days, Ling Feng has gradually begun to adapt to the new Hunyuan Lock. The speed has continued to increase and has gradually returned to about 60% of the previous level. Otherwise, it may take even longer.

According to Ling Feng's estimation, it will probably take about a month, or even longer, to return to the previous level under normal conditions. Ling Feng deliberately strengthened his own foundation, so he did not open the Hunyuan Lock to rush on. Heaven, for him, is also a stage of rapid improvement.

Finally, seeing this city of ice and snow again, Ling Feng knew that the Dongling Fairy Pond was not far away.

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