Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1604 You fell into the trap! (3 updates)

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it looks like this guy's life is really valuable!"

Ling Feng grinned and sneered, and directly pinched the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple's shoulder with his other hand.


With a crisp sound, the disciple's shoulder blades were crushed to pieces by Ling Feng.

"Big stupid bird, if you hesitate for a second longer, I will crush one more of his bones!" Ling Feng stared at the Demon Emperor Dapeng coldly and said in a cold voice.

Demon Emperor Dapeng turned around with his bird eyes, and even thought of capturing the disciples of Dongling Fairy Pond as a means of blackmail.

However, Elder Wuyue actually got up again and defended the entrance of the cave. If she fought to the death, Demon Emperor Dapeng was not sure that he could subdue Elder Wuyue instantly.


While Demon Emperor Dapeng was thinking, the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple screamed again. Demon Emperor Dapeng stared angrily and immediately shouted: "Stop this!"

"Junior, you probably don't know yet, but he is a disciple of Yuan Yangzi, the second elder of our Blood Shadow Alliance. If you dare to kill him, you will fight to the death with my Blood Shadow Alliance!"

The Demon Emperor Dapeng coldly threatened.

"Oh?" Ling Feng grinned, "Then I really have to thank you, the stupid bird, for telling me! Otherwise, I really didn't know that his life was actually more valuable than I thought! Okay, you You can give it a try, if I kill this kid, who will Yuanyangzi fight to the death with first?"

Ling Feng's words immediately caused Demon Emperor Dapeng's expression to change, and he secretly regretted it in his heart.

"Hahaha, you are indeed a big stupid bird!"

The little donkey couldn't help but burst out laughing. The Demon Emperor Dapeng glared at him coldly. The lowly donkey stretched out his hand and pinched the hostage's calf, breaking his calf with a snap.

"Why are you staring? This divine beast has a hostage in its hands now!"

Knowing that he was safe for the time being, that bitch started to harbor hatred again.


Demon Emperor Dapeng was so angry that his eyes were spitting fire, and he shouted: "Don't mess around!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ling Feng's mouth: "Get out of here! If you stay here within three breaths, don't blame me, Ling Feng, for being ruthless!"

Although the Demon Emperor Dapeng was angry, he could only flap his wings and fly away from the hole. However, when he flew high into the sky, a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes.

The Demon Emperor Dapeng said coldly: "Okay! Junior, you are very courageous. I have made a mistake! I will temporarily spare the lives of these reptiles! However, if you dare to hurt that kid again, I can’t spare you!”

"Hehe, now he is my life-saving talisman, so I won't do anything random."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. After hearing this, the Demon Emperor Dapeng flapped his wings and seemed to be about to leave.


Seeing that it was about to leave this place, but at this moment, its direction suddenly changed, and it suddenly shot towards the direction of the grotto!


Although its huge body couldn't get into the grotto, it blocked the grotto tightly. When its wings flapped, it carried terrifying power.

The two sides confronted each other on the spot.

The Demon Emperor Dapeng took control of the lives of the people in Donglingxianchi.

Ling Feng controlled the direct disciples of the senior elders of the Blood Shadow Alliance.

Right now, there is nothing anyone can do!

A trace of struggle covered Ling Feng's face.

If he really lets go of the hostages, not only the great elders may not be able to save them, but even he himself will be killed.

Judging from the performance just now, this Dapeng Demon Emperor is extremely cunning and has no credibility at all!

But if you don’t let go!

I'm afraid the first one to die is Elder Wuyue.

The two sides faced off, and Demon Emperor Dapeng threatened Ling Feng with the lives of Elder Wuyue and others.

However, a group of disciples were willing to die rather than become a burden.

"Senior Brother Ling, don't worry about us!"

"Everyone is destined to die, Senior Brother Ling, avenge us!"

"Shut up, everyone!"

The Dapeng Demon Emperor was furious, stared at Ling Feng coldly, and neighed fiercely: "Hmph! Boy, I'll give you three numbers. If you don't let them go, I'll kill them without leaving a trace!"

Ling Feng looked struggling!




"Ha, very good!" Demon Emperor Dapeng snorted coldly, "Do you really think I don't dare to take action? Give me -"

The sound stopped suddenly, and for a moment, everyone saw only a black shadow falling from the sky, which seemed to be—

Dark ass!

"Big stupid bird, you fell into the trap!"

A familiar and lewd laughter sounded from behind Demon Emperor Dapeng. It was the bitch who had jumped behind Demon Emperor Dapeng. In his hand, he was still holding a ring as black as ink.

Then, he hit the Dapeng Demon Emperor hard on the head.

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