Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1591 Damn man! (2 updates)

"Ah, you didn't leave?"

Fairy Qingping suddenly felt happy. There was a time when she hated Ling Feng from the bottom of her heart. But now, for some reason, I feel that Ling Feng is my only support.

"You think I left you?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "If I wanted to leave you, I wouldn't have looked back."

As he spoke, Ling Feng threw down the cloth bag in his hand, and a dozen dry and shriveled wild fruits rolled out of it, which was unappetizing at first sight.

“We couldn’t find a water source, and we didn’t have any tools to hold water, so we had to use these wild fruits to replenish water.”

Ling Feng said calmly: "Now that we have become mortals, food and water are essential."


Fairy Qingping nodded. She has been a high-ranking young lady since she was a child. How could the fairy in everyone's heart know about these worldly things?

The mean donkey on the side dropped the wild boar and shouted loudly: "Boy, deal with it quickly, this beast is hungry!"

"Aren't you a donkey? Don't you eat grass?"

Ling Feng glared at Bitch angrily.

"Fart, you're the one eating grass, your whole family is eating grass! This beast wants to drink a lot of wine and eat big chunks of meat!"

The bitch stared at Ling Feng fiercely, "Roast this wild boar quickly!"

Ling Feng shook his head, there was no hope for this bitch.

Fortunately, when Ling Feng and his grandfather (Ling Kun) traveled to practice medicine, they often slept in the wild. He also had some cooking skills. He quickly cleaned out the internal organs of the wild boar, set up a grill, and started Grill it up.

Soon, a fragrance overflowed, and the entire cave was filled with the smell of barbecue, which made people's mouths tingle.

"Tick tock..."

The cheap donkey is the worst, and the saliva from his mouth drips on the ground. Without the demon essence, the cheap donkey has become a mortal donkey, and his stomach will naturally be hungry.


Fairy Qingping's pretty face turned slightly red. It turned out that her stomach was beginning to growl with hunger.

"Okay, it's time to eat."

Ling Feng said calmly.

Smelling the aroma of barbecue, Jianlu and Fairy Qingping couldn't bear it any longer and immediately reached out to grab the barbecue.


However, Ling Feng slapped Fairy Qingping on the back of her hand. Fairy Qingping felt pain and retracted her hand, looking at Ling Feng with a puzzled expression.

"The barbecue belongs to me and the donkey, and those wild fruits are yours."

Ling Feng pointed at the dry and shriveled wild fruits, then tore off a piece of roast meat, stuffed it into his mouth, and closed his eyes, seeming to enjoy it very much.

Fairy Qingping said angrily: "Why do you eat meat and I eat wild fruits?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyelids and said with an indifferent expression: "It's all done by me and the bitch, of course I have the final say! If you like it or not, you will be killed if you don't!"

"you you!"

Fairy Qingping had anxious tears in her eyes, but seeing that Ling Feng was still hard-hearted, she had no choice but to grab those wild fruits. After all, she was really hungry and couldn't stand it anymore.

However, while eating wild fruits, she regarded these wild fruits as Ling Feng's meat and glared at this man fiercely. Fortunately, she thought he was a guy she could rely on before!

What a hateful man! Stinky man!

Although the wild fruits don’t look very good, they taste pretty good, but how can they compare with the fragrant barbecue?

Soon, Jian Donkey and Ling Feng ate up most of the wild boar, leaving only a bit of the skeleton with some shredded meat stuck to it.


The bitch patted his round belly and lay down with great enjoyment. He raised his hooves and seemed very satisfied.

Most of these barbecued meats were killed by him, and Ling Feng only ate a very small part.

Ling Feng shook his head and said calmly: "After you have eaten, take a rest. I will keep vigil tonight and set off again early tomorrow morning."

After saying that, he walked directly to the outside of the cave and guarded it. This place was not safe, so naturally he could not relax his guard.

When Fairy Qingping saw Ling Feng walking out of the cave, and the donkey was fast asleep again, she looked at the remaining wild boar meat with greedy eyes, swallowed her saliva, and quickly turned her head away proudly, thinking who I, Yu Qingping, was. , I will not eat other people’s leftovers!

But soon, she couldn't hold back her hunger anymore. She gritted her teeth, carefully reached out her hand, tore off a piece of barbecue and stuffed it into her mouth.

The imagined smell of meat did not come, but instead a sour and disgusting earthy smell came straight to him.

"Bah, bah, bah!"

Fairy Qingping vomited immediately and almost even vomited out the wild fruits she had eaten.

" could this happen? Why are these wild boar meats so unpalatable?"

Fairy Qingping was still frightened. It smelled delicious, but when she put it in her mouth, it felt like eating a piece of rotten meat. It was extremely unpalatable.

Compared with these barbecued meats, those shriveled wild fruits are simply the best delicacies!

That guy Ling Feng, how can he eat this?

And this bitch, his mouth is full of oil after eating, he looks delicious!

"Hey, doesn't it taste delicious?"

At this moment, the sound of a mean donkey came to her ears. Fairy Qingping looked back and found that the black donkey was lying on its side, staring at her with a playful expression.

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