Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1600 Division of labor and cooperation! (3 updates)

"Are you really willing to take out such a treasure and explode it?"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Fairy Qingping. The treasure, which is comparable to the origin of ice, is probably Fairy Qingping's magic weapon at the bottom of the box.

After all, any object with original attributes is enough to overwhelm the powerful emperors, and even the powerful semi-saints cannot ignore it.

"Don't think too much, I'm just here for Senior Brother Qin." Fairy Qingping squeezed her pink fist.

"Okay, if that's the case, then let's do it." Ling Feng finally nodded, and glared at the bitch angrily, "Look at you, you are greedy for life and afraid of death, you are not even as good as a woman, and you are a mythical beast! "


The mean donkey held a pair of hooves in front of his chest, "The reason why divine beasts are called divine beasts is mainly because they live long enough. If you rush forward if there is any danger, how can you live long!"


Ling Feng's head went dark. This bitch was so messy and full of nonsense that there was probably no one in the world who could compare with him.

At the edge of the canyon, the wind howled.

One hundred Blood Shadow Alliance disciples were in a tight formation, with one person stationed every hundred meters. At a glance, both sides of the canyon and within a few miles were occupied by dense guards. No disturbance could escape their eyes.


A vision came suddenly!

Above the eerily quiet canyon, such a strange phenomenon could be heard clearly.

The nervous guards suddenly looked around and saw a woman as beautiful as a fairy. After secretly attacking a guard, she quickly rushed down into the mine!

"Enemy attack!!"

The guard on guard at a high place immediately sent out a sharp signal!

After being wiped out by the group before, all of them were extremely energetic and did not dare to slack off. Now as soon as they discovered the enemy's traces, they immediately took action, and everyone reacted very quickly.

Fortunately, they found out that the other party was just a woman, so they felt a little relieved. However, it is inevitable that the previous tragic situation will happen again, and everyone does not dare to be careless.

Ling Feng was hiding in the dark, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but frown. These people were really on guard, and there were even many secret whistles hidden in the crevices high in the canyon.

If Fairy Qingping hadn't rushed out first to attract the enemy's attention, he might not have discovered the existence of these secret whistles.

"You bitch, I'll give you a secret whistle, is that okay?"

Ling Feng stared at the bitch and said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, this is no problem, but after we get the treasure under the mineral veins, this beast will take more than half of it!" The cheap donkey chuckled.

"Let's get it first and then talk about it!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. This guy started thinking about carving up the treasure even before he got it.

Whoosh whoosh——

The moment Fairy Qingping rushed towards the mine, almost all the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples rushed over with murderous intent.

"Holy shit, she's still a little girl!"

"You're such a pretty girl, it would be a waste if you kill her!"

As soon as they heard the word "little girl", the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples became even more excited, and they couldn't help but get closer and take a look.

As the saying goes, "Live for birds, die for birds, and worry about birds for the rest of your life" may not apply to all men, but it definitely applies to most men.

For things like beautiful women, even if you can’t get them, it’s good to take a look.

What's more, Fairy Qingping, who is so gorgeous, can be called the most beautiful woman in the inner sect even in a place like Dongling Fairy Pond where there are so many beauties.

"This little girl must be that Ling Feng's accomplice. Capturing her alive is a great achievement!"

The Blood Shadow Alliance disciples all had green eyes, and almost all of them were attracted to Fairy Qingping without caring about anything else.

Fairy Qingping just ran towards the entrance of the mine. Her speed was not fast. Seeing the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples around her gathering around her, she tightly clenched the Heavenly Cold Crystal in her hand.

No one noticed that when everyone gathered around Fairy Qingping, Ling Feng, who had been lurking in the dark for a long time, finally took action.

Those Blood Shadow Alliance disciples, like hungry wolves, rushed towards Fairy Qingping crazily.

The distance is close, getting closer!

"Hey, what is that? No, I fell into a trap! Everyone -"

At the high hidden sentry position, someone discovered that there was actually a figure that kept gathering into the canyon at a strange speed, and a warning signal was immediately sent!

However, before he could give warning, a huge donkey face appeared in front of him, his mouth opened wide, revealing his big white teeth: "Brother, what do you want to do?"

"Donkey...donkey...the black donkey has become a spirit!"

The secret whistle of the Blood Shadow Alliance screamed in surprise, but in the next moment, his neck had been broken by the donkey.

Before that, Jianlu had already easily eliminated several secret sentries one after another.

Two people and one donkey, the division of labor is clear and the cooperation is seamless.

The secret whistles were eliminated one after another, and the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples surrounded Fairy Qingping. This was undoubtedly a great opportunity!

"Little girl, let me touch you, hey hey hey!"

Finally, all the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples gathered within a hundred feet of Fairy Qingping!

Fairy Qingping then turned around and showed a cold and charming smile to everyone.


What seemed to be a small piece of ice crystal glowing with crystal color was thrown over heavily by Fairy Qingping.

While everyone was still confused, Ling Feng had already jumped up and punched the piece of cold crystal outside the sky with a heavy punch.


The dragon elephant's divine power suddenly exploded, and the cold crystals shattered in an instant!


The ice crystals exploded, and countless ice crystals exploded into pieces!



How terrifying and overbearing is the cold air that is close to the origin of ice crystals?

Even the peak emperor would probably be frozen in an instant, not to mention that within the realm of the Forbidden God, even the disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance who possess blood thunder and blood flames are only mortals.

At this time, the location of the explosion of the cold crystal outside the sky was quite clever, right above all the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples.

At the same time, the extreme ice exploded and spread in all directions. The air within ten feet of it was also condensed into ice slag!

Before those Blood Shadow Alliance disciples could even react, they were frozen into lumps of ice, and then "click, click, click", they were all smashed into pieces!

Even though it was Ling Feng, whose physique was different from that of ordinary people, and who had become an emperor in his physical body, he was shivering and trembling with cold.

Fortunately, he is a body of chaos and has great immunity to the power of extreme cold. Coupled with the use of flame-swallowing body protection, he finally survived.

However, those Blood Shadow Alliance disciples were not so lucky. Their blood flames could not withstand the cold energy erupting from the cold crystals outside the sky.

In just thirty breaths of time, hundreds of Blood Shadow Alliance disciples all died on the spot, and they didn't even realize what was going on until they died.

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