Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1602 Not good! It's Ling Feng! (1 update)

At the entrance of the cave, Elder Wuyue stabbed a spear deeply into his left shoulder and supported it on the ground, barely able to maintain a standing posture.

"It's been ten days and there are still no reinforcements..."

A trace of sadness appeared in Elder Wuyue's cloudy old eyes.

The Dapeng Demon Emperor's repeated attacks had shattered her internal organs and fractured her limbs, turning her into a useless person. The only fate waiting for her was death...

"Elder Haoyue, hold on. We have persisted for ten days. There must be hope!"

Some disciples who barely still had physical strength spoke words that they didn't even believe. Perhaps, this was the only reason for them to persevere.

Elder Wuyue leaned against the wall, twisted his head with difficulty, looked around at the disciples who were depressed, sad, desperate, or had dull eyes, and closed his eyes deeply.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, and a look of absolute certainty appeared on his old cheeks: "How many weapons do we still have in our hands?"

In order to guard the entrance of the cave, everyone's weapons were confiscated in the hands of those who could fight.

Several disciples with stronger physique dragged their tired bodies and searched for it.


A large number of broken weapons fell to the ground with a clatter.

Every weapon is stained with blood. Some belong to the enemy, but most of them belong to themselves.

All the weapons were piled together, exuding a bloody and cruel aura.

"Distribute to everyone who is still conscious."

Elder Wuyue said with absolute certainty: "You have seen the brutality of the Blood Shadow Alliance. As long as you are still alive, you will be tortured to death by them!"

During the ten-day siege, the ferocity of those Blood Shadow Alliance disciples far exceeded imagination!

They tried to rush in several times, but were repulsed, but each time some people were captured alive.

Men were tortured to death by various bloody methods. Some were tortured and killed for several days before they finally died!

Women who were even remotely beautiful were defiled and defiled by them in turn in front of all the disciples of Donglingxianchi!

Before death, the painful screams and shrill roars deeply destroyed their will.

These Blood Shadow Alliance disciples use this method to break their will.

"Get your weapons!"

A string of tears rolled down Elder Yuyue's eyes, and his voice was slightly choked with sobs: "If you are scared, just kill yourself..."

End it on your own...

The cruel voice echoed in everyone's ears.

But no one refuted.

In everyone's heart, they have long lost hope of survival, and they are only relying on instinct to resist.

Those disciples who could still move bit their lips, but they could only distribute the weapons silently.

In contrast, if it fell into the hands of those Blood Shadow Alliance disciples, it would be more satisfying to end it on its own.


Some disciples who had already lost their strength could not even hold their weapons and were begging with difficulty.


The disciple who distributed the weapons squatted down, with tears in his eyes, and pierced his companion's chest deeply with the dagger.

But that disciple, with a hint of relief and relief in his eyes, tears falling from the corners of his eyes, gently said a silent thank you to the disciple who killed him.

Inside the grotto, the atmosphere was extremely desperate.

When there is no hope of survival, perhaps dying more happily is also a kind of luck.

"Give me more, she's passed out!"

A disciple covered in blood with several deep bruises on his chest was sitting on the stone wall, with an unconscious female disciple leaning on his legs.

They are Taoist lovers. If it comes to the last moment, he will help his woman escape first!

When the weapons were distributed, Elder Hazy Moon resigned himself to his fate and closed his eyes. He endured the sting from his broken arm and adjusted his clothes.

This is the costume of the elder of Donglingxianchi, a silver-grey robe embroidered with the symbolic totem of Huanyue Temple.

Although it was soaked in blood and in tatters, Elder Wuyue still tidied it up seriously.

Even if she dies, she will die solemnly as the elder of Donglingxianchi.

This scene touched everyone's heart.

They struggled to sort out their messy, damaged clothes and messy hair.

Outside the cave, Demon Emperor Dapeng sneered at the disciples of Donglingxianchi in the cave, but he just watched with cold eyes and did not take any further action.

"Master Demon Emperor, why don't you continue to take action?"

A Blood Shadow Alliance disciple asked respectfully.

If he continues to enter the palace, given Elder Wuyue's current state, within half a moment, all the people inside will be dead.

Demon Emperor Dapeng, with amusement in his eyes: "Don't you think it's interesting to see these humans struggling to death? Hahaha!"


The disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance sneered in agreement. This Dapeng Demon Emperor is the mount of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance. Although his cultivation level is only the first-level Demon Emperor, within the realm of the Forbidden God, with his flying ability and powerful demon body, , but it was enough to trap Elder Wu Yue, who was at the sixth level of the Destiny Realm, to death in the mine.

This sense of accomplishment makes this beast somewhat unable to extricate itself.

In fact, if this beast hadn't enjoyed the pleasure of torturing humans, the battle here would have been over long ago.

"But Mr. Demon Emperor, Elder Chi is pressing hard, and these people must be dealt with as soon as possible. It seems that there is a troublesome Dongling Immortal Pool disciple outside, and you need to come forward." A Blood Shadow Alliance disciple next to him said in a deep voice. .

"Oh? With the Forbidden God Realm, are there any humans that would make that guy Chi Duanshui feel troublesome? Interesting!"

The Demon Emperor Dapeng nodded, "Okay, then I will reluctantly show some kindness to those humans and let them die faster."

"Haha, the Demon Emperor is wise!"

The Demon Emperor Dapeng sneered, pointed his huge golden wings forward, and said coldly: "Go in and kill!"

Elder Longyue closed his eyes deeply and screamed tragically: "Beast! You are not worthy of my life!"


However, just when Elder Wuyue was about to take action, there was a sudden explosion in the air, as if something was being thrown at him!

The Dapeng Demon Emperor suddenly shot into the distance with his sharp eyes!

One black and one white, two daggers, like thunder, flew from a distance.

"Hmph! Junior He Fang!"

The Demon Emperor Dapeng snorted, his golden wings flapped, and the strong wind roared, forcing the two daggers to fly away.

Looking angrily, he saw a young man, carrying a pretty woman on his back, and a muscular black donkey beside him, running towards this side at an extremely terrifying speed.


With a low shout, the two long swords returned the same way they came. Although he lost his Yuan Power, Ling Feng could still control the double blades of nothingness with his sword intention!

However, what surprised Ling Feng was that the monster bird was able to use the power of a pair of flesh wings to release such a terrifying gust of wind. Missed every time.

This big bird is difficult to deal with!

"A man, a woman, and a donkey! It's broken!"

The Blood Shadow Alliance disciple who advised Dapeng Demon Emperor to deal with Elder Wuyue as soon as possible had his eyelids twitching wildly and exclaimed, "No, it's Ling Feng!"

The disciple immediately drew out his weapon and glared angrily: "Ling Feng, how did you get down here!"

There are obviously hundreds of disciples guarding outside the mine, and there are so many secret sentries set up. As soon as Ling Feng shows his head, there will definitely be someone to report it!

Is it possible that this guy can still become invisible?

This is simply unbelievable!

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