Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1601 Dapeng Demon Emperor! (4 more updates)


Ling Feng took a breath of cold air, his temples were covered with white frost, and even a thin layer of ice crystals had condensed on his body.

Fortunately, the body of chaos was still strong after all, and Ling Feng had already prepared to protect his body with swallowing flames. He was shocked, and the ice crystals around him shattered with a "click" and fell to the ground.

However, Fairy Qingping over there was completely fine. She stood in the center of the "Ice and Snow World" like an ice and snow fairy.


The black shadow flashed, and the bitch had already dealt with the secret whistles. He jumped back and entered the area where the cold air broke out. He couldn't help but shiver and exclaimed: "The cold crystal from the outside is really powerful!"

"Okay, don't waste time."

Ling Feng walked quickly to Fairy Qingping, but found that she looked weak. He frowned and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

"Hey, the outer cold crystal was this little girl's natural spiritual creature that day. Now if I take it out and explode it for you, I will naturally be weak for a while, and I'm afraid even my cultivation will be regressed."

The bitch said with a grin.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Ling Feng frowned and glared at the bitch.

"You didn't ask earlier!"

The bitch snorted. Ling Feng wanted him to attract firepower before, but Fairy Qingping was finally willing to sacrifice herself, so he wouldn't tell the truth stupidly.

"It doesn't matter. The most important thing is that we have dealt with these Blood Shadow Alliance disciples. Okay, let's get down quickly."

Fairy Qingping pursed her delicate lips and said, seeing that her breath was weak, she was even a little unsteady on her feet.


Ling Feng sighed softly, carried Fairy Qingping on his back again, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go!"

After saying that, Ling Feng rushed towards the mine and sneaked into the depths of the mine silently.

There was no need to specify the direction, Ling Feng already knew where they were trapped.

Because, a trace of screams and playful laughter floating in the air came from the front of the dark canyon. The weak firelight reflected the ghostly shadows with teeth and claws, so ferocious and ferocious.

Deep in the veins, a grotto in a dead end.

"Elder Hazy Moon!"

With a frightening roar, a white-haired old woman vomited blood and flew backwards!

At the entrance of the grotto, the elders of the Huanyue Temple were mainly responsible for guarding a narrow passage.

This time, Holy Princess Huiyue was sent to Dongxianchuan by the supreme leader to clear out the disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance. She brought a total of three senior elders from Huanyue Temple, namely Elder Cangyue, Elder Youyue and Elder Longyue.

Among them, Elder Youyue was in the belly of the God-Burying Monster Beast, and Elder Cangyue, although he was knocked unconscious by Ling Feng, was finally out of the shadow of the Blood Shadow Alliance for the time being.

As for the last Elder Long Yue, she is still trapped under the mine veins. Around her, there are many disciples and worshipers from the Dongling Immortal Pond. They have been trapped here for ten days!

In the past ten days, it was basically relying on Elder Wuyue to fight with his life to stop the disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance and protect his disciples for a while.

However, within the realm of the Forbidden God, even the powerful emperors have become mortals. With a lack of food and water, their situation is becoming more and more critical.

Not only are more and more people dying of hunger and thirst, but even Elder Hazy Moon is gradually losing his physical strength.

While being attacked in turn, they were deprived of food and water supplies. They barely managed to survive for ten days, which was almost Elder Hazy Moon's limit.

"Leave me alone! Guard the entrance of the cave!"

Elder Wuyue's mouth was still spurting blood, but he didn't care about his injuries and screamed loudly.

She was the last resort for the Donglingxianchi disciples in the cave, and at this moment, she was completely severely injured. I am afraid that the only way they will face next is to be completely wiped out.

The only three remaining worshipers from the inner gate of the early Great Emperor were covered in wounds. Gritting their teeth, they rushed forward to block the entrance of the cave!

The cave entrance and beyond were covered with corpses.

Outside the cave entrance, there was an extremely large golden roc, with an anthropomorphic grin flashing in its eyes. A strong wind was blowing in the golden feather grotto.

If Xu Xinghe were here, he would definitely recognize that this golden roc is the flying monster he mentioned before, the Roc Demon Emperor!

"Hahaha! Why, old guy, can't you hold on anymore?"

Dapeng uttered human words and sneered coldly.

There were only forty or fifty people left in the cave. They were all covered in blood and had unkempt hair and dirty faces. They still had the fairy-like appearance they had when they were in the sect.

For ten days, there was no water or food. Even today, not to mention fighting, most of them have lost the strength to stand.

Many people had already fainted from hunger, and those who could barely maintain their sanity were sore and weak. They leaned on the stone wall, forced their eyelids open, and looked desperately at the opening of the cave.

Now, even their only spiritual support, Elder Wuyue, seems to be unable to hold on.

Everyone understood that once Elder Hazy Moon fell, the only thing waiting for them would be disaster.

Elder Longyue's eyes flashed with sadness. She had almost run out of gas until this moment.

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