Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1586 The divine donkey dominates! (3 updates)

"how do I say this?"

Although Ling Feng was in a hurry to save people, he did not lose his bearings.

"Let's put it this way, after entering the Forbidden God Realm space, for example, your ten directions will be destroyed, the sword spirit cannot be summoned, and the various amplifications of high-grade swords to the owner will also be invalid. Not only that, your space ring, It will also be sealed and cannot be opened. Therefore, if you need anything, try to take it out first. When you enter the Forbidden God Realm, you will not be able to open the Naling Ring, and the Five Elements Heavenly Palace cannot be opened either! All the power of space will fail!"

"It's really amazing!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly and tried to step into the Forbidden God Realm with one foot. He suddenly realized that all his energy was dissipated out of thin air, and his soul power was extremely suppressed. He tried to open the Naling Ring, but he couldn't sense the inside of the Naling Ring at all. The existence of space.

In fact, even the connection with the bitch was completely severed!

"What a forbidden realm!"

Ling Feng retracted one foot, with a solemn look on his face. Compared with the Forbidden God Realm, the restrictions of the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss were completely childish.

After all, the deeper the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss goes into the core area, the more severely it will be suppressed, and in this Forbidden God Realm, if it touches the scope of the realm even slightly, it will lose all its various abilities.

The only thing you can rely on is your own body.

"How about it, brat, do you know how powerful you are?"

The bitch grinned, "I advise you not to go in. Then don't burp your butt and become someone else's fat sheep!"

"It's impossible not to go in, but..."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, and directly pulled Bitch out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, "Bitch, you are a monster, with a strong body and weird physical skills. This Forbidden God Realm is your home ground. It’s not too much to ask you to come out and help!”

"There is no door, it's impossible, it doesn't exist! Let this beast go back! Otherwise, this beast will bite you to death!"

The stupid donkey immediately started barking loudly and tried to pounce on Ling Feng.

"Hey, bitch, haven't you forgotten? This is the Yuanshi vein of the Dongling Immortal Pond, and those people from the Blood Shadow Alliance seem to be searching for some mysterious treasure. Aren't you curious? Don't you want it?"

Immediately, the bitch suddenly braked and stopped in place. He raised his hoof and put it on his chin. He thought for a while and then said with a smile: "What's the relationship between us? If you want to break into the dragon's pond and tiger's den, will this beast still look at you?" You’re in danger alone! Don’t worry, you, Brother Lu, am the most loyal person, and it’s definitely not for some treasure!”


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, who was yelling about biting him just now?

"Let's go, let's go in quickly, don't waste time, it's a little later, baby... Ahem, Lin Mu and those people are in danger!" The bitch pretended to be concerned, but in fact, he felt itchy in his heart. Unable to bear it, I want to know what treasures are hidden in the veins.

After a cup of tea, the distance between the two sides had shrunk to within a hundred feet.


The bitch panted heavily and complained: "You brat, you run so fast, you want to tire this beast to death!"

Ling Feng said angrily: "You have four legs for nothing, why don't you run on four legs!"

"Asshole, this divine beast is a divine beast, how can it run away on four legs? This is the manner of a divine beast! manner! Do you understand!"

"Shh, don't talk!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to this bitch. He pricked up his ears and used the wind to eavesdrop on the conversation of the two Blood Shadow Alliance disciples in front of him.

"There are bloody flames rising ten miles ahead. This is a signal that the enemy has been discovered. Let's go over quickly to help!"

"It would be great if it was a woman. I heard that there were a few pretty girls found inside, and a group of senior fellow apprentices were so happy!"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and vaguely discovered that there was indeed a red flame ten miles away, rising into the sky, and it looked extremely eye-catching in this gray sky.

No wonder there aren't many patrols in this area, so they came there to rescue.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng directly drew out the virtual sword.

Although it has lost the characteristics of the fairy sword and cannot summon the sword spirit, the material used to forge the fairy sword is so hard.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he activated the Dragon Elephant's divine power. He actually used the virtual sword as a flying knife and threw it out fiercely.

(PS: Virtual Sword and Sword Spirit, I fainted in the toilet crying! I am a dagger, not a flying knife!)


With Ling Feng's terrifying arm strength and a hundred-foot strength, it was no problem at all.

The virtual sword directly turned into a ray of light and shot out.

ah! ——

Hearing a scream, one of the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples' vest was worn to the core and died on the spot.


The living disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance were only in the human queen stage. Seeing the sudden death of their companions, they immediately activated the blood flames to protect their master's body.

However, when he suddenly turned around, he found a shadow pressing down directly from his head.


The Blood Shadow Alliance disciple only felt a heavy object hit his lumbar spine. With a click, the lumbar spine was broken, and the pain made him break out in a cold sweat.

When he reacted, he found a monster covered in scales that looked very much like a donkey, pressing heavily on him.

"Hehe, how are you? This divine beast's move is amazing, isn't it?"

The bitch asked Ling Feng for credit with a proud look on his face.


Ling Feng gave the bitch a thumbs up and strode out from behind a huge rock.

"Damn it, who are you? You dare to sneak attack on me. I think you are tired of living!"

The Blood Shadow League disciple's lumbar spine was crushed, but he still wanted to resist, so he resorted to Blood Thunder. With a wave of his hand, he saw a thunderbolt as thick as a bowl, exploded, and struck straight in the direction of Ling Feng. past.

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