Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1580 Chaos has become a reality! (2 updates)

After entering the city, Ling Feng immediately rushed to Xianyao Pavilion and soon found Feng Yan who had lost an arm.

Next to Feng Yan, I also saw Fatty Huang and Lan Yingying. These two people were very loyal to Feng Yan. After learning about Feng Yan's situation, they immediately rushed over from the Tianbai Empire without stopping.

Their speed was far inferior to Ling Feng's. Although they set out almost a month earlier than Ling Feng, they only barely arrived at Iron Ice City three days ago.

"Brother Ling, you are finally back!"

Seeing Ling Feng come back intact, Feng Yan was slightly relieved. After all, he had experienced Yan Jinghong's power that day and was deeply afraid of Yan Jinghong.

"Well, the crisis in the Tianbai Empire has been resolved, and Yan Jinghong was killed by me."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Feng Yan, looked at his severed arm, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Feng, don't worry, I will find a way to regenerate your severed limb!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter. I was able to save my life thanks to Brother Ling. As for the rebirth of a broken limb, I don't dare to hope too much."

Feng Yan shook his head and smiled bitterly. It was not difficult to reattach the severed limb, but his broken arm had long been blown into ash. It was not easy to regrow an arm.

"No, I, Ling Feng, always keep my promises."

Ling Feng patted Feng Yan's shoulder lightly and found that Lin Mu and the others were no longer there. He couldn't help but ask: "By the way, brother Feng, where are Lin Mu and the others? This guy, I asked him to help take care of you, he can run away It’s quite fast!”

"No, Brother Ling, you misunderstood him."

Feng Yan said quickly: "Brother Lin has been taking care of me in Xianyao Pavilion before. But about seven or eight days ago, he seemed to have received a message from the sect. It seemed that something had happened, so he hurried back. There. After that, he never came back, but he made an explanation before leaving, so the disciples of Xianyao Pavilion did not make things difficult for me. "

With Lin Mu's identity, Xianyao Pavilion disciples naturally did not dare to disobey what he told them.

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose and murmured to himself: "What happened to the sect? So, Lin Mu, Li Fei and the others were summoned back, and I don't know what their condition is... "

"Brother Ling, Yingying and Fatty Huang are taking care of me here. You don't have to worry about me. You should return to the sect as soon as possible."

Feng Yan saw Ling Feng's solemn look and quickly spoke to persuade him.


Ling Feng glanced at Feng Yan and then nodded, "Okay, then I'll leave first. You can take a good rest in Xianyao Pavilion. If anything happens, just ask the disciples in Xianyao Pavilion to help me or Lin Mu can send a message."

Before leaving, Ling Feng left some pills for restoring Qi and blood to Feng Yan, and then used the teleportation array in Xianyao Pavilion to teleport directly back to Donglingxian Pond.

After returning to the sect, Ling Feng went directly to the Danding Hall to find Master Ye Ye Xiong.

Although Ling Feng has made considerable achievements in the battlefield, he has not been officially awarded by the sect's senior leaders. In name, he is only an outer disciple.

Of course, the identity of Tiansha Shijue is very useful, but in order to support Mo Feng, he has already given away the token.

Therefore, Ling Feng still cannot enter the heaven at will. He can only go to the elders of the outer sect to get information.

As for the "maid" Fang Wen who has been staying in her heaven-level No. 1 Mingjian Tower, although she may know some things, she is not as well-informed as the elders.

Soon, Ling Feng came to the familiar Alchemy Hall again. When he had just entered the Dongling Immortal Pond, he was still here openly teaching the elders about alchemy.

Because of this, Ling Feng has a very high status in the Alchemy Hall. All the elders in the Alchemy Hall regard Ling Feng as "Master Ling" rather than an ordinary outer disciple.

"Hello, Senior Brother Ling!"

An outer disciple came towards him and quickly greeted Ling Feng. The disciples of the Alchemy Hall were relieved of their heavy daily tasks because Ling Feng improved the alchemy process, so they naturally respected Ling Feng.

"Well, wait a minute! I'm looking for Master Ye Xiong. Where is he? Take me there!"

Ling Feng quickly stopped the disciple, who nodded repeatedly, and soon found Ye Xiong in an alchemy room.

"Master Ling, you are finally back!"

Ye Xiong is instructing a disciple to make alchemy. Since receiving Ling Feng's teaching, Ye Xiong's temper has calmed down a lot. He is no longer the "executioner of the black abyss". Although his temper is still a little irritable, it is better than before. Countless times.

Especially when in front of Ling Feng, he is as docile as a cat.

Seeing Ling Feng coming back, Ye Xiong hurriedly rushed up, "The disciples who went to the Palace of War to support have already come back. It's good for you, but it's really hard for us all to wait!"


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, patted Ye Xiong's shoulder lightly, and said lightly: "By the way, Ye Xiong, do you know what happened to the sect a while ago? I was practicing outside at that time, but I just returned to Xianyao. When I was in the pavilion, I heard some disciples from the outside department mention it.”

"Alas, it's not like the situation at Higashikawa!"

A trace of worry emerged from Ye Xiong's eyebrows: "Master Ling, you have not been in Donglingxian Pond for a long time, and you probably don't know that Dongxianchuan is actually the largest Yuanshi vein in our Donglingxian Pond. This huge one For the normal operation of the sect, elixirs, Yuanshi, and Yuanjing are indispensable. Once something happens to the Yuanshi mine, it will naturally be a major event that affects the whole body!"

Ling Feng nodded. Indeed, he only maintained a small Ling Shen Sect. In the early stage, he had to desperately search for wealth and felt that he could not make ends meet. It was not until he moved a spiritual vein to Ling Shen Sect that the situation improved. What's more, it's a behemoth like Donglingxianchi.

Yuanshi veins are an important lifeline for the sect and are related to the normal operation of the sect.

However, Donglingxian Pond is the largest holy land in the Dongling Domain. Does anyone dare to think about the mineral veins of Donglingxian Pond?

Ling Feng was greatly surprised and couldn't help but ask: "What happened?"

"An enemy has invaded and wants to seize the mineral veins!" Ye Xiong's old eyes flashed with coldness.

"Isn't this...impossible?"

Ling Feng frowned, since the Yuanshi vein is so important, it stands to reason that there should be many experts taking charge.

How could ordinary forces dare to disturb Tai Sui?

"Ye Xiong, who is the force that took over?" Ling Feng asked, but three words flashed in his mind: Blood Shadow Alliance!

Within the Eastern Spiritual Territory, there are three major holy lands. Even though the Five Thunder Holy Land and the Yunluo Holy Land are inseparable from the Donglingxian Pond, they would not dare to directly occupy the mineral veins of the Donglingxian Pond.

And the only ones who have the courage and ability are probably the Blood Shadow Alliance.

"Blood Shadow Alliance!"

Ye Xiong said three words in a deep voice.


Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly, this Blood Shadow Alliance is very courageous, they really dare to challenge the Dongling Fairy Pond!

However, since they have such strength, they will not occupy it sooner or later. Why did they go to Dongxianchuan to seize the mineral veins at this time?

Among them, I'm afraid it's not simple!

I remembered that Mr. Gui had once said to himself that chaos had arisen in the Dongling Immortal Pond, and he was the one who was in luck.

Could it be that everything that Mr. Gui had foreseen was about to become a reality...

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