Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1592 The core area! (3 updates)

"It's... very unpleasant to eat..."

Fairy Qingping nodded and pursed her delicate lips.

The bitch looked at Fairy Qingping with disdain: "Nonsense, how delicious are the beasts born in such a place!"

"Then you still eat so deliciously!"

"Whether it tastes good or not, that's for you humans!"

The bitch raised his head proudly, "For this divine beast, as long as the food contains the power of Qi and blood, it is naturally delicious!"

For monsters, they can eat raw meat, wear fur, drink blood, and eat raw meat. Naturally, there is no problem that it is difficult to swallow.

Fairy Qingping bit her silver teeth and couldn't help but look at Ling Feng at the entrance of the cave. She murmured softly: "He is obviously a good person, but he deliberately pretends to be a bad person! Humph!"

With a slight snort, Fairy Qingping couldn't help but smile. No wonder Ling Feng had to close his eyes every time he swallowed the roasted meat. It turned out that he was not enjoying it, but forcibly swallowing it!

"That boy is like this, otherwise how could this divine beast like him and follow him!"

The bitch grinned, "Although this beast is usually not very polite to him, in my heart, he is my only companion."

"That's why you told me this, you don't want me to misunderstand him, right?" Fairy Qingping said in a low voice.

"Well, you are a bit clever."

The bitch nodded seriously, but secretly snickered in his heart: Would this divine beast do such a good thing? This mythical beast simply wants to see what kind of awesome and coaxing Wushuang Young Emperor there is with a touch of green on his head!

Perhaps, this is also one of the bad tastes of this bitch.

"I understand." Fairy Qingping took a deep breath, pursed her delicate lips and said, "He is indeed a good person! A very good person!"

The next morning, two people and one donkey continued on their way.

Because of what Bitch Donkey said last night, Fairy Qingping's attitude toward Ling Feng took a 180-degree turn and actually became very gentle.

Along the way, Ling Feng was carrying Fairy Qingping on his back, and Fairy Qingping hooked her arms around his neck very naturally, with a cheerful and relaxed expression. From time to time, she would point to a certain scenery with a smile on her lips.

If the Wushuang Young Emperor, who did not know whether he was alive or dead, was not weighing on her heart, perhaps she would have laughed heartily.

Ling Feng was confused for a while. Why did this woman suddenly change her gender?

Could it be that this woman still has masochistic tendencies, and if he said a few harsh words to her, it would actually make her feel good?


Thinking of this, Ling Feng felt a chill in his heart.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng didn't bother to think about it. He really couldn't understand such a creature as a woman, and he didn't bother to understand it.

On the other hand, the bitch gave Ling Feng a slutty smile from time to time, which made Ling Feng very irritated!

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed. Fortunately, Ling Feng was physically strong and carrying Fairy Qingping on his back did not affect his speed too much.

As for the miscellaneous fish encountered on the road, they are basically solved by cheap donkeys. It has to be said that in this realm of forbidden gods, his "Seventy-two Styles of Divine Donkey" is indeed very useful.

It's a pity that the only one who can get the true inheritance of this set of physical skills is Xiao Qiongqi, who has been sleeping soundly in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace all year round.

On this day, two people and one donkey finally arrived at the core of Higashikawa River!

Ahead, in an open area, there is a crack that appears out of thin air. It is hundreds of miles long and about one mile wide. It is a huge canyon.

Above the canyon, near the border on the Lingfeng side, there are about seventy or eighty people guarding it.

Even though they are not very strong, but there are so many people, Ling Feng will only be treated as a living target if he jumps out to fight head-on.

Moreover, if the senior elders of the Blood Shadow Alliance were alerted, Ling Feng might also be in danger.

The most important thing is that Ling Feng still carries the burden of Fairy Qingping.

At the bottom of the canyon, there were sometimes sounds of fighting and screams.

Most likely they are the trapped Donglingxianchi disciples!

Ling Feng took Fairy Qingping and Jianlu to a hidden place, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

Judging from this situation, Lin Mu's situation is not optimistic.

"How is your foot? Is it not healed yet?"

Ling Feng didn't think much, put Fairy Qingping down and started to take off her clothes.

"You...what are you going to do!"

Fairy Qingping was startled, what does this guy want to do?

Ling Feng glared at her angrily. Soon, following Ling Feng's movements, a set of dark-colored armor appeared in his hands, with faint thunder patterns surging on it.

"Put it on." Ling Feng ordered without hesitation.

Fairy Qingping was slightly stunned, a little curious as to where Ling Feng had taken out this armor.

"This is the Crazy Lightning Armor. After you put it on, it will automatically disappear and form a layer of defense on the body. I give it to you."

Ling Feng threw the armor casually and said calmly.

"Give it to me?" Fairy Qingping's eyelids twitched slightly.

Ling Feng said coldly: "Just put it on for you, so as not to get hit by some poisonous needle later, which will be very troublesome!"

This set of Crazy Lightning Armor was obtained when he entered the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower and passed many tests when he was in Tianwei Academy. It is a treasure with extremely strong defensive power.

However, he later practiced the "Eight Desolations Body Training Technique", so this armor became less important, but he wore it all the time. It wasn't until today that he remembered that he still had such a treasure to use.

In the case of being reduced to a "mortal", this kind of armor is a good thing!


Fairy Qingping felt warm in her heart, and after putting on the Crazy Lightning Armor, sure enough, the thunder pattern flashed, and the entire armor disappeared, as if it had no weight at all.

"How amazing! Aren't all weapons and magic weapons in the Forbidden God's Domain ineffective?"

Fairy Qingping couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I guess that the materials used to create this crazy lightning armor may not be found on the mainland, so the Forbidden God Realm cannot restrict the characteristics of this armor."

Ling Feng said calmly: "I tried it two days ago, and my original fire can still be activated."

Ling Feng's swallowing flames, because they had swallowed up the patrolling fires of the angel patrollers, had something outside the rules of this world, so they could not be imprisoned either.

Calculating it this way, Ling Feng still has the dragon-elephant divine power, plus the fourth-level flame swallowing that can be used. In this forbidden god realm, there is another guarantee.

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