Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1587: Iron-clad? (1 update)

"Hmph! Looking for death!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed coldly, he opened his mouth and swallowed the Thunder of the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple.

Although the energy of his body is sealed, the power of the source of chaos in his dantian cannot be sealed. Ling Feng cannot mobilize the source of chaos, but as long as the source of chaos is in his dantian space and swallows thunder, he can It’s as simple as eating and drinking.

In fact, Ling Feng felt that the power of this human emperor-level blood thunder was too small, and it was not even enough to fit between the teeth.

" is this possible!"

The Blood Shadow Alliance disciples were so shocked that their eyes almost fell out. It stands to reason that within the Forbidden God Realm, except for their Blood Shadow Alliance disciples, they are basically the same as mortals, and this kid can actually swallow thunder alive. !

"I found that you people from the Blood Shadow Alliance probably only know this sentence!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold and he stepped on his wrist!

Click! ——

The disciple of the Blood Shadow Alliance snorted miserably, with a fierce look in his eyes: "I am a disciple of the Blood Shadow Alliance, you dare to kill me?"


Ling Feng slapped him, breaking several of his big teeth and leaving his mouth full of blood.

"Let me ask you an answer! If you dare to fart one more time, you won't want to bear the consequences!"

Ling Feng stared at the prisoner coldly and asked in a cold voice: "How many people have you killed in the Forbidden God Realm, and how many are still alive? Have they gathered together? Which area has the most distribution? I, Dong Lingxian Chi senior management, where are you trapped?"

Unexpectedly, the disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance gritted their teeth and sneered: "Damn bastards, I, the disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance, are all strong-willed and would rather die than surrender!"

"Hey, Tieguzhengzheng?"

The donkey pressing down on his back exerted force on his buttocks, causing pain that made the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple almost lose his breath.

"This beast likes to play with tough people the most. Boy, come and try it!"

The bitch turned over, jumped down from behind the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple, and immediately grabbed the disciple, revealing his big white teeth.

At this time, the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple felt a shudder. Looking at the black donkey in front of him, he felt an extremely uneasy feeling in his heart.

"Then it's up to you to perform."

Ling Feng had a cold look on his face. If it weren't for the fact that the Eye of the Emperor couldn't be used, he would have directly read the past memory with one move, which would have been so troublesome.

"Hey hey hey..."

The bitch smiled strangely and threw the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple high into the air. "This beast admires your iron bones! Floating lotus!"


The black shadow flashed, and the bitch had jumped up high following the shadow of the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple.

Although he lost his demon essence, Jianlu's physical skills were not greatly affected.

"Flying kicks in the air!"

"The giant ax chops down the big tree!"

"The crow sits on the dragon!"

For a moment, screams were heard one after another, and the body of the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple basically failed to fall down in mid-air. This is the power of Jian Don's so-called "Seventy-two Styles of Divine Donkey". As long as he is entangled in this weird physical technique, even if he is a powerful emperor, he will be sure that he can beat the opponent and make him scream. .

"Smashing Melon Punch!"


Accompanied by a scream, Bitch punched the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple's crotch, and the feeling of broken eggs suddenly hit his whole body.

"I'll give you one last chance to tell you, or not?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back and looked coldly.

"I said, I said! I said!..."

The Blood Shadow Alliance disciple had been beaten to the point of foaming at the mouth and shaking all over. He felt that every bone in his body had been broken by the black donkey using the most painful and cruel method, but the vital points were avoided. It only hurts him to death. This is not a pain that humans can bear!

"Humph, is this the end of the fun?"

The bitch looked disinterested, jumped up, trampled the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple under his feet, and kicked him back to the ground hard.

"The falcon has landed!"

Turning over, the bitch fell back to the ground from the air. He also put on a pose that he thought was cool and grinned at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, looked at the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple, and asked in a cold voice: "If you dare to tell a lie, be careful and you will be crushed again and again!"

The Blood Shadow Alliance disciple subconsciously clamped his legs and looked at the black donkey with great fear. That black donkey was simply a devil!

"I said, I said!"

The disciple of the Blood Shadow Alliance looked pitiful. He was indeed strong, but he was not a strong man!

No one can withstand such torture!

Not long after, Ling Feng combined the interrogation information and got a rough idea.

As patrols in the outer area, they didn't know exactly how many people were dead and how many were alive. The only thing they knew was that a large number of people were trapped in the central area.

In the Forbidden God Realm, the attack was too sudden and they were unable to escape in time.

It is said that a few days ago, they were still resisting tenaciously.

The upper echelons of the Dongling Fairy Pond were trapped at the bottom of the mine. Many high-ranking emperors from the Blood Shadow League joined forces to suppress it. Even with the strength of Huiyue Shengji, they could only barely resist. But if this continues, but if this continues, If the siege continues, I'm afraid it won't be able to hold out for too long.

"I said it, I said everything, can you let me go now?"

The Blood Shadow Alliance disciple was trembling all over and stared at Ling Feng with a trembling voice.

"Let you go?"


Ling Feng directly broke the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple's neck and gave him a good blow.

The cheap donkey came over at the right time, grinned widely and said: "Boy Lingfeng, it's about seven or eight hundred miles to the central area of ​​​​Dongxian River. At our current speed, I'm afraid we will have to run for a day and a night! "

Ling Feng had a solemn look on his face, shook his head and said: "Not only that, this Dongxianchuan mine itself has many ferocious beasts and monsters, and the route is also extremely dangerous. If it were changed before, there would be no need to think about flying directly there. But now that we have lost the ability to fly, we can’t pass in a straight line. In addition, we may be intercepted by Blood Shadow Alliance disciples on the way, so we can reach it within three days and three nights, which is the limit!”

Three days and nights!

Ling Feng couldn't help but clenched his fists. He didn't know if Lin Mu and the others could hold on!

Taking a deep breath, he threw the bodies of the two Blood Shadow Alliance disciples into a nearby grotto and hid them for a while. Then he looked up at the red blood flames on the horizon, took steps, and flew in that direction. past.

The two Blood Shadow Alliance disciples just ran towards the direction of the blood flames, indicating that a battle was taking place there. Obviously, there should be a disciple from Donglingxianchi appearing in front.

Since they were from the same sect, Ling Feng naturally couldn't just sit back and watch.

The straight-line distance was about ten miles, but the twists and turns of the stone forest made it more difficult to traverse for no reason. It took about a quarter of an hour to finally reach the place where the blood flames were ignited.


Ling Feng jumped onto a huge stone, squatted in the crack in the stone, and observed quietly.

The battle location is a relatively narrow stone forest passage.

The entrance to the passage is very narrow and can barely accommodate one person to pass through. When everyone has lost the ability to fly, they can only attack from the front.

In the stone forest passage, there seemed to be a person who was relying on the terrain and was in a stalemate with the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples.

Due to the terrain, the disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance could only be blocked from outside. Although there were many people, they could not capture the people inside.

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